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1. Anderson R., Kasper J., Frankel M. R. Total survey error: Application to improve health surveys. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1979.

2. Ash P., Abramson E. The effect of anonymity on attitude questionnaire response // Journal of abnormal and social psychology. 1952. No. 47. P. 722-723.

3. Bailey K. D. Methods of social research. New York: Free Press, 1978.

4. Barton A. J. Asking the embarrassing question // Public opinion quarterly. 1958. Vol. 22. No. 1. P. 67-68.

5. Basic Background items for U. S. Household surveys / Center for Coordination of Research on Social Indicators. Social Science Research Council. Washington, D. C., 1975.

6. Becker S. L. Why an order effects? // Public opinion quarterly. 1954. Vol. 18. No. 3. P. 271-278.

7. Belson W. A. Respondent understanding of survey questions // Polls. 1968. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 1-13.

8. Belson W. A. The design and understanding of survey questions. Aldershot: Gower, 1981.

9. Belson W. A., Duncan J. A. A comparison of the checklist and the open response questioning systems //Applied statistics. 1962. No. 11. P. 120-132.

10. Belson W. A., Millerson B. L., Didcott P. J. The development of procedure for eliciting information from boys about the nature and extent of their stealing / Survey Research Center, London School of Economics and Political Science. London, 1968.

11. Bingham W. V., Moore B. V. How to interview / 4th edition. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.

12. Bradburn N. M. The structure of psychological well-being. Chicago: Aldine, 1969.

13. Bradburn N. M., Sudman S. Improving interview method and questionnaire design: Response effects to threatening questions in survey research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1979.

14. Bradburn N. M., Sudman S., Gockel G. L. Racial integration in American neighborhoods: A comparative survey / NORC report No. 111-B. National Opinion Research Center. Chicago, 1970.

15. Bradburn N. M., Sudman S., Gockel G. L. Side by side: Integrated neighborhood in America. Chicago: Quadrangle, 1971.

16. Campbell A. The American voter. New York: Wiley, 1960.

17. Cannell C. F., Marquis К. Н., Laurent A. A summary of studies of interviewing methodology // Vital and Health statistics. Series 2. No. 69. U. S. National Center for Health Statistics. Rockville, 1977.

18. Cannell C. F., Oksenberg L., Converse J. Experiments in interviewing techniques / NCHSR research report 78-7. National Center for Health Services Research. Hyattsville, 1977.

19. Cantril H. Gauging public opinion. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1944.

20. Cantril H. The pattern of human concern. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1965.

21. Cash W. S., Moss A. J. Optimum recall period for reporting persons injured in motor vehicle accidents // Vital and Health Statistics. Series 2. No. 50. U. S. National Center for Health Statistics. Rockville, 1972.

22. Clark J. P., Tifft L. L. Polygraph and interview validation of self-reported deviant behavior // American sociological review. 1966. Vol. 31. P. 516-523.

23. Colombotos J. Personal versus telephone interviews: Effect on responses // Public health reports. 1969. Vol. 84. P. 773-782.

24. Dillman D. Mail and telephone surveys: The total design method. New York: Wiley, 1978.

25. Erdors P. L., Morgan A. J. Professional mail surveys. New York: McGrow-Hill 1970.

26. Fall omnibus instruction book / Survey Research Center. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1973.

27. Fee J. Symbols and attitudes: How people think about politics / Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Chicago, 1979.

28. Ferber R. Reliability of consumer reports of financial assets and debts // Studies in consumer saving. 1966. No. 6. Bureau of Economic and Business Research. University of Illinois.

29. Fischer R. P. Signed versus unsigned personal questionnaires // Journal of applied psychology. 1946. Vol. 30. P. 220-225.

30. For queries about Harris Poll questions in text. Write to Louis Harris and Associates. 630 Fifth Avenue. New York. 10020.

31. For queries about ORC questions in text, write to ORC / Opinion Research Corporation. North Harrison Street, Princeton, New Jersey. 08540.

32. Fraisse P. The psychology of time. New York: Harper & Row, 1963.

33. Fuller C. Effect of anonymity on return rate and response bias in a mail survey //Journal of applied psychology. 1974. Vol. 59. P. 292-296.

