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Примерная тематика рефератов по курсу «Внешняя политика страны специализации (США)»


1. Foreign Policy of USA in 1960.

2. US- Chinese relations at the modern stage.

3. US-Kazakhstani relations

4. The position of the United States in the United Nations.

5. Basic principles of the foreign policy of the United States

6. The basic idea of American foreign policy during the Second World War.

7. Modern concepts of American foreign policy

8. Cuban Missile Crisis. Korean War as an example of the American policy of "containment".

9. Russian-American relations at the modern stage.

10. Brzezinski's role in the formation of United States foreign policy

11. The foreign policy of the United States in the Middle East

12. America's role in the Kosovo crisis

13. UN’s and USA’s peacekeeping missions

14. The concept of "unipolarity" as means of understanding the modern world order.

15. Status of the United States in the post-bipolar system of international relations.

16. "Isolationism" in American foreign policy in the past and present.

17. Kazakh-American relations in the twenty-first century: Trends and Prospects.

18. The US policy in the Asia-Pacific region: the main trends.

19. The United States and countries of the CIS

20. United States and Europe: rivals or allies?

21. US-Japanese relations at the turn of the centuries.

22. USA administration's policy toward China.

23. Mutual relations of the United States and North Korea - is it threat to the world community?

24. "Just retribution" operation of USA in Afghanistan.

25. US-Iraq war (March-April 2003) as part of a new system of international relations.



Контрольные вопросы

  1. The basic provisions of the Monroe Doctrine and the policy of isolationism
  2. "Colored plans." What is the peculiarity of military and strategic policy of the USA in the Latin American direction "in 1920-30?
  3. The main stages of formation of a bipolar world. "Cold War".
  4. The doctrine of "containment" J. Kennan.
  5. «The Truman Doctrine»
  6. Memorandum of Security Council NSC - 162 \ 2.
  7. Eisenhower Doctrine. Caribbean crisis. Causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Consequences.
  8. The concept of "flexible response". Innovations of the Kennedy administration for Political-Military Affairs.
  9. Discussion of "multilateral nuclear force" and "pact of Nassau" in 1962.
  10. The Vietnam War and the position of the United States. Causes of the War in Vietnam.
  11. Features of the foreign policy of the Johnson.
  12. Analysis of activity of the administration of Richard Nixon. Ways to solve the Vietnam problem.
  13. Change in American foreign policy with the coming to power of President Jimmy Carter.
  14. Key documents signed during this period between the USA and the USSR.
  15. The "Star Wars" program, what purpose was it adopted with and what impacts had. Features of American foreign policy in Latin America during the Ronald Reagan administration.
  16. The foreign policy of the United States during the administration of George. W. Bush - senior. New balance of political forces in international politics. Causes of the Persian Gulf War. Balkan direction in American foreign policy.
  17. New priorities and directions in foreign policy of Clinton
  18. The essence of the "National Security Strategy of engagement and enlargement." New Emphasis in kazahtansko-American relations, the factors influencing this process.
  19. The foreign policy of George W. Bush. New threats and challenges in international politics.
  20. Relationship between USA with the Arab world, the position of the G8 on international issues.



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