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Describe the information presented below, comparing results for men and women in the categories shown. Suggest reasons for what you see.

Sample Answer:
The given column graph shows information on the amount of unpaid works done by men and women of different categories.

As is presented in the illustration, married women who don't have children do the unpaid-works (gardening, child care and household works) 30 hours per week whereas married men do the similar unpaid jobs for about 18 hours per week. Women, who have one or two children do such work for 50 hours/week but the men from the same category do only 17hours (approximately) each week. The women who have more than 3 kids seem to work highest amount of unpaid works per week and that is nearly 60 hours. Surprisingly male from the same category work even less; amounting only 16 hours (approximately) of unpaid works.

In summary, women do the most of the unpaid jobs compared to men and with the increased number of children this workload for women increases. This is possibly because more men than women get busy at paid job and women stay home more than men do. As a consequence, women have to do more unpaid jobs like childcare, gardening, cooking and household tasks than men.

(Approximately 191 words)

( This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.)

Tips for answering this Academic IELTS writing task 1:

1. Look at the question carefully. It asks you to compare the result shown for men and women. So you should not only mention the figures given in the graph. Rather you should use comparisons. An example of comparison is: "The number of unpaid working hours increases for women with the increase of their children's number but that does not affect the total unpaid works done by the men."

2. The question also asks you to suggest reason for what you see. So you would require to give reasons why the women works more unpaid works that men do and why their working hours in unpaid works increases with the number of total children.

3. There is an interesting fact in the result of the bar graph i.e. men with more than 3 children work even less for the unpaid jobs. Mention this interesting fact in your writing.

4. Since, no past year or month is mentioned in this bar graph, your answer should be in present tense. Example: Women spend more time on such unpaid household works than men do.

Summary of the bar graph:
This graph shows the total hour of unpaid jobs like child rearing, house hold works, cooking, cleaning, gardening etc done by male and female per week. The result of this graph is not related to the paid job of men of women. The result suggests that females spend more time on such jobs than men do. Again, female with more children works more hours than other females. Interestingly the numbers of hours men work in such unpaid works remain almost same regardless of their children number.

Answers submitted by our students:

Answer 1:
The given line graph compares the hours of non-paid jobs done by male and female with different number of child in an average week. As is observed from the graphs, women worked significantly more hours than men for the house hold works like child caring, gardening etc. Also the number of hourly works done as un-paid works got higher with the increase of child number.

As is presented in the line graph, married women work around 30 hours per week for household unpaid works while the men from same category work for only 18 hours. The works done by female with 1-2 children per week is more than 50 hours and with 3 plus children the work done by female is 60 hours. Interestingly, amount of unpaid jobs done by male does not change with the number of kids they have except for the men with more than three kids who works even less in unpaid household works.

In conclusion we can say that, the amount of unpaid works like household works and child caring increases for women with the increase of their kids number but for men this remain same. And female works significantly more hours for that type of house hold works than the men do.

(Approximately 208 words)

Answer 2:
The given bar graph depicts the average hours of unpaid work done in a week by different categorized people such as married women and men without children, with 1-2 children and with more than 3 children. The first point to note is that, men have done almost equal number of hours of work in all three categories.

Men occupied with unpaid works around 18 hours per week in the given groups. On the other hand, women of the given two categories were engaged with 3 fold hours of men’s unpaid work. That is, 50 and 55 hours per week by married women with 1-2 children and with more than 3 children respectively. Interestingly, married women without children have done almost half of it that is 30 hours per week.

To sum up, it is clear from the graph that married women were doing more hours of unpaid work compared to married men irrespective of their number of children.

(Approximately 208 words | Written by - Jayesh Joseph)



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