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What Makes Up Weather?



— Speaking

) WEATHER / TRAVEL HOT LINE The 24-hour hot line gives touch-tone callers forecasts and travel conditions in 650 cities. Flight Call also offers flight arrival, departure and gate information for airports with Q below.

Many clouds. Showers around, t’storm. High 75, low 61. Tomorrow: partly sunny, a bit warmer. Staying cool, more clouds than sun, cool east wind. High 56, low 51. Tomorrow:Showers then clearing. Plenty of sun, Nice, quite cool along lakeshore. High 66, low 48. Tomorrow: partly sunny and cool. Cloudy start, shower, risk thunder, clearing later on. High 71, low 45. Tomorrow:sun then clouds.
Rain early. Maybe thunder, clearing late day. High 75, low 46. Tomorrow: mostly sunny and pleasant. Hot sun, few clouds build up but day looks dry. High 91, low 66. Tomorrow: some sun, chance t’storm. Intervals of sun, Some afternoon thunderstorms. High 76, low 51. Tomorrow: good supply of sunshine. Clouds early, maybe a shower, then skies clear out. High 73, low 43. Tomorrow: sunny to partly cloudy.
Very balmy. Under mostly sunny skies, fair tonight. High 89, low 68. Tomorrow: sun, scattered t’storms. Sun develops, aftersome clouds early, drier air. High 76, low 48. Tomorrow: sunshine, clouds late. Sun, clouds, looks good. warm sun, drier, breezy. High 75, low 59. Tomorrow: scattered showers. Not bad. Some morning clouds then sunny afternoon. High 78, low 62. Tomorrow: milder.  
Warm, humid,seasonable, a mix of clouds and sun. High 84, low 70. Tomorrow: partial sun, risk storm. Partly sunny, light winds, just a bit on the cool side. High 64, low 48. Tomorrow: intervals of clouds and sun. Lots of clouds,showers end, brighter afternoon. High 77, low 54. Tomorrow: nice, dry and partly sunny. Sunny intervals,humid, isolated thunderstorm possible. High 84, low 68. Tomorrow: lots of sun, warmer, drier.
Changeable. Blend of clouds, sun, a bit milder. High 71, low 56. Tomorrow: clouds then sun, breezy. Sun at times, thunderstorm or two around. High 87, low 66. Tomorrow: some sun, clouds return, chance t’storm. Mainly sunny, a few clouds, risk of showers tonight. High 75, low 57. Tomorrow: clouds early then sun. Hot sunshine,humidity continues high for the season. High 99, low 73. Tomorrow: sunshine slowly develops.



Exercise 1

Look at the chart about U.S. weather and answer the questions below.

[ What’s the weather like in New Orleans? Chicago? _____ …?

[ What’s the high temperature for the day in New York? Dallas? ______ …?

[ What’s the low temperature for the day in Miami? Nashville? ______ …?

[ Is it going to rain in Columbus? Houston? Phoenix? ______ …?

[ Is it going to be windy in Boston? Orlando? ______ …?


Exercise 2

Work with a partner. Look at the weather chart above. Make dialogues about today’s weather in the situation:

Student 1: You intend to travel to USA for a weekend. You should know the weather and are inquiring the Travel Hot Line agent about the weather in the city you’ve chosen. Student 2: You are the Travel Hot Line agent and have to answer the questions concerning weather and flight conditions in US cities.

You may use questions in the example below. Take turns. Compare cities.

Example: What’s the weather like in…?

Is it sunny (cloudy, foggy, etc.) in …?

Is it going to be foggier (rainier, colder) in San Francisco or Nashville?

Which city will have the hottest (coldest, windiest) day: San Francisco, Nashville, or Atlanta?


Exercise 3

Translate into English.

- Якою буде сьогодні погода?

- Прогноз погоди на найближчу добу не передбачає істотних змін. День почнеться сонячним, безхмарним. Якщо зранку буде роса, чекай погожої, прекрасної погоди. Опівдні сонце буде найпалючішим, передбачається нестерпна спека й жодного подиху свіжого повітря. Температура сягатиме +30°С. До вечора спека спаде і подме свіжий вітерець.

- Ти справді віриш синоптикам?

- Загалом так, але також беру до уваги погодні прикмети. От, наприклад, коли ластівки літають низько над землею – бути дощу.

