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Список основной и дополнительной литературы


Содержание лекционных занятий.


L 1-2. The object and the subject of The History of the English Language. First Mention of the Germanic Tribes.- 2 часа

Main Periods in the History of the English Language. Classification of the Germanic Languages. Proto-Germanic Language. Old Germanic Languages: East Germanic Languages, North Germanic Languages, West Germanic Languages.

L 3-4. Linguistic Features of the Germanic Languages-Phonetic Features. Linguistic Features of the Germanic Languages-Grammatical Features.- 3 часа

Word Stress/Accent. Vowels. Consonants. Suppletion. Inflections. Sound Interchange. Ablaut/Vowel Gradation.

L 5-6. Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records-2 часа

Old English Poetry. Old English Dialects. Alphabets. Old English Manuscripts. Historical Background and Linguistic Situation

L 7-8. Middle English Period in the History of the English Language. Middle English Written Records-2 часа

Linguistic Situation. Middle English Dialects. London Dialect. Main Written Records of the Middle English Period. Middle English Alphabet

L 9-10. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English-3 часа

Introduction of Printing. Age of Shakespeare. Normalizations of the English Language. OE Word Stress/Accent. OE Vowels

L 11-12. The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English. The Development of Consonant System in Middle English and New English-3 часа

Word Stress/Accent. Vowels. Loss of Some Consonants. Fricatives. Sibilants and Affricates


L 13-14. Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology-3 часа

OE Spelling. ME Spelling. NE Spelling. Parts of Speech. by/with + Adjective (Instr) + Noun (Dat). Numeral. Verbs

L 15-16. The Development of the Noun. The Development of the Adjective-3 часа

Number. Case. Gender. Degrees of Comparison. Consequences of Case System Decay

L 17-18. The Development of the Pronoun. The Development of the Verb-3 часа

Demonstrative Pronouns. Rise of Articles. Personal Pronouns. Strong and Weak Verbs in Comparison. Strong Verbs and their Development. Weak Verbs and their Development

Non-Finite Forms. Preterite-Present Verbs

L 19-20 The Development of the Syntactic System. Old English Vocabulary-3 часа

Word Order. Negation. The history of words. Inversion

L 21-23. Word-Formation in Old English. Latin Borrowings in Old English. Borrowings from Classical Languages (Latin, Greek) during the Renaissance. French and Scandinavian Borrowings in English-3 часа

Ways of Word-Formation. Word-Composition. Word-Derivation. Borrowings after the Roman Invasion . Borrowings after the Introduction of Christianity. French Borrowings. Scandinavian Borrowings


График СРС


недели   Номер Занятия по Syllabus   СРС В том числе СРСП
  Тема и вид задания (с указанием страниц литературы) Срок выдачи и приема задания (нед.)   Тема и вид задания (с указанием страниц литературы) Срок выдачи и приема задания (нед.)
Модуль 1
П1-3 The Place of the English Language in the Modern World   write summary
П4-6 Chronological divisions in the history of English. Short survey of periods Report
П7-9 Vowels and consonants correspondences between Germanic and non-Germanic languages Making a table
П10-12 Principal Old English consonants and vowels Comment on the phonemic status
П13-15 English in our life Report
П16-18 The Development of Consonant System in Middle English and New English     Presentation
П19-21 New English Great Vowel Shift   Presentation

Модуль - 2

П27-29 Main historical sources of Modern Spelling Making a table
П30-32 “Beowulf” (reading the abstract) Analyses of nouns in the abstract  
П33-35 “Beowulf” (reading the abstract) Analyses of verbs in the abstract  
П36-37 Syntactic Connections between the Words in OE   Report
П38-40 The division of OE native words Making a table
П41-43 Ways of Word-Formation in OE Report
П44-45 Latin Borrowings in Old English Presentation
П45-46 French and Scandinavian Borrowings in English   Making a table


Список основной и дополнительной литературы

1. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка — 2-е изд., стер. — М.: ООО

«Издательство Астрель»: ООО *Издательство ACT», 2003 г. — 348, [4] с.

2. Аракин В.Д. История английского языка. М.: Физматлит, 2003. - 272 с

3. Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т.М. История английского языка. Учебник. Хрестоматия.,1999

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