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Select the LINE command and then use 'object snap' with the INT option.

On disk.

The system variable SPLINETYPE determines?whether the 'curve' option of the PEDIT command produces a spline curve or a fit curve

The effect of setting the system variable SKPOLY to a value of 1 is that-in sketch mode all subsequent lines are polylines,

The command to create a filled circle is-Donut

The effect of setting FILL to OFF is that - wide polylines are shown as unfilled lines.

The effect of the EXPLODE command when applied to a block is to?reduce a block to its constituent entities to allow editing.

The array command is useful because with it one can-Copy a single object, or a group of objects and make a new and regular group with it/them

The ‘select object’ option ‘Last” is best described by Picks the last drawn single object, that is visible on the screen

The ‘select object’ option ‘Previous” is best described by Picks the previous object in a Window or Crossing selection

There are at least eleven options to the “select objects” prompt. Which of the following has an incorrect option? P SI A

The special character string that is used to print the diameter sign is –%%c

The text option that prompts the user for two endpoints and then automatically calculates the text height and positions the text between the two points is chosen from this AutoCAD prompt Align/Fit/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR

Which one is correct?center

The special character string that causes text to be undefined is –%u

The effect of QTEXT being ON is to?speed up drawing regeneration by replacing text within rectangles

The MAXIMUM number of commands whose effect can be undone by the UNDO command is?all commands issued since the drawing was last loaded into the drawing editor

To reverse the UNDO command the correct entry is –REDO

The command to scale a paper space viewport to half the drawn size is –Zoom 0.5xp

To disable the layer is?Making layers invisible

To blocking layer is?Blocking layer

The command "Split" allows to:Partition object into segments

To create a drawing layers we use the control panel ...Layers

To create a circle by default in AutoCAD?Using the center

The function "Copy" command?to create a copy of the selected objects

The Chamfer command is used to?Trims two intersecting lines at a given distance from the intersection point and closes the truncated part.

The template of drawing document stored in a file format:Dwt

Through which menu you can set the paper size?Format drop-down menu

*The multileaders 4,8,9 represent: Collected Multileaders

The following are some of the properties and settings that you can save in a layout, exceptline weight

The following settings can be made for polar tracking Track using all polar angles settings

To continue drawing a line from the last known point, enter > @

The line types definitions ore stored on the system with an extension of?LIN

The shortcuts or command alias that allows us to key in L and AutoCAD responds with LINE are stored in a file named ACAD.PGP

The positron of a mouse on a surface is NOT directly related to the position of the screen cursor. This makes the mouse unsuitable for -Selecting two points on the screen for a line draw operation.

The correct command to make a PS viewport display at a given scale is:Zoom nXP in PS

*The 30mm diameter circle in the picture above has to be positioned 30mm from the too edges shown. Which of the following combinations of AutoCAD commands will produce the required results most efficiently Set a new UCS on the corner at the correct angle, then CIRCLE 30,30 15

The command to create a filled circle is -Donut

The divide commanddivides an object info equal parts

The effect of freezing a layer is to?'display the layer but prevent editing of it

The command to create a filled circle is-Donut

The effect of setting FILL to OFF is that - wide polylines are shown as unfilled lines.

The ‘select object’ option ‘Previous” is best described byPicks the previous object in a Window or Crossing selection

The array command is useful because with it one can-Copy a single object, or a group of objects and make a new and regular group with it/them

The effect of the EXPLOD command when applied to a block is to?reduce a block to its constituent entities to allow editing.

The use of blocks allows libraries of standard parts to be developed and saved for latter use. Blocks may be stored - on disk.