1. You will hear four short weather reports from the morning news. For each report, tell what you would probably wear or take with you for the day.   Weather report 1: ____________________________ Weather report 2: ____________________________ Weather report 3: ____________________________ Weather report 4: ____________________________  

2. Listen again. For each report, tell the high and low temperatures the reporter gave.

— Speaking


Look at the chart below and answer the following questions.

W What was the high temperature in Cairo? Hong Kong? Tokyo? …

W What was the low temperature in Bangkok? Singapore? …

W How many inches of precipitation (rain or snow) fell in Moscow? Guadalajara? …

W Which city had the hottest weather?

Following are the highest and lowest temperatures and daily precipitation (reported in inches) for the last 24 hours and the normal temperature range. *Not available.

Cities Yest.t° Prc. Norm. t° Cities Yest.t° Prc. Norm.t°
Acapulco 93/75 90/73 Manila * 93/75
Amsterdam 63/52 57/48 Martinique 82/77 .02 88/73
Athens 73/55 1.0 75/59 Merida 86/59 .20 93/72
Bangkok 101/84 95/77 Mexico City * .08 79/54
Beijing 77/55 .04 77/52 Montego Bay 83/72 .24 86/75
Berlin 63/54 * 63/45 Monterrey 74/66 86/66
Bermuda 78/72 73/64 Montreal 62/39 61/41
Bonn 66/46 64/46 Moscow 65/48 63/45
Brussels 62/52 63/45 Nairobi * 73/55
Budapest 71/54 70/50 Nassau 80/70 .67 82/72
Buenos Aires 65/61 * 66/48 New Delhi * 104/75
Cairo 87/75 90/61 Nice * 68/52
Caracas * * 86/75 Oslo 64/39 54/36
Casablanca 76/63 72/54 Panama City * * 90/77
Copenhagen 59/48 * 57/43 Paris 72/43 64/46
Dakar 77/68 82/66 Prague 62/45 61/43
Damascus 78/48 82/54 Rio de Janeiro * 79/68
Dublin 58/50 * 55/43 Riyadh 98/73 97/70
Edinburgh 57/54 * 55/41 Rome 79/55 72/54
Edmonton 53/46 59/34 Seoul 64/54 70/48
Geneva * 64/46 Shanghai * * 72/59
Guadalajara 79/59 .35 86/55 Singapore 87/75 90/75
Havana 80/72 88/70 Stockholm 62/46 .12 54/39
Helsinki 58/43 .02 50/37 Sydney 71/61 .02 68/54
Hong Kong 82/81 * 81/72 Taipei 82/75 .01 81/68
Istanbul 66/50 68/52 Tokyo 61/52 70/52
Jerusalem 77/55 79/55 Toronto 59/34 61/41
Johannesburg 75/54 68/45 Tunis 75/54 73/54
Kingston 90/79 88/75 Vancouver 56/52 61/45
Lima 79/70 72/63 Vienna 69/46 66/45
Lisbon 81/61 .02 70/55 Warsaw 57/46 64/45
London 68/50 61/45 Winnipeg 70/46 61/36

Exercise 4

Translate into English.

1.Яка погода надворі? 2. Ніколи не знаєш, чого чекати від погоди. 3. Ніщо не може зрівнятися з весною. 4.Туман розвіявся. 5.Наближається холод. 6.Встановлюється чудова погода. 7.Спека нестерпна. 8.Жодний лист не ворухнеться. 9.Знявся сильний вітер. 10.У мене зуби клацають від холоду. 11.Я тремчу від холоду. 12.Небо затягнуте хмарами.



— Speaking

The temperature is often given in Fahreheit degrees. It can be transformed into Celsius degrees and vise versa with the help of the formulae.


°Fahrenheit = 9/5 x X°C + 32 °Celsius = 5/9 x X°F – 32


For more convenient calculation use the chart of temperaturecorrespondence below and answer the questions in the right column.


100°C °C = °F 212°F (boiling QUESTIONNAIRE
    Point) Use Fahrenheit Degrees
        =     1. What’s the temperature in the room now?
36.6°C   = =   98.6°F (normal body t) 2. What’s a good room temperature? 3. What’s the temperature outside?
  =   4. What’s the normal body
      =     temperature? 5. How much is 16 degrees
  =     6. Are you sick if you have a 102 degree temperature?
  =   7. Is 100 degrees hot or warm?
      =     8. Is 70 degrees warm or cool? 9. Is 32 degrees cold or freezing?
0°C   =   32°F (freezing point) 10.Is 60 degrees cool or cold? 11.Is 40 degrees cool or cold?
  -7 =    



i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i



— Speaking

1.Work with a partner. Fold the page in the middle.


