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Таблица1. Четыре основные формы английского глагола и герундий

Infinitive (Vo) Past Indefinite Past Participle (Participle II/ V3) Present Participle (Participle I/Ving) Gerund (Ving)
To ask (regular verb) asked asked asking asking
To do (irregular verb) did done doing doing

Таблица 2. Видо-временные формы глагола (личные).

Active Voice (действительный залог)
  Indefinite/Simple Continuous/Progressive Perfect/ Simple Perfect Perfect Continuous/ Perfect Progressive
Present I (you, we, they) work /eat –Do I work/eat? I do not (don’t) work/eat. He (she, it) works/eats – Does he work/eat? – He does not (doesn’t) work /eat. I am working/eating. –Am I working/eating? - I am not working/eating. You (we, they) are working /eating. – Are you working /eating? – You are not (aren’t) working/eating. He (she, it) is working /eating. – Is he working /eating? – He is not (isn’t) working/eating. I (you, we, they) have worked /eaten –Have I worked /eaten?- I have not (haven’t) worked /eaten. He (she, it) has worked /eaten. – Has he worked /eaten? – He has not (hasn’t) worked /eaten. I (you, we, they) have been working/eating. –Have I been working /eating? - I have not (haven’t) been working /eating. He (she, it) has been working/eating. – Has he been working/eating? – He has not (hasn’t) been working/eating.
Past I (you, we, they) worked /ate –Did I work/eat? I did not (didn’t) work/eat. He (she, it) worked/ate – Did he work/eat? – He did not (didn’t) work/eat. I (he, she, it) was working /eating. –Was I working /eating? - I was not (wasn’t) working/eating. You (we, they) were working /eating. – Were you working/eating? – You were not (weren’t) working /eating. I (we, you, he, she, it, they) had worked /eaten –Had I worked /eaten? - I had not (hadn’t) worked /eaten.   I (we, you, he, she, it, they) had been working /eating.– Had I (we, you, he, she, it, they) been working/eating? – I (we, you, he, she, it, they) had not (hadn’t) been working/eating.  
Future I (we) shall work/eat – Shall I work/eat? – I shall not (shan’t) work /eat. You (he, she, it, they) will work/eat. – Will you work/eat? – You will not (won’t) work/eat. I (we) shall be working/eating. – Shall I be working/eating? – I shall not (shan’t) be working/eating. You (he, she, it, they) will be working/eating. – Will you be working/eating? – You will not (won’t) be working/eating. I (we) shall have worked /eaten. – Shall I have worked /eaten? – I shall not (shan’t) have worked /eaten. You (he, she, it, they) will have worked /eaten. – Will you have worked /eaten? – You will not (won’t) have worked /eaten. I (we) shall have been working/eating. – Shall I (we) have been working /eating? – I (we) shall not (shan’t) have been working/eating. You (he, she, it, they) will have been working/eating. – Will you (he, she, it, they) have been working/eating? – You (he, she, it, they)will not (won’t) have been working/eating.
    Обычное действие; регулярно повторяю-щеееся; в прошлом и будущем – неопред-еленно обозначенный момент времени. Often, always, seldom, sometimes, usually, on Sundays, etc. When (exact date). In 1999 / 2020. Yesterday, tomorrow. Present: Общая харак-теристика без указания времени, универсаль-ная истина. Историческое настоя-щее. Выражение буду-щего действия (запла-нированного). Действие в процессе в конкретно указанный момент или промежуток времени. Now, at the (exact) moment, at present. From… to. When (another action). Эмфатическое или образное обобщение - Generalization: constantly, always, this year, all smb’s life. Present: Действие в самом ближайшем будущем в соответствии с графиком, договоренностью. Действие, законченное к моменту времени с определенным результа-том; момент времени не является важным, и период времени в настоящем может быть не завершен. Not…yet, alresdy, before, just, ever, never, lately, recently, etc. For (many years, last few days, ages etc.), in a long while, all ont’s life. Since. Для Past Рerfect и Future Perfect определенный момент времени, к которому действие завершено, указан предлогом by. Действие в процессе длительный период времени, который может быть не завершен к определенному моменту времени в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем. For, since. Употребление Present Continuous частично совпадает с употреблением простых форм Рerfect. Нежелательно в отрицательных предложениях.  


