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We can’t imagine our life without computers

The modern life seems to be impossible without technics. Nowadays using of computers became very widespread. A computer is a machine that can take in information (problems and data), perform logical and mathematical operations and put out answers. With the invention of computers, which are programmable machines, it became possible to store, retrieve and process a lot of data. Computers become more and more improved. They have much better memories than people. Computer can do 500 000 operations in a second. Computers can do many of the things we do but faster and better. The modern computers can play chess, draughts, compose music, create pictures, movies, predict possible events etc. The chief significance of the modern computer is to store and sort information. At schools the computers are used for studying and examining. The school-leavers should know the computer well.
Nowadays many people have computers at home to write texts, watch movies, record music, write letters and send them via the Internet etc. You may not have a TV because you can buy a TV tuner and watch TV programs on your computer. So we can not imagine our life without computers.

8. Ви берете участь у міжнародній конференції з питань організації заходів, присвячених «Європейському року мов». Проінформуйте своїх колег про важливість вивчення іноземних мов.

Dear colleagues! Every day our modern world presents a proof1 of the importance of the knowledge of foreign languages. The Internet and satellite TV extend2 our private sphere and enable3 us to get information from all over the world. We are able to get education or a job in any country of the world. But one of the most important factors of it is our knowledge of foreign lan­guages. There is no doubt that English is the world's first truly universal lan­guage. Today there are about 1,5 billion English speakers in the world.
English prevails4 in transportation and the media5. At any station or air­port in the world you can find instructions in English. Pilots and air traffic con­trollers, sailors speak English at all international airports and ports. Five of the largest broadcasters6 — CBS, NBC, ABC, the BBC and the CBC provide English programmes for more than 300 million people.
English is also the language of the information age. Computers talk to each other in English. More than 80 percent of information of any kind (scien­tific, commercial, personal) is stored7 and exchanged in English. Business and trade can't exist8 now without English. It is the official language of interna­tional aid9 organizations such as Oxfam and Save the Children as well as of UNESCO, NATO, and the UN.
If we listen to the talk of young people we'll surely hear words like "rap music", "bodybuilding", "windsurfing", "computer hacking", "happening". .English has become an inseparable10 part of youth culture all over the world. It is invading the slang of young people in Ukraine more and more every day either.
If we want to feel ourselves comfortably in our modern integrating world we must know English. But its not the limit. The knowledge of one foreign language extends our mind and outlook12 more than twice. So let's not put boundaries13 on our minds and souls and study more foreign languages!

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