34. Gallup G. H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion, 1935-1971 / 3 Vols. New York: Random House, 1972.

35. Gallup G. H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion, 1972-1977 / 2 Vols. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 1978.

36. General Social Surveys, 1972-80: Cumulative Codebook / National Opinion research center. Chicago, 1980.

37. Greenberg B. G. The unrelated question randomized response model: Theoretical framework // Journal of the American Statistical association. 1969. Vol 64 P. 520-539.

38. Groves R. M., Kahn R. L. Surveys by telephone: A national comparison with personal interviews. New York: Academic Press, 1979.

39. Hochstim J. R. A critical comparison of three strategies of collecting data from households // Journal of the American Statistics Association. 1967. Vol 62 P. 976-989.

40. Horvitz D. G., Shaw B. V., Simmons W. R. The unrelated question randomized response model // Proceeding of the American Statistical Association. Washington D. C., 1967.

41. Houston M. J., Sudman S. A methodological assessment of the use of key informants // Social science research. 1975. No. 4. P. 151-164.

42. Hyman H. H., Sheatsley P. B. The current status of American public opinion // The teaching of contemporary affairs: Twenty-first yearbook of the National Council for the social studies / Ed. by J. C. Payne. Washington, D. C., 1950.

43. Index to International Public Opinion, 1978-1979 / Ed. by E. H. Hastings, P. K. Hastings. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1980.

44. Johnson С. Е. Consistency of reporting of ethnic origin in the current population survey / U. S. Bureau of the Census Technical Paper. No. 31 Washington D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1974.

45. Kahn R. L. A comparison of two methods of collecting data for social research: The fixed-alternative questionnaire and the open-ended interview / Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Michigan, 1952.

46. Kahn R. L., Cannell C. F. The dynamic of interviewing: Theory, technique and cases. New York: Wiley, 1957.

47. Kidder L. H. Selltiz, Wrightsman and Cook's research methods in social relations / 4th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981.

48. King F. W. Anonymous versus identifiable questionnaires in drug usage surveys // American Psychologist. 1970. Vol. 25. P. 982-985.

49. Locander W. В., Burton J. P. The effectsof question form on gathering income data by telephone // Journal of marketing research. 1976. No. 13. P. 189-192.

50. Marquis K. H., Cannell C. F. Effects of some experimental interviewing techniques on reporting on the health interview survey // Vital and health statistics. Series 2. No. 41. National Center for Health Statistics. Rockville, 1971.

51. McCourt K., Taylor D. G. Determining religious affiliation through survey research: A methodological note // Public opinion quarterly. 1976. Vol. 40. No. 1. P. 124-127.

52. McCready W. C., Greeley A. M. The ultimate values of the American population. Beverly Hills, California: Sage, 1976.

53. Mclver J. P., Carmines E. G. Unidimensional scaling. Beverly Hills, California: Sage, 1981.

54. Models of human memory / Ed. by D. A. Norman. New York: Academic Press, 1970.

55. Murray J. R. The impact of the 1973-1974 Oil embargo on the American household /NORC Report No. 126. National Opinion Research Center. Chicago, 1974.

56. National assessment of educational progress / U. S. Department of Education. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1972-1974.

57. National purchase diary panel /NPD Research. Floral Park, New York, 1977.

58. Neter J., Waksberg J. A study of response errors in collection of expenditures data from household interviews // Journal of American Statistical Association. 1964. Vol. 59. P. 18-55.

59. Neter J., Waksberg J. Effects of interviewing designated respondents in a household survey of home owners expenditures on alterations and repairs // Applied statistics. 1963. No. 12. P. 46-60.

60. Neter J., Waksberg J. Response errors in collection of expenditures data by household interviews / U. S. Bureau of the Census Technical Paper. No. 11 Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1965.

61. Noelle-Neumann E. Umfragen in der massengesellschaft: Einfuhrung in die methoden der demosropie. Munich: Rowohlt Deutsche Enzylkopadie, 1963.

62. Noelle-Neumann E. Wanted: Rules for wording structured questionnaires // Public opinion quarterly. 1970. Vol. 34. P. 191-201.

