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The development of cables

Words and word combinations:

To extend – тянуться

wooden poles – деревянные столбы

necks of broken bottles – горлышки разбитых бутылок

to attempt – пробовать, делать попытку

bottom – дно

bodies of water – формы воды

to shield –защищать

a tough insulation – крепкая изоляция

hemp – пенька

rubberlike – подобный каучуку

gutta-percha – гутта-перча

Early cables. In 1844, the American painter and inventor Samuel F. Morse completed the first long-distance telegraph cable in America. The cable extended from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. It was strung on wooden poles, and the necks of broken bottles were used for insulation. In the years that followed, many telegraph lines were built throughout the United States and Canada. In 1861, a telegraph cable linking California with the East Coast was completed.

During the late 1840’s, numerous attempts were made to lay telegraph cables along the bottom of various bodies of water. Many of these attempts failed because the insulation on the cables was not able to shield the conductors from the water. In 1851, two English brothers, Jacob and John Brett, succeeded in laying a telegraph cable across the English Channel. In making their cable, they used a tough insulation consisting of a fiber called hemp and a rubberlike substance called gutta-percha.

They also used iron to strengthen their cable.



1. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

Painter and inventor; cable extended; used for insulation; telegraph lines were built; a telegraph cable linking; to lay telegraph cables; along the bottom; cables was not able to shield.


2. Say if the following sentences are true or false.

1. In 1844, the American painter and inventor Samuel F. Morse completed the first long-distance telegraph cable in Europe. 2. The cable extended from New York to Washington, D.C. 3. In the years that followed, many electric lines were built throughout the United States and Canada. 4. In 1851, two French brothers, Jacob and John Brett, succeeded in laying a telegraph cable across the English Channel. 5. They also used iron to strengthen their cable.

3. Insert missing words, use the text’s vocabulary:

1. The … extended from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. 2. It was strung on … poles, and the necks of broken bottles were used for insulation. 3. In the years that followed, many telegraph lines were built throughout the … and … . 4. During the late 1840’s, numerous attempts were made to lay … cables along the bottom of various bodies of water. 5. Many of these attempts failed because the … on the cables was not able to shield the conductors from the water.

4. Translate these sentences into your native language:

1. The American painter and inventor Samuel F. Morse completed the first long-distance telegraph cable in America. 2. It was strung on wooden poles, and the necks of broken bottles were used for insulation. 3. In 1861, a telegraph cable linking California with the East Coast was completed. 4. In making their cable, they used a tough insulation consisting of a fiber called hemp and a rubberlike substance called gutta-percha. 5. They also used iron to strengthen their cable.


Retell the text.

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