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The Court of Appeal, the High court of justice and the Crown court

3) The Court of Appeal, the High court of justice

4) The High court of justice, the Crown court

66. Правильный ответ на вопрос:

What elements does Parliament consist of?

1) the Monarch, the Cabinet and Houses of Parliament

The Monarch, the Houses of lords and the House of Commons

3) the house of lords and house of commons

4) the cabinet, the House of Lords and House of Commons

67. Правильный вариант ответа на вопрос:

What law deals with, relates to or focuses on this area of law practice?

This law is a group of law, rules, or principles that are based on custom, treaties, or legislation and tat control affect the and rights of sovereign nations in relation to each other. It deals with principles and rules of conduct that nations regard as binding upon them and, therefore, are expected to observe in their relations with one another.

It concerns the structure and conduct of states, international organizations, and, to a certain degree, also multinational corporation and individuals. It regulates relation between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another.

1) Criminal law

International law

3) Administrative law

4) Constitutional law

68. Правильный вариант ответа на вопрос:

What law deals with, relates to or focuses on this area of law practice?

This law considered a branch of public law. It is closely connected with constitution law but it deals with the legal forms of coocrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries. As a body of law, it deals with rules, orders and decisions such units of governments as tribunals, boards or commissions. These agencies are part of state regulatory scheme in such arcus as international trade, manufacturing, the envirooment, taxation, broadcasting, immigration and transport. its aim is to regulate the increasingly complex social, economic and political spheres of human interaction.

1) Criminal law

2) International law

3) Tort law

Administrative law

69. Заполните пропуски, выбрав один из вариантов:

The state and its officials often cannot prosecute the wrongdoer unless the victim reports what has happened and gives… against the attacker.


2) Arguments

3) Reports

4) Evidence

70. Установите соответствия между словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке и их эквивалентами на русском языке:

1) binding - Ж) Обязательный

2) a hierarchy of courts - Г) иерархия судов

3) to abolish the law - A) Отменить право

4) reassessment - Б) Пересматривать решения

5) a supreme lawmaking body - В) Высший законодательный орган

6) a legal action - Е) Судебный процесс


Иванов Павел

71. It is the part of the deals with the constitution and functions of the organs of central and local government. It governs the relations of citizens with the state, and relationships between individuals which are of direct concern to the state. It also concerns disputes between one state with another. Its main categories include international law, constitutional law, administrative law, tax law and criminal law

· Private Law

· Contract Law

· Family Law

· Public Law

72. The Prime Minister is the leader of the largest political party in ….

· The House of Commons

· The Cabinet

· The Supreme Court

· The House of Lords

73. In London and other 11 bid cites the Magistrates Courts are composed of …..- full-time professional lawyers

· Senior judges

· Lay magistrates

· Judge and jure

· Stipendiary magistrates

74. The supermarket decided to install closed-circuit television and order to combat the problem of

· Misconduct

· Shoplifting

· Trespassing

· Pickpocketing

75. As there was no evidence, the judge dismissed the …..

· Decision

· Trial

· Case

· Count

76. What court is it? It is the lower court for civil cases. It solves the disputes between the people when the amount of money claimed is not more than 480 pounds.

· The County Court

· The Magistrates Court

· The High Court

· The Crown Court

77. What do the Queens Ministers from?

· The Parliament

· The Supreme Court

· The Government

· The House of Lords

78. Соответствие

1.Reading 4 elected officials who make laws

2.To delay 5 a proposal for a law

3An amendment 3 a change, made in or suggested for a bill or law

4Legislature a prepaid of planned activity

5A bill 1 A stage through which a bill has to go before it becomes an Act of Parliament

2 To put off until later


79. The law can punish criminals in many different ways, but the worst is ….

· Public censure

· Death sentence

· Fine

· imprisonment

80. The Lord Chancellor is …..

· Lower in rank than the Lord Advocate

· One of the JPs

· Equal in rank to the Lord Chief Justice of England

· Both a minister and the head of the judiciary


Римиханов Гамид

Чернов Валерий

Яровая Диана (+5)

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