63. Ornstein R. E. On the experience of time. New York: Penguin Books, 1970.

64. Parry H. J., Crossley H. M. Validity of responses to survey questions // Public Opinion Quarterly. 1950. Vol. 14. P. 61-80.

65. Payne S. L. The art of asking questions. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1951.

66. Perspective Canada: A compendium of social statistics. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1974.

67. Reinmuth J. E., Geurts M. D. The collection of sensitive information using a two-stage, randomized response model // Journal of marketing research. 1975. No. 12. P. 402-407.

68. Robinson J. P., Athanasiou R., Head К. В. Measures of occupational attitudes and occupational characteristics / Survey research Center. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1969.

69. Robinson J. P., Rusk J. G., Head K. B. Measures of political attitudes / Survey research Center. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1968.

70. Robinson J. P., Shaver P. R. Measures of social psychological attitudes / Survey research Center. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1973.

71. Rokeach M. The nature of human values. New York: Free Press, 1973.

72. Rokeach M. Attitudes: Nature of// International encyclopedia of social sciences. New York: Macmillan, 1968.

73. Roshco B. The polls: Polling on Panama // Public opinion quarterly. 1978. Vol. 42. No. 4. P. 551-562.

74. Rugg D. Experiments in wording questions II // Public opinion quarterly. 1941. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 91-92.

75. Schuman H., Presser S, Ludwig J. Context effects on survey responses to questions about abortion // Public Opinion Quarterly. 1981. Vol. 45. P. 216-223.

76. Schuman H., Presser S. Questions and answers in attitude surveys: Experiments on question form, wording and context. New York: Academic Press, 1981.

77. Sharp L. M., Frankel J. Correlates of self-perceived respondent burden: Findings from an experimental study // Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association. Detroit, 1981.

78. Shaw A. et al. Conceptualization and measurement of health for adults in the health insurance study. Vol. 3: Mental health. Santa Monica, California: Rand 1978.

79. Singer E. Informed consent // American Sociological Review 1978 Vol 43 P. 144-161.

80. Sirken M. G. Designing forms for demographic surveys / Laboratories for Population Statistics. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, 1972.

81. Slamecka N. J. Human learning and memory. New York: Oxford University Press 1967.

82. Smith T. W. Situational qualifications to generalized absolutes: An analysis of 'approval of hitting' questions on the general social survey // Public Opinion quarterly 1981. No. 45. No. 2. P. 224-230.

83. Stouffer S. A. Communism, conformity and civil liberties. New York– Doubledav 1955.

84. Sudman S. Reducing the cost of surveys. Chicago: Aldine, 1967.

85. Sudman S., Bradburn N. M. Response effects in surveys: A review and synthesis. Chicago: Aldine, 1974.

86. Sudman S., Ferber R. Consumer panels Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1979.

87. Sudman S., Lannom L. B. Health care surveys using diaries / NCHSR Research report 80-48. National Center for Health Services Research. Hyattsville, 1980.

88. Survey data for trend analysis: An index to repeated questions in U.S. National Surveys held by the Roper Public Opinion Research Center / Roper Public Opinion Research Center, University of Connecticut. Storrs, 1974.

89. Surveys of subjective phenomena: Report by the panel on survey measurement of subjective phenomena, Committee on National Statistics, National Academy of Sciences / Ed. by C. F. Turner, E. Martin. National Research Council. 2 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982.

90. Survey Research Laboratory. University of Illinois. (Queries about specific questions in text should be addressed to the laboratory. 1005 W. Nevada Street, Ur-bana, 111. 61801. Please mention year given in parentheses at end of question.)

91. The technique of marketing research / American Marketing Association. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1937.

92. Warner S. L. Randomized response: A survey technique for eliminating error answer bias // Journal of the American Statistical Association 1965 Vol 60 P. 63-69.

93. Westin A. Privacy and freedom. New York: Atheneum, 1967.




Предисловие к русскому изданию.. 4

Предисловие. 4












Приложения. 159

Приложение А. Словарь используемых терминов. 160

Приложение Б. Вопросник для жителей определенной местности. 168

Приложение В. Вопросник по использованию энергии ветра. 204

Приложение Г. Опрос Ассоциации юристов штата Иллинойс. 206

Библиография. 215



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