Listen to the questions from your partner and find the answers in the chart below. Now ask your partner these questions.
100°C °C ° F 2120 F (boiling point)
    =   1.How much is 15 degrees Centigrade in Fahrenheit?
    =     2.How much is 100 degrees Centigrade in Fahrenheit?
36.6°C       98.6 0F (normal body t0) 3.Is 72 degrees Fahrenheit a good room temperature?
      =     4.Is 100 degrees Fahrenheit a comfortable outside temperature?
      =     5.How’s the weather today? 6.How much is … degrees Fahrenheit in
  =     7.How much is … degrees Centigrade in Fahrenheit?
0°C     =   32°F (freezing point)  
  -7 =    
    -18   =      

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

2.The page is folded but you work with the other part of it. If you were asking questions in the previous task now your partner will be asking. Give him/her answers in °F and the equivalents in °C.

Ask your partner these questions.   Listen to the questions from your partner and find the answers in the chart below.
1.What’s the high temperature in Chicago in July? 2.What’s the low temperature in Miami? 3.Is it hot or warm in Dallas? 4.Where is it nice in July? 5.What’s the temperature in New Orleans? 6.Where is it between 65 and 80? 7.Where is it cold? 8.Is it convenient to have vacation in New Orleans, Seattle, Denver?   AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURES IN JULY AROUND THE COUNTRY City High Low Chicago 870 F 650 F Dallas 1050 F 790 F Denver 900 F 630 F Los Angeles 800 F 650 F Miami 900 F 760 F New Orleans 950 F 770 F New York 880 F 710 F San Francisco 720 F 540 F Seattle 730 F 540 F Washington D.C. 910 F 740 F


Listening Watching the weather 1. A weatherman gives the forecast on the TV evening news. Write the predicted weather conditions for the weekend on the map of USA next to the name of the city (find the cities on the map first).

2. Show these cities on the map and provide the weather forecast without looking into your notes. You my make paper weather symbols to provide visual support to your report.


Exercise 5

Weather Forecast on INTER Channel.

  Вітаю вас. Як завжди в цій порі, в студії Руслана Писанка з інформацією про погоду. Сьогодні день Благовісника.

За стародавнім повір’ям у день Благовісника прокидається від зимового сну грім і блискавка. В народі грім ототожнювали з виходом колісниці, в якій святі полювали за чортами, а блискавки ототожнювали з пострілами нечестивців. Відтак, коли вогняна стріла влучала в чиюсь будівлю, це вважалось божою карою за гріхи. Якщо на Благовісника перший грім буде при сильному вітрі – до холодної весни, якщо ж при східному – до сухої і теплої, а при західному – до мокрого. Простежте за першим громом, і ви дізнаєтесь, яку весну приготувала нам погода.

Пізня весна може бути однією з причин поганого самопочуття та підвищеної чутливості до стресів. Окрім того, березень-квітень – період, який традиційно вважається несприятливим для нервової системи. Найчастіше у такі ситуації потрапляють люди нетерплячі і ті, яким властиво не доводити свої справи до кінця. Вони часто хапають їжу находу та спізнюються. Саме вони найчастіше навесні відчувають, що набирають зайві кілограми або навпаки худнуть.

Та наразі повернемося до прогнозу погоди, а вона обіцяє бути такою.

В Європі значно потеплішало. Антициклон біля берегів Італії обумовлює суху та порівняно теплу погоду серед усіх країн Середземномор’я та на Балканах. Решта території Європи перебуває під впливом циклонічної діяльності. Центр циклонічних вихорів знаходиться над Швецією, островом Шпіцберген та Північчю Атлантики. Тут майже скрізь хмарна погода, ідуть дощі, а на півночі Скандинавії та в більшості районів Росії, крім Північного Кавказу, – вночі прохолодно, ідуть дощі із снігом. Найближчої доби в Україну надходитиме тепле та вологе повітря із Західної Європи. За повідомленням синоптиків Українського Гідрометцентру 8 квітня на території нашої держави очікується хмарна погода з проясненнями. У північних областях опадів не передбачається, а на решті території часом невеликий дощ, в західних областях помірний дощ, можливі грози.

