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Выберите нужную форму слова, переведите предложения

Задание № 1 Вариант 2

Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на выделенные существительные

1. Wellingtondefeated Napoleon's army in the battle of Waterloo. 2. Wellingtonsare rubber boots. Americans call them galoshes. 3. What had happened, became a Waterloo Bridgefor him. 4. He is areal Paparatssiin everything that concerns making money. 5. Rita Brown writes like an American Evelyn Waugh.6. He is thrilled at his new buy: a classic Mercedes Benz.

Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на выделенные местоимения

12. Will you share your life with mine?13. Everything I have is yours.14. The responsibility is hers.15. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.16. Jack and Amelia changed my life, just as I changed theirs.17. "By the way, Catherine sends her love to you and Pete." — Blanche smiled. "And give her ours."18. Theirswas a true love story. It was a perfect match. 19. I don't want any partners. I want this business to really be mine.20. Like most people who keep diaries, Judy usually writes in herseach evening. 21. Is there any place for me in this heart of yours,Susan? 22. The future is yours ,don't let them take it from you.

Употребите личные местоимения в косвенном падеже (me/us/him/her/ them/it), предложения переведите

1. I don't know Sarah's parents. Do you know ...? 2. Where is Ann? I want to talk to ....

3. I want that book. Please, give it to .... 4. We're going to the conference. Are you going with ...?

5. Steve is gloomy today. What is the matter with ...?

Употребите притяжательные местоимения (my/ our/ your/ his/ her/ their/ its), предложения переведите

1. `Is that ...car?' `No, I haven't got a car.' 2. I'm going to wash ...hair before I go to the concert.

3. `What are the children doing?' `They are doing ...homework.' 4.It's very cold today. Put on ...coat when you go out. 5. Oxford is famous for ...University.

Выберите нужную форму слова, переведите предложения

1. a) I think I'll bye this ... scarf, b) This girl has ... lashes, c) Her hair was very long and ... . (silk , silky, silken) 2. a) There are ... daisies in the grass, b) He won a ... medal, c) Sue wore a tiny ... cross, d) These are ... rules, e) The princess was a beautiful girl with ... hair, f) They stopped before the ...altar (gold, golden, gilded) 3. a) He was dressed in a good ... suit, b) My Granny knitted a pair of long ... socks for me. c) Betty had a ...cap on. (wool , woolly, woolen)

4. a) They have a ... house, b) He had a ... head, (wood, wooden) 5. a) There was a... jug on the table, b) She is tired of her husband's ... love affairs, (brass, brazen)

6.Подчеркните сказуемое , укажите его форму и залог, предложения переведите

1. The client is always right. 2.1 often sleep with the window open. 3. My mother doesn't like it when we play in the street. 4. The beauty of the Internet is that you can get virtually anything that your heart desires. 5. Every generation has its way. 6. I watch evening news every day.

7. — Do you have a sweet tooth? — Yes, several.8. A stitch in time saves nine. 9. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 10. A good wife makes a good husband. 11. A man is known by the company he keeps. 12. The actress gave a bravura performance in the Aldwych in London. 13. He failed to appear before the magistrate. 14. Hobbs was a founding partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets. 15. They couldn't get out of the place. 16. We had absolutely nothing to do last weekend. 17. When they saw me, they shut up. 18. She began the examination on time. 19. She had a problem on her mind. 20. My friend taught English for twenty-five years. 21. The old man used to take a long walk every morning.



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