The SETVAR command is used to?change the values of the system variables

The system variable SPLINETYPE determines?whether the 'curve' option of the PEDIT command produces a spline curve or a fit curve

The effect of setting the system variable SKPOLY to a value of 1 is that-in sketch mode all subsequent lines are polylines,

To reverse the UNDO command the correct entry is – REDO

The command to scale a paper space viewport to half the drawn size is –Zoom 0.5xp

The MAXIMUM number of commands whose effect can be undone by the UNDO command is?all commands issued since the drawing was last loaded into the drawing editor

The special character string that causes text to be undefined is –%u

The effect of QTEXT being ON is to?speed up drawing regeneration by replacing text within rectangles

The text option that prompts the user for two endpoints and then automatically calculates the text height and positions the text between the two points is chosen from this AutoCAD prompt Align/Fit/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR

The special character string that is used to print the diameter sign is –%%c

*The shape above is based on a 10 unit module. Which is the correct set of codes to draw this shape, starting at the lower left and moving anti clock wise?0,0 10,0@10,10 10,10@0,20 0,30 c

*There are four objects on the screen, a Circle, Square, Triangle and Rectangle. Which of the statements describes the object(s) that will be selected using the “Window” method of selection?All but the circle

The ‘select object’ option ‘Last” is best described byPicks the last drawn single object, that is visible on the screen

*There are four objects on the screen, a Circle, Square, Triangle and Rectangle. Which of these statements describes the object(s) that will be selected using the “crossing” method of selection?Both the Triangle and the Square

There are at least eleven options to the “select objects” prompt. Which of the following has an incorrect option?P SI A


Undo the last executed command? Cancel;

UCS – is the abbreviation of the coordinate system User

Using object snaps to select points for Inquiry commands is Critical False

Using Purge command we can purge referenced blocks.True


Which one of the following is the BEST procedure for drawing a line from the point of intersection of a line and a circle?

Select the LINE command and then use 'object snap' with the INT option.

Which of the following statements is false -The sketch command is used to draw those parts of a drawing normally drawn freehand.

Which of the following statements is true – ZOOM ALL will reach beyond the drawing limits if an object is there

Which of the following options of the UNDO command allows the undo facility to be disabled?AUTO

Which of the following commands forces AutoCAD to revise the entire drawing taking into account the effect of changes within the system?CHANGE

Which of the following commands allows simultaneous pan and zoom?ZOOM DINAMIC

Which of the following commands CANNOT be undone?SAVE

Which of the following commands would be used to limit the movement of the cursor to specified increments?SNAP

Which one of the following commands can be used to turn the grid through 45 degrees?1:1

Which of the following BEST defines a ’prototype’ or ‘template’ drawing?a meaning of setting the initial drawing environment for new drawings

When using AutoCAD for the design of a mechanical component measuring 1000mm by 500mm, the dimensions would normally be entered at a scale of?1:1

What option would be selected following the TEXT command to set a different type of text to that currently in use? NEW

Which of the following is an AutoCAD font for mathematical symbols? MATHC

Which one is correct?center

Which one of the following is the correct input?1500<30 @2000<90

Which one of the following is an AutoCAD absolute point co-ordinate?@361,270

Which of the following commands will NOT place some form of text within the drawing-STYLE

When is a space NOT interpreted as the enter key?The space is always an alternative to the enter key

Which one of the following is an AutoCAD relative polar coordinate?@81<30

Which one of the following would draw a vertical line 30 units in length from a previously defined point given as 30,50?30,80

Which one of the following statements is true?The origin of a User Co-ordinate System can be relocated anywhere in the World Co-ordinate system

What is denoted by the letter R? Radius

What is the minimum distance between two parallel lines of communications

schemes: 1 mm

What angle are between an axis of x and y axis' in rectangular isometric view: 90 °

What do you call a line perpendicular to the plane of projection:Projecting

What is the name projection when all projecting lines perpendicular plane of projection:Rectangular

What is the height of the capital letter of the 7th font:H = 5 mm

What is the shortest distance from the contour line to the first dimension line:10 mm

What is the sign: size 40 on screw-thread S40x6 (P2) LH?The nominal diameter.

What is the sign: size 6 on screw-thread S40x6 (P2) LH?Stroke.

What is the sign: (P2) on screw-thread S40x6 (P2) LH?Step.

