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Complete the sentences.

1.There is the "wave" theory, expressed by the term of …2. The idea of the light wave came from… 3. Young shined a light through …4. Albert Einstein advanced … 5.Modern physicists believe that light can behave as …


Put questions to the following sentences.

1 There are two different ways of talking about light. 2.Light travels in straight lines and bounces off a mirror much like a ball bouncing off a wall. 3. Albert Einstein advanced the theory of light further in 1905. 4.Light was made up of a stream of energy packets called photons.


Give the definitions.

The "particle" theory, the "wave" theory, photons.


Retell the text.

Text 10

What is Light?


1. prove –доказывать

2.medium – средство, способ

3.vibrate - вибрировать

4.direction- направление

5. transverse- поперечный

6. complicated - усложненный

7. travel through – перемещаться через…

8. size - размер

9.movement - движение

10. wavelength – длина волны

11. part of the spectrum – часть спектра

12. key point – основная точка

13. ray – луч

14. beam – пучок лучей

15. successive - последующий


The voltage changes around any closed loop must sum to zero. No matter what path you take through an electric circuit, if you return to your starting point you must measure the same voltage, constraining the net change around the loop to be zero. Since voltage is electric potential energy per unit charge, the voltage law can be seen to be a consequence of conservation of energy.

The voltage law has great practical utility in the analysis of electric circuits. It is used in conjunction with the current law in many circuit analysis tasks.

The voltage law is one of the main tools for the analysis of electric circuits, along with Ohm’s Law, the current law and the power relationship. Applying the voltage law to the above circuits along with Ohm's law and the rules for combining resistors gives the numbers shown below. The determining of the voltages and currents associated with a particular circuit along with the power allows you to completely describe the electrical state of a direct current circuit.


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