    Passive Voice (страдательный залог)  
  Indefinite/Simple Continuous/Progressive Perfect/ Simple Perfect
Present I (you, we, they) am invited/taught. –Am I invited/taught? - I am not invited /taught. You (we, they) are invited/taught. – Are you(we, they) invited/taught ? -You (we, they) are not (aren’t) invited/taught, He (she, it) is invited/taught. – Is he (she, it) invited/taught? – He(she, it) is not (isn’t) invited/taught. I am being invited/taught. –Am I being invited/taught? - I am not being invited/taught. You (we, they) are being invited /taught. – Are you (we, they) being invited /taught? – You (we, they) are not (aren’t) being invited/taught. He (she, it) is being invited/taught. – Is he (she, it) being invited/taught? – He (she, it) is not (isn’t) being invited/taught. I (you, we, they) have been invited/taught. – Have I (you, we, they) been invited /taught?- I (you, we, they) have not (haven’t) been invited/taught. He (she, it) has been invited/taught. – Has he (she, it) been invited/taught? – He (she, it) has not (hasn’t) been invited/taught.
Past I (he, she, it) was invited/taught. –Was I (he, she, it) invited/taught? - I (he, she, it) was not (wasn’t) invited/taught. You (we, they) were invited/taught. – Were you (we, they) invited/taught? – You (we, they) were not (weren’t) invited/taught. I (he, she, it) was being invited/taught. –Was I(he, she, it) being invited /taught? - I (he, she, it) was not (wasn’t) being invited/taught. You (we, they) were being invited/taught. – Were you (we, they) being invited/taught? – You (we, they) were not (weren’t) being invited/taught. I (we, you, he, she, it, they) had been invited/taught –Had I(we, you, he, she, it, they) been invited /taught? - I (we, you, he, she, it, they) had not (hadn’t) been invited/taught.  
Future I (we) shall be invited/taught. – Shall I (we) be invited/taught? – I (we) shall not (shan’t) be invited/taught. You (he, she, it, they) will be invited/taught. – Will you (he, she, it, they) be invited /taught? – You (he, she, it, they) will not (won’t) be invited/taught.   I (we) shall have been invited/taught. – Shall I(we) have been invited/taught? – I (we) shall not (shan’t) have been invited/taught. You (he, she, it, they) will have been invited/taught. – Will you (he, she, it, they) have been invited/taught? – You (he, she, it, they) will not (won’t) have been invited/taught.
Употребление форм Passive Voice совпадает с употреблением форм Active Voice (см. выше)

Таблица 3. Формы сослагательного наклонения.

Simple (old) forms:
a) Indefinite Infinitive (without to)
It is important that your translation be good. Важно, чтобы ваш перевод был хорошим.
b) Forms like Past Indefinite
The work would be done if they prepared for it properly. Работу можно было бы сделать, если бы они подготовились к ней должным образом.
It looked as if the reform were by, and for the nobility. Казалось, как будто бы реформа была проведена знатью и для знати.
c) Forms like Past Perfect
The work would have been done long ago if they had prepared for it properly. Работа уже давно была бы сделана, если бы они подготовились к ней должным образом.
Analytical (new) form:
should would could might   + Infinitive without to (any form)
He suggested that these parts should be tested under very severe condition. Он предложил, чтобы эти детали были испытаны в очень жестком режиме.
It would necessitate restoration of the building Это сделало бы необходимым реставрацию здания.
Our method could be generalized. Наш метод можно было бы обобщить.
These activities might have complemented each other, but this was not the case. Эти действия могли бы дополнить друг друга, но этого не произошло.


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