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Exercise 6. Translate into English.



The show is likelyto become a hit. По всей вероятности {очевидно), спектакль будет иметь большой успех (станет сенсацией).

How do you account forthe success of this play ? Как вы объясните успех этой пьесы?

As far as I knowit was a great success. Насколько я знаю, он (спектакль) имел большой успех

Let’s go to the cinema/theatre on Sunday! = Do you fancy going to the cinema/theatre on Sunday? – Давай пойдем в кино/театр в воскресенье

Exercise 1.Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

He is to agree with us.

likely to read the novel.

They are to compete in track and field


to make a tour of Siberia next year

Exercise 2.Transform these sentences according to the model.

I think he will become a famous painter.

He is likely to become a famous painter.

1. She thinks they will change their minds. 2. He believes they will take strong measures. 3. I think she will apologize to them. 4. He believes they will play a game of chess after lunch.

Exercise 3.Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

do you the success of his first novel?

How does he account for Mary's absence?

did he your being late?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences using the table and translate them:

I know the performance was a great success,

As far as he remembers she was a talented actress

everyone liked his painting

I can remember, we all agreed to join them.

Exercise 5. Transform the following sentences according to the example.

Example: Let’s go to the cinema/theatre on Sunday! = Do you fancy going to the cinema/theatre on Sunday?

1. Let’s book the seats beforehand.

2. Let’s take opera-glasses.

3. Let’s meet outside the theatre.

4. Let’s ask the usher to show us to our seats.



1. act - действие, акт

2. audience ['o:diəns] - публика, зрители, аудитория (употр. с глаголом в ед. и мн. числе);

3. audition - театр, проба, прослушивание, смотр актеров на исполнение ролей

4. booking clerk [kla:k] - кассир (театральной, ж.д. билетной или багажной кассы)

5. box- ложа

6. box-office n театральная касса

7. cast - театр, состав исполнителей (в данном спектакле); актерский состав {употр. с глаголом в ед. и мн. числе);

8. circle - ярус

9. circle, pit - амфитеатр

10. company - постоянная труппа {артистов); ансамбль

11. curtain -занавес;

12. curtain-call - повторный вызов исполнителя;

13. dress-circle - бельэтаж

14. dressing-room ['dresiŋrum] -актерская уборная

15. genre - жанр, манера, стиль.

16. interpretation - интерпретация, толкование;

17. make-up - грим, косметика

18. notice ['noutis] извещение, уведомление, предупреждение

19. opening - первое представление, открытие сезона; Syn. first night

20. playwright ['pleirait] - драматург;

21. producer - режиссер - постановщик, продюсер

22. purpose - цель, намерение; for the purpose of doing smth. с целью сделать что-л.;

23. rehearsal - репетиция; dress rehearsal генеральная репетиция;

24. repertoire -репертуар

25. row [rou] -ряд;

26. scenery - декорация

27. sense of humour ['hju:mə] - чувство юмора;

28. show - зрелище, спектакль,представление

29. sidewalk ['saidwo:k] Am.- тротуар; Br. Pavement

30. spectator - зритель

31. stage - сцена; эстрада

32. stage director художественный руководитель

33. stall - театр, место в партере;

34. stalls - партер

35. understudy - театр. дублер

36. upper circle- балкон

37. wings - театр, кулисы

Verbs and verbal phrases:

1. admit [ad'mit] - признавать, допускать;.

2. afford smth.- позволять себе что-л.; to afford to do smth. быть в состоянии сделать что-л.;

3. applaud - аплодировать, рукоплескать; to applaud smb.;

4. be a (big) hit иметь (большой) успех, произвести (шумную) сенсацию;

5. be on – 1идти (о фильме, пьесе) 2. зд.быть занятым в спектакле

6. cheer - аплодировать; приветствовать или награждать одобрительными возгласами и аплодисментами;

7. convince - убеждать, уверять; to be convinced убедиться, быть убежденным

8. encourage - поощрять, поддерживать; воодушевлять;

9. fix - Am. приготовить, сделать на скорую руку (обед и т.п.); She fixed lunch for children.

10. get stuck - застрять, задержаться

11. go on - выходить на сцену

12. have a good (a hearty) laugh at smb., smth. - от души посмеяться над кем-л., чём-л.; laugh смеяться;

13. hesitate ['heziteit] - колебаться, сомневаться, не решаться; to hesitate to do smth. не решаться сделать что-л.,

14. hire ['haiə] - нанимать

15. imagine - воображать, представлять себе

16. include - содержать, иметь в своем составе

17. keep smb. from doing smth. (from smth.) (kept) - мешать, препятствовать кому-л. делать что-л

18. laugh at smb.- посмеяться над кем-л.;

19. offer - предлагать кому-л. что-л., сделать что-л.; suggest smth -предлагать, подавать идею;

20. pace - ходить взад и вперед

21. perform - исполнять роль

22. praise - хвалить, восхвалять, превозносить; to praise to the skies превозносить до небес;

23. produce - ставить (.пьесу, кинокартину);

24. rehearse - репетировать;

25. run (ran, run) - идти (о пьесе, фильме);

26. seat - вмещать, помещать;

27. seek (sought [so:t]) an answer to smth. - искать ответа на что-л.

28. sell out - ( обыкн. passive) распродать;

29. set up - основывать, учреждать;

30. shake (shook, shaken) - дрожать, трястись

31. survive - оставаться в живых, выжить, уцелеть, survival - выживание

32. take up - рассмотреть (вопрос и т. п.); проявить интерес к чему-л.


1. contemporary -современный

2. tremendous - громадный, огромный, потрясающий;.


