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pineapples, chocolate, cheese, meat, bananas, cola, carrots (морква), potatoes (картопля), apples.


Name: ________________________________

Form 4_____

I. Fill in There is / There are:

1. ________________ a table.

2. ________________ four chairs.

3. ________________ three glasses on the table.

4. ________________ a red bike.

5. ________________ two sings (гойдалки).

6. ________________ a dog under the table.

7. ________________ two birds.

8. ________________ a book.

II. Write questions and answers:

1. _________________ a dog under the table? - ______________________

2. _________________ two cats behind the bike? - ____________________

3. _________________ a book on the table? - ________________________

4. _________________ four glasses? - ______________________________

5. _________________ a cake? - __________________________________

6. _________________ two swings? - ______________________________

7. _________________ two children in the garden? - __________________

III. Write the answers:

1. How many chairs are there? - ___________________________________

2. How many bikes are there? - ____________________________________

3. How many swings are there? - ___________________________________

4. How many glasses are there? -___________________________________

IV. Fill in some / any:

1. There are _______ potatoes in the bag.

2. Are there _______ eggs on the table?

3. There is ________ sugar in the bag.

4. Is there ________ cheese in the fridge?

5. There is ________ cola in the bottle.

6. Are there ________ chairs in the room?

7. There aren’t ________ books on the table.

8. Is there _________ meat on the plate?

V. Describe the picture, using the words:


pineapples, chocolate, cheese, meat, bananas, cola, carrots (морква), potatoes (картопля), apples.

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________

Present Simple Tense usually- зазвичай every week, day, month, year often - часто on Mondays seldom - рідко in the morning, afternoon, evening always - завжди never - ніколи sometimes – іноді  
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Answers
I You We like They I You We don’t like They I you Do we ? they Yes, I do. you No, we don’t. they


Affirmative Negative Interrogative Answers
He She likes It He She doesn’t like It he Does she ? it Yes, he does. she No, it doesn’t.  


VI. Open the brackets, using Present Simple or Present Continuous:


It ________(be) Friday evening and my friends and I __________ (be) at the disco. Some people _________ (dance) on the dance floor. Some people _______ (sit) and ___________ (drink) cola. My friends ___________ (talk) and ________ (laugh) together. We ________ (go) to the disco every week. We usually __________ (drink) cola and _____________ (dance).

It _________ (be) very cold today and it __________(snow). It always ___________ (snow) here in December. Peter ___________ (swim) in the sea now. He ___________ (like) fish and he ___________ (love) cold weather. Peter’s friend __________(watch) him. Peter always __________(bring) him a fish. His friend _____________ (wait) for his fish. Peter ____________ (cook) his fish, he ___________ always ___________ (eat) it in the sea. It ___________ (not / be) strange because Peter is a penguin!

VII. Circle the correct form of the verb:

1. Mum cleans / is cleaning the kitchen at the moment.

2. We always do / are doing our homework.

3. My friends play / are playing football now.

4. Julia usually walks / is walking to school.

5. I wear / am wearing my new T-shirt today.

6. Peter loves / is loving rock music.

7. Ivan doesn’t want / isn’t wanting to do his homework.

VIII. Choose the correct form of the verb to be:

1. I was / were at my friend’s house yesterday.

2. The girls was / were happy last week.

3. Grandma was / were at the supermarket two hours ago.

4. You was / were late for school yesterday.

5. Sam was / were tired last night.

6. Mark and Anna was / were bored last Saturday.

7. The dog was / were in the garden yesterday.

8. You and Jane was / were at school last Monday.

9. It was / were sunny last week.

10. We was / were at the cinema last night.

VIIII. Fill in was / were:

1. It ______hot last summer.

2. There ______two cakes in the fridge yesterday.

3. The boys ______at school last Monday.

4. Mum _______at work yesterday.

5. There ______ a cat at the window an hour ago.

6. My friends ________at the cinema yesterday.

7. James ________at my party last night.

8. There________ a lot of people at the park yesterday.

IX. Change to the past:

1. They are at the cinema. __________________________________________

2. I’m not happy. _________________________________________________

3. The film is scary. _______________________________________________

4. Is he in London? _______________________________________________

5. What is for lunch? ______________________________________________

6. Peter isn’t very friendly. _________________________________________

7. Are they happy? _______________________________________________

8. It’s very hot. __________________________________________________




X. Write the verbs in Past Simple:

watch - ________________ know - ___________________

clean - _________________ make - ____________________

return - _________________ say- ______________________

stop - __________________ be - ____________/____________

stay - ___________________ do - ______________________

walk - __________________ go - ______________________

shop - __________________ eat - ______________________

look - ___________________ fly - ______________________

see - ____________________ give - _____________________

XI. Open the brackets, using Past Simple:

Yesterday my family and I ____________ (visit) my grandparents. My mum ________(help) my grandma with the housework. My dad __________(clean) the windows. My brother and I _________(watch) cartoons on TV. Later, we ____________(play) outdoors in the garden. We __________(climb) up the tree to get to the treehouse. We ____________(stay) there all afternoon. Then our mum ___________(call) us because it was time to go. Our grandparents ___________(kiss) us goodbye and we ___________(return) there.

Yesterday my sister and I _____________ (help) our mum in the house. First, we ___________ (clean) our rooms and then we ____________ (wash) the dishes. After that we ______________ (cook) some pasta. The pasta ______________ (not / be) very good. But our mum _____________ (be) very happy to eat it. She _______________ (not / want) to show that the food ______________(be) awful. Our mum is so kind!

XII. Write sentences in negative:

1. We studied at school yesterday. ___________________________________

2. Pedro played football last Sunday. _________________________________

3. I watched TV last night. _________________________________________

4. Anna listened to music yesterday evening. ___________________________

5. The cat climbed a tree a minute ago. ________________________________

6. It rained last week. _____________________________________________

7. He smiled me. _________________________________________________

XIII. Fill in questions and short answers:

1. _____ you cook breakfast yesterday morning? – No, ___________________

2. _____ the boys watch a film last night? – Yes, ________________________

3. _____ Mum clean the house yesterday? – No, ________________________

4. _____ your friends visit you last week? – Yes, ________________________

5. _____ Steve play basketball last weekend? – Yes, _____________________

6. _____ you and Chloe clean your rooms last Monday? – No, _____________


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