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Искусство Нидерландов

Casier J., Bergmans P. L'art ancien dans les Fland-res (region de I'Escaut). Bruxelles—Paris, 1914; De Nederlandische Monumenten van Geschiedenes en Kunst. Hague, 1926; Rooses M. Art in Flanders. London, 1914.


Искусство Англии

Виппер Б. Р. Английское искусство. М., 1945; Artists of the Winchester Bible. Intr. by W. Oakeshott. London, 1945; Вiсkert M. J. The reconstruction of an English Cormelite missal. Cambridge, Mass., 1941; Bond F. Gothic architecture in England. London, 1906; Bond F. The cathedrals of England and Wales. London, 1912; Вrоwn G. B. The arts in early England. 2 ed. V. 1—6. London, 1903—1937; Brown R. A. English medieval castles. London, 1954; Cook G. H. The English cathedrals through the centuries. London, 1957; Dodwell C. R. The Canterbury school of illumination. Cambridge, 1954; Escher K. Englische Kathedralen. Milnchen— Berlin, 1927; Fisсher E. A. An introduktion to Anglo-Saxon architecture and sculpture. London, 1959; Fох С. Pattern and purpose. A survey of early Celtic art in Britain. Cardiff, 1958; Harvey J. The English cathedrals. 2 ed. London, 1956; H u r-limann M. Englische Kathedralen. Zurich, 1948; Loo mis R. S. Arthurian legends in medieval art. London, New York, 1938; Millar E. G. English illuminated manuscripts, T. 1—2. Paris—Bruxelles, 1926—1928; Moore С. Н. The medieval church architecture of England. New York, 1912; Oakeshott W. The sequence of English Medieval art. London. 1949; Oxford University. Bodleian- Library. The Kennicott Bible. Oxford, 1957; Power С. Е. English medieval architecture. London, 1912; Prior E. S. A history of gothic art in England. London, 1900; Robinson J. Caltic illuminative art in the Gospelbooks of Durrow, Lindisfarn and Kells. Dublin, 1908; Sullivan E. The book of Kells. London, 2 ed. London—New York. 1920; Thompson A. H. English monasteries. Cambridge, 1923; Webb G. Architecture in Britain: the Middle ages. London, 1956; Worm a Id T. The survived of Anglo-Saxon illumination after the Norman conquest. London, 1944; Zarnecki G. The early sculpture of Ely cathedral. London, 1958.

Искусство Испании

Малицкая К. М. Испания. М., 1935; Ars Hispaniae. Historia universal del arte hispanico. V. 7. Torres Balbas L. Arquitectura Gotica. V. 8. Duran Sanpere А. у Ainaud de Lasarte J. Escultura Gotica. Madrid, 1952—1956; Вevan В., History of Spanish architecture. London, 1938; Calzada A. Historia de la arquitectura espanola, Barcelona—Buenos Aires, 1933; Cook W. W. S. La pintura mural romanica en Gataluna. Madrid, 1956; Dieulafoy M. Geschichte der Kunst in Spanien und Portugal. Stuttgard, 1913; Dоmin-guez Bordona J. Die spanische Buchmalerei. Yon siebten bis siebzehnten Jahrhundert. Bd. 1—2. Firenze—Munchen, 1930; Espagne. Peintures romance. Album. Introd. J. Ainaud. Paris, 1957; Gomez-Moreno M. El arte romanico espanol. Madrid, 1934; Harvey J. The cathedrals of Spain. London, 1957; Kingsley Porter A. Romanische Plastik in Spanien. Bd. 1—2. Leipzig, 1928; Kuhn С h. L. Romanesque mural painting of Catalonia. Cambridge, 1930; Lave-dan P. L'architecture gothique religieuse en Catalogue, Valence et Baleares. Paris, 1935; Lambert E. L'art en Espagne et an Portugal. Paris, 194-5; Lamperez у Romea V. Arquitec-tura civil espiinola de los siglos 1 al XVIII. V. 1—2. Madrid, 1922; Lamperez у Romea V. Historia de la arquitectura cristiana espanola en la Edad Media. 2 ed. V. 1—3. Madrid, 1930; Lassaigne J. La peinture espagnole. V. I. Des i'resques romanes au Greco. Paris, 1956; Los Monumentos cardinales des Espana. V. 2—5, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22. Madrid. 1947—1959; Lozo-j a J. de Contreras. Historia del arte hispanico, V. 1—i. Barcelona—Buenos Aires, 1931—1945; Mayer A. L. Architectur und Kunstgewerbe in Alt-Spanien. Munchen, 1921; Mayer A. L. Gotik in Spanien. Leipzig, 1928; Mayer A. L. Mittelalterliche Plastik in Spanien, Munchen. 1922; Monumentos espanoles. Catalogo de los declarados historico-artisticos. V. 1—3, Madrid, 1953—1954; Post Ch. R. A history of Spanish painting. V. 1—8. Cambridge, Mass, 1930-1941.


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