Exercise 1.Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

I. He suggested that we should see the new musical. 2. As the curtain went up the audience began to applaud. 3. We did not hesitate to go and see the new comedy as we were sure it would be a hit. 4. If he offered to buy tickets for today's matinee we would certainly agree. 5. Mendoza praised the drawings Charles showed him after he returned from Paris. 6. Mrs Hornby could not keep her son from becoming a professional hockey-player. 7. If her husband had not encouraged her she would not have accepted the offer. 8. "How did you like the show?" "It's wonderful." 9. I wish you had a sense of humour. 10. The producer allowed us to attend the dress rehearsal. 11. You shouldn't hesitate to become a painter. 12. Is the date of the opening fixed? 13. She said she would think the offer over. 14. John suggested that they should fix the date for the next meeting. 15.1 don't think he can afford a holiday now.

Exercise 2.Make up sentences using these tables and translate them

a) I whether to offer John a ticket

They hesitate

whether to accept their offer.


b) I to book the seats for the first night

He offered to fix everything for the meeting


They, to help them

to stage his new play


c) He suggests that they should have a dress rehearsal next week

that they announce the talks take place next month

She suggest that she allow her son to go in for hockey

that John should fix the date of the appointment

They suggested that they have a break now.

Exercise 3.Insert the words given below.

1. If John were offered a new job, he would ... it immediately. 2. Nothing could ... Michelangelo ... becoming a sculptor. 3. It is pleasant to deal with him. He is always so.... 4. When the show was over, and the curtain ......and then ... the audience stood and .. for a long time. 5. The critics ... to the skies the second novel of the young writer. 6. You should learn these expressions ... . 7. "How long ...this comedy......?" "I suppose, for about a month." 8. "I wonder how many films they are going . . . this year?" "Quite a few, I believe." 9. The ... enjoyed the performance as the ... was really excellent. 10. Mary ... to buy tickets for the ... as she will have time today.


cast, to applaud, cheerful, to praise, to produce, to offer, to go down, up, by heart, show, to run, to accept, to keep from, audience

Exercise 4.Insert prepositions or adverbs.

a) to be

1. "Is Mr Brown ...?" "No, he is ... . He will be ... in 15 minutes." 2. "I'll be ... as soon as the meeting is..." 3. "Where is Peter? He is ... . He'll be ... tomorrow."

b) to go

1. The curtain went ... and everybody saw Shirley MacLaine. 2. The curtain went..., the performance was over. 3.You should go......sport, it is good for health. 4. He went... to say that they had a lot to do that week. 5. We suggested going ... the cinema but he said he would not be able to join us. 6. John went... doing the translation.

7. The curtain went up, then ... but the audience went ... applauding.

Exercise 5. Insert articles wherever necessary.

Notes: adult ['ad/\lt] взрослый

legend ['led¥әnd] легенда

negotiate [ni'gou∫ieit] вести переговоры

1. Sergei Obraztsov is ... founder of the State Central Puppet Theatre. ... theatre was founded in 1931. In ... fifty years of its existence ... theatre produced over sixty plays.

When ... theatre was opened it was intended for ... children. But time showed that ... adults* became interested in ... puppet theatre, too.... first show produced for ... adults in 1940 was called "Aladdin's Lamp". It became ... hit. "... Unusual Concert", another show for ... adults, has been ... tremendous success for many years now.

2. Galina Ulanova, prima ballerina of Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre Ballet, is ... most exciting theatrical personality of ... 20th century.

Her name has been ... legend** here for years and those interested in ... arts listened eagerly to ... tales of ... travellers from Moscow who had been lucky enough to see her dance at... Bolshoi Theatre. Ever since ... war our Royal Opera has been negotiating*** for ... Bolshoi Theatre Ballet to appear in London and we all hoped that Ulanova would head ... company in some of-her most famous parts.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Он предложил нам пойти в театр, так как новый мюзикл имел большой успех. Мы с радостью согласились. 2. Я видел Поля Робсона в роли Отелло. Это был потрясающий Отелло. Мы аплодировали ему бесконечно, и я не помню, сколько раз поднимался занавес, и вызывали актера. 3. Успех молодой актрисы в этой маленькой роли был настолько велик, что режиссер решил предложить ей главную роль в новой пьесе. 4. Труппа репетировала пьесу уже три месяца, но режиссеру все еще не нравились отдельные сцены. 5. Музыкальная комедия «Моя прекрасная леди» по пьесе. Бернарда Шоу «Пигмалион» была впервые поставлена в США. Спектакль имел большой успех. Состав исполнителей был прекрасный. Публика восхищалась музыкой, танцами и игрой актеров. 6. Вы хотите пойти на утренний спектакль? — С удовольствием. 7. Давайте посмотрим этот фильм, он идет уже неделю. 8. Зрители приветствовали актеров одобрительными возгласами и долго аплодировали им.

Text 1

Exercise 1.Read and translate the text .

Names: Richard Bissel ['rit∫әd 'bizl] Ричард Биссел

Steve [sti:v] Стив

George Abbot [d¥o:d¥ 'æbat J Джордж Эбот

Carol Haney ['kærl 'heni ] Кэрол Хейни

Hal Prince [hæl prins] Хэл Принс

Shirley MacLaine ['∫ə:li mak'lein ] Шерли Маклейн

Notes: fix 1. Am. приготовить, сделать на скорую руку (обед и т.п.)

whenever – когда бы ни; всякий раз когда

ankle ['a;nkl] лодыжка

purse кошелек

impatient а нетерпеливый

take a deep breath глубоко вздохнуть

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