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German measles (Rubella).

German measles or rubella is a common viral infection, 1... by coughs and 2... Although it is a highly infectious 3..., it is usually much 4... than measles and often goes unnoticed. Indeed, your child may have a mild bout of 5... without you being aware of it. The- "incubation period" — the time between 6... an illness and becoming unwell — is fourteen to twenty-one days. The infectious 7... — when your child can give the illness to someone else — starts about one week before and 8... at least four days after the 9... first appears.

German measles starts like a slight 10... .After a day or two a rash or pale pink 11... appears on the child's 12... and forehead, may be spreading to the rest of the body. There maybe 13... of the glands at the back of the neck, but your child will not usually 14... unwell.


1. spots 2. period 3. illness 4. swelling 5. cold 6. rash
7. spread 8. face 9. sneezes 10. infection . milder . lasts
. feel . catching                


Chickenpox is a common and 1... illness. It is 2... by a virus and is 3... by coughing and sneezing. Once caught, the 4... will

stay in the body and can "reappear later as shingles. It takes fourteen to sixteen days after 5... the illness for the rash to 6... . The day before the 7... appears your child may feel 8..., and have a slight 9... .Small, itchy red 10... appear over the chest and 11... and spread to the face and the rest of the body. Within a few hours these develop into 12... blisters, which then dry. into scabs and 13... .They don't usually leave a scar unless the spots are 14... infected or your child scratches them. Your child is infec­tious—and so can give the 15.. to someone else—from the day before the rash appears until all the spots are 16... .

1. watery 2. illness 3. appear 4. drop off 5. infectious 6. badly

Tempera- 8. caused 9. catching 10. spread 11. virus 12. unwell


Rash 14. back 15. spots 16. dry

D. Самостоятельная работа 2.

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Can infections be prevented in older infants?

There are a number of diseases from which one can protect the infant, by immunizing them. The mother must know about these. I would suggest immunization against Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Polio and Measles, in the first one year of life, later on Boosters must be given for continued protection.

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