У цей день мінімальна температура повітря становила близько 70 морозу у 1944 році, а максимальна близько 260 тепла у 1965.




What a Nice Day 1. Work in pairs or small groups. Look at the map of the USA. What do you think the weather is like in early spring in Seattle, Montreal, San Diego, Toronto, New York, Oklahoma City, Houston, Miami, Ohio? 2. Listen to the weather report and write on the map the temperatures that are mentioned. Then listen again and write in the weather symbols to shоw what kind of weather they are having in each city.


& Reading

What Makes Up Weather?

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Meteorologists observe air masses carefully and track their movement. They know that air masses, their movement, and the way they interact with each other determine weather conditions.

The place where air mass forms is called its source area. When an air mass moves to another place, it carries its temperature and humidity with it. Meteorologists predicting weather changes can rely on this fact.

As an air mass moves, it comes in contact with other air masses with different temperatures and amounts of moisture. The air masses interact with one another at their boundaries and produce changes that can often be predicted. The boundary between the air masses, where the interaction takes place, is called a front. As the air masses move, the front moves with them.

A cold front forms when a cold air mass moves into a region occupied by a warm air mass. Warm air and cold air don’t mix easily. When warm air is forced to rise, it cools and its relative humidity increases. Thus, the water vapor in the air condenses, and forms a line of clouds.

When a warm mass overtakes a cold air mass that’s moving away, a warm front develops. The warm air is forced up, and the cooler air remains under the warm, rising air. As the warm air is forced upward, it cools, clouds form, and frequently precipitation develops.

A warm or cold front can stall, or stop moving. Such a front does not advance and is called a stationary front.

Another type of front is formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front, lifting the warm air above the surface. This is an occluded front.

Fronts cause disturbances in the atmosphere. Usually, cold fronts move faster than warm fronts. They also cause air to rise more quickly and at a steeper angle than air along warm fronts. Cold fronts and their clouds may bring heavy precipitation with large drops. However, because cold fronts move fast, the precipitation and other weather conditions they bring are often brief. The front often passes quickly and the sky is clear.


[ What is the front? What kinds of fronts do you know?

[ How do fronts influence the weather?

[ Do you know where meteorological stations are situated? What kind of equipment do meteorologists have? How does it help them?


Exercise 6

Translate into English.

TV Weather Report

Роздивимося синоптичну ситуацію в Європі. Погоду південної частини визначає область підвищеного тиску. Тут сонячно і тепло. Великобританія, північна половина Європи, Європейська територія Росії перебуває під впливом атмосферних фронтів. Тут хмарно і йдуть дощі. В Україні сьогодні арктичний холод ще є панівним, але під натиском тепла він втрачає свої позиції.

За повідомленням Українського Гідрометцентру 17 квітня на території нашої країни мінлива хмарність, в Україні переважно без опадів, в ночі у західних та північних областях місцями невеликий дощ. Вітер південно-західний 5-10м/с, а в Карпатах пориви до 20-25м/с. Рівень води становить 604см, а температура води близько 60 тепла.

Вночі місцями очікується невеликий дощ, удень переважно без опадів. Нічна температура у столиці становитиме 6-80вище нуля, денна +14-160.

Вже ніби сонячно, і душа радіє, як поглянеш у віконце, а все не потеплішає. Вибігаєш, бува, з дому у легенькому плащику і розумієш свою легковажність. Ну, що ж, ще трохи терпіння, а там, хто знає, може настане літо.

В народі кажуть, що, якщо в цей день зранку буде туман, тоді чекайте повіддя на річках. Якщо в цей день погода буде гарна, то і рік буде врожайним.


& Reading

Read and listen, compare the report in TV slang and its translation into standard English.