What type of screw-thread: Metric?Fixing.

What type of screw-thread: Pipe?-Sealing Fasteners

What type of screw-threads: trapezoidal?Running

What type of screw-thread: Tough?Sealing

What does the sign before the dimension value?Taper

What is a screw-thread?The set of protrusions and depressions made by the helix on a cylindrical or conical surfaces

What base is called construction base?Combination of surfaces, lines or points, determine the position of parts in the mechanism.

What does the sign of the dimension value?in the base square

*What does the sign of S in the image detail? Part thickness

What place should be take dimension value relative to the dimension line?Above the dimension line

What dimensions are called reference?Dimensions unused during the machining of a workpiece

Which one of the following is the maximum number of layers which can be defined in an AutoCAD drawing?UNLIMITED

Which one of the following commands can be used to obtain information about a selected object?LIST

When breaking a circle the break will occur in the horizontal direction

Which one of the following statements is False? Plines can be filed but not outlined.

Which of the following shapes CANNOT be drawn by the polygon command? Rectangle

Which of the following statements is false An object on a locked layer cannot be modified

*With reference to the picture above and in particular the angle at the lower right corner. The angle one would key in to draw the line would depend on where the start point was. Which one of the following would NOT produce the required line? 135

Which one of the following system variables disables the prompt which asks for attribute values, and causes attributes to be set to their defaults?ATTPROMPT

Which one of the following best defines attributes as used in AutoCAD and defined by the command DDATTDEF.Special text entities within a block.

What is the significance of using the command WBLOCK?the block is written to disk and can be used later in other drawings.

Which one of the following methods should be used to repeat a complex part in a drawing in order to minimize file size?create a BLOCK then use INSERT

Which one of the following is a correct statement regarding AutoCAD blocks?Blocks can only be inserted into a drawing if they already exist in that drawing,

Which one of the following allows the value of the system variable PICKBOX to be changed whilst in the ERASE command? SETVAR pickbox or PICKBOX

Which one of the following system variables determines the visibility of the control points of a plane spline curve?SPLFRAME

Which of the following system variables controls the accuracy of approximation of a spline curve?SPLINESEGS

Which one of the following commands can be used to change the value of a system variable? SETVAR

Which of the following statements is false -The sketch command is used to draw those parts of a drawing normally drawn freehand.

What option would be selected following the TEXT command to select a different type of text to that currently in use?NEW

Which one of the following commands CANNOT be undone?SAVE

Which one of the following commands allows simultaneous pan and zoom?ZOOM DYNAMIC

Which one of the following commands reports details of the current limits, defaults, modes and extents? STATUS

Which one of the following is the BEST procedure for drawing a line from the point of intersection of a line and a circle? Select the LINE command and then use 'object snap' with the INT option.

Which one of the following is the setting for the system variable MIRRTEXT to prevent text items being reversed in the mirror image when using the MIRROR command? 0

Which Key do you press to cycle through the available snap points.Shift

Which one of the following is an AutoCAD absolute point coordinate? 361,270

When drawing a digital watch measuring 30mm x 25mm, which one of the following would be the BEST set of drawing limits to use?0,0/30,25

Which of the following key combinations issues the ISOPLANE command?CONTROL and E or F5

Which of the following statements is true?When a drawing is initially saved a backup copy is made with a .BAK extension. This can be renamed as a .DWG at a later date.

Which one of the following key combinations will toggle SNAP?Either F9 or CONTROL and B

Which one of the following key combinations will toggle COORDS?Either F6 or CONTROL and D

Which one of the following best describes a 'user coordinate System?The pair of coordinate points which define the lower left and upper right corners of the drawing boundary

Which of the following statements describes the best procedure to draw the pencil like structure of the part shown in the picture above?Both (a) and (b) above are possible but (b) is more efficient

Which one of the following is the AutoCAD filename extension used to indicate a compiled text font?SHX

Which one of the following could be an AutoCad drawing file?PLAN .DWG

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