Slang Used in TV Weather News - Weather Report –
The ridge that moved in gave us a real scorcher today with the mercury soaring to record highs but the heat wave is just about over. Many people forget to take precautions when soaking up the rays and end up getting burnt to a crisp, so do be careful. On the flip side, that high will be followed closely by a trough and we should have some colder weather on tap in just a few days. It could be pretty nasty out there for about a week. In fact, we’re calling for a big storm which should be a real doozie, so make sure to batten down the hatches as this system rolls in. The danger of any twisters has completely passed although winds should kick up slightly around noon. Earlier, we thought it was going to rain buckets in the mountains but now we are predicting some snow flurries which should change that hard pack to powderideal for skiing. The high pressure area that arrived gave us a very hot day today with the temperaturesoaring to record highs but the continuous hot weather is just about over. Many people forget to take precautions when sunbathing and end up getting sunburned, so do be careful. Conversely, that high pressure areawill be followed closely bya low pressure area and we should have some colder weather herein just a few days. It could be pretty severe out there for about a week. In fact, we’re predicting a large storm which should be extremely forcefulso make sure to secure your homes as this system approaches. The danger of any tornados has completely passed although winds should become slightly active around noon. Earlier, we thought it was going to rain heavily in the mountains but now we are predicting some snow flurries which should change that packed snow to powdered snow ideal for skiing.

Exercise 1

Match the columns.

1. We’re having continuous high temperatures today. 2. The weatherman is predicting rain this afternoon. 3. There’s lots of good packed-down snow in the moutains ideal for skiing. 4. I got extremely sunburned at the beach today. 5. Seal the house tightly! This storm is going to be huge! 6. The storm is going to arrive around 3:00. 7. What severe weather!   8. It’s still getting hotter today.   9. I wonder what kind of weather we have pending for tomorrow. 10. Did you see that tornado? 11. It’s a real hot day! 12. A low pressure area is going to pass over the city tomorrow. A. The weatherman is calling for rain this afternoon. B. I wonder what kind of weather we have on tap for tomorrow. C. I got burnt to a crisp at the beach today. D. What nasty weather. E. Did you see that twister? F. A trough is going to pass over the city tomorrow. G. The storm is gonna roll in around 3:00. H. Batten down the hatches! This storm is gonna be a doozie! I. The mercury’s still rising. J. We’re having a heat wave today. K. It’s a real scorcher. L. There’s lots of good hard pack in the mountains ideal for skiing.


Exercise 2

Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate word from the list below.

crisp flip scorcher nasty wave buckets rays roll kick tap twister doozie

1. I got burnt to a ___________ at the beach yesterday.

2. That _____________ just picked that car up in the air! It’s amazing how distructive wind can be.

3. It’s been raining ___________ all week.

4. I can’t believe how hot it is today. What a __________ !

5. It’s strange that we are having a heat ___________ in the middle of the winter.

6. The wind is really starting to _____________ up.

7. If I report the accident to my insurance company, they’ll pay for the repairs. On the ___________ side, my insurance rate will go up!

8. The storm last night was a real ____________ !

9. I’m gonna lie outside and soak up some _______________ !

10. It’s been rainy and cold here for over two weeks. We sure are experiencing some ____________ weather here.

11. We have good weather on ____________ for tomorrow.

12. Look at those rain clouds starting to ___________ in.

Exercise 3

Underline the correct definition of the word(s) in bold type.

1. to be on tap: a. to be pending 2. powder: a. heavy rain 3. to roll in: a. to approach 4. scorcher: a. an extremely cold day 5. twister: a. snow storm 6. trough: a. high pressure area 7. to kick up: a. to subside 8. to get burnt to a crisp: a. to get extremely sunburned 9. to call for: a. to predict 10. to be doozie: a. to be extreme 11.heat wave a. a warm greeting 12.on the flip side: a. conversely   b. to be in rhythm   b. fresh light powdery snow   b. to laugh loudly   b. an extremely hot day   b. tornado   b. low pressure area   b. to blow around   b. to get reprimanded   b. to deny   b. to be mild   b. continuous high temperatures   b. on one’s back

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. I can’t believe how hot it is outside. What a ____________ .

2. It’s been raining for an entire week. The weather sure has been __________ this season.

3. Yesterday at the beach, I got burned to a _____________ .

4. Wasn’t that storm a ____________ last night?

5. The wind from the ____________ actually picked up his house.

6. Batten down the _____________ ! We are going to have a huge storm tonight.

7. A ____________ is passing over the city today which is why we have such nice weather.

8. The weatherman will probably ____________ for rain again tomorrow.

9. I wonder if the winds are going to _____________ up again tonight like they did last night.

10. We have good weather on ____________ for tomorrow.

11. It’s going to rain _________ today.


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