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Exercise I. State whether the words below are genuine or pseudo-international. Substantiate your judgements:

adressee, adequate, admiral, algebraic, allergy, Alpine, annul­ment, archive, bamboo, botanist, bronchitis, capillary, cockatoo, cy­bernetics, dissymetric, ellipsis, epochal, evacuee, fantasia, geom­eter, hierarchical, hypotaxis, iambus, inductor, lectureship, morphe­mic, morphologist, non-metal, parallelepiped, parataxis, professorate, quixotry, reduction, rhematic, sable, scenery, sonorant, stereometry, subcommittee, sublieutenant, substantival (gram.), synthetic, systemic (gram.), technologist, utilize, vacuum, voltameter, waffle, zinc, xylonite.

Exercise II. Identify the genuine international and the pseudo-international (non-international) meanings in the follow­ing lexemes:

accumulator, accuracy, ambition, analyst, autocrat, balance, barbarity, buffet; calendar, civil, code, colours, co-ordination; damask, desperation, diminutive, dramatic, dynamic; effective, elementary, expedition; faction, fiction, film, figure, front; gentleman; harmonious, humanity, hypothetical; imitation, instrument; juridical; liberal, loco­motive; marshal, medicine, minister; nation, natural; objective, officer, original; pamphlet, paragraph, petition, press, pygmy; racing, record, revolution; scene, storm; tank, tattooing, terror, twist; vector, vulgar; wag(g)on; zodiacal; frigid zone.

Exercise III. Translate the following English compounds. Point out which of their lexical equivalents in Ukrainian are compound/simple words or word-combinations and which are partially/fully international or pseudo-international:


a) air-mechanic, administer, arch (n), barman, club-law, coffee-bean, dessert-knife, gas-main, lieutenant-colonel, mine-layer, motive­less, paper-cutter, phrase-book, soda-fountain, soda-water, submachine-gun, sugar-cane, tiger's-eye, cane-sugar, motoring, mythi­cize, narcotism, number, orchestric;

b) day-school, field-hospital, fire-bomb, fire-brigade, fish-torpedo, hand-grenade, opium-eater, horsemaster, seeding-machine, stamp-album, steam-turbine, stock-farm, telegenic, teleshow, talking-film, tape-machine, travel-bureau, washing-machine, zenith-distance;

c) boxing-match, consul-general, electro-dynamic, figure-artist, flag-captain, grammar-school, office-copy, orange-coloured, palm-oil, party-club, press-corrector, press-box, radio-controlled, station-mas­ter, sugar-refinery, tram-line, yacht-club.

Exercise IV. Translate the words and word-groups below into Ukrainian and identify which of them are genuine interna­tional or loan international, and which pseudo-international.

1. conjugation, co-ordination, subordination, the indicative (im­perative, subjunctive) mood, syllabification (phonet.), proof-reader, spell­ing-book, versification; 2. The law of gravitation, the theory of relativ­ity; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimal fractions, equations, identity, root extraction (math.); 3. decontamination, engi­neering, hothouse effect, myopia, piston, storage-battery, traffic rules, welding; 4. horse power, income tax, black soil, land improvement, cereals, legumes; 5. growth rate, latitude, longitude, mass media, national economy, precipitation, weather forecast; 6. decathlon, pen­tathlon, fencing, penalty area, penalty kick, snow boarding, wrestling (sport); weightlessness, purification, traffic-light.

Exercise V. Translate the English words and word-groups below into Ukrainian. Point out which of them are loan internationalisms and which - pseudo-internationalisms (non-internationalisms):

a) abacus, actual, conductivity, corner-stone, copyright, decon­taminate, equilibrium, ever-frost, refrigerator, hypersonic, ignition, jet-fighter, non-conductor, gymnasium, quadrilateral, ropedancer, sabre-rattling, second-class, self-preservation, shock-worker, self-defence, sleeping-bag, smoke-screen, smoking-carriage, sparking-plug, stan­dard-bearer, subtitle, summarise, summation, superconductivity, su­pernatural, supersonic, superstructure, syndetic, thermostable, thrash­ing-machine, tightrope-dancer, toolroom, turn-screw; argument, billet, bombard, buffet, brilliance, complexion, cream, cymbals, dispute, elec-

trie eye, ferment (v), genii, gastronome/r, implicitly, intelligence, li­quor, locomotion, nocturnal, observation, occupant, officiant, partywall, replica, satin, satirize, technology, tripartite, unintelligible, zero-grav­ity, diesel locomotive, alternative current, .direct current, ionic recti­fier, rate of exchange.

Exercise VI. Render the meaning of the English simple/ compound words below by substituting where possible the in­ternational lexemes for their synonymous international com­ponents in Ukrainian:

Model: jazz-band джаз(овий) оркестр, phrase-book словник ідіом.

1. agent, apparatus, balsamic, calendar, container, cadet, ath­lete, school practice, cabin, configuration, debate, drawing-paper; 2. fashion-paper, gangster, guerrilla, idol; inch, jumper, lingo, motor­ist, music-case, music-hall, music-paper, navigation officer, new-fash­ion, occupational; 3. ration, saboteur, scenery, sound locator, stor­age-battery, symbol, tank, tank-truck, torpedo-boat, title-holder, train­ing-college, variety, voluntaryism, phase.

Exercise VII. Analyse and translate the international lexemes below. Define the possible ways of translating which help equivalently render the lexical meaning of the following genuine international words:

archaize, barbarize, blitzkrieg, cadet, caravanning, club (v), co­caine, compressible, congressional, corona, demonstrable, diagnose (v), disreputability, doctorate, electrifiable, epigrammatist, examinee, film (v), geologize, golf (v), incontrollable, landscaper, ladyship, lord­ship, mayoralty, monographer, monologize, navigable, outflank, over­produce, over-active, papery, pension (v), pulse (v), radio (v), robotics, realizable, schoolable, sportsmanship, studentship, syllabicate, teleview (v), uncivilizable, vandalize, verse (v), yacht (v).

Exercise VIM. Suggest corresponding Ukrainian variants for the following English sports terms which are genuine or loan internationalisms:

1. to feel fit; 2. modern pentathlon/decathlon, pentathlete/ decathlete; 3. aquatic sport, diving, sailing, rowing; 4. mountaineer­ing; 5. cycling; 6. wrestling; 7. jumping; 8. tumbling; 9. weightlifting; 10. fencing; 11. skating, ski-jumping; 12. remedial (curative) gymnas­tics; 13. five-km event, to forge ahead, to move into the lead; 14. to win on points, to set up a record; 15. individual championship; 16. to make public the list of players; 17. track-and-field athletics, medium/middle distance race, long-distance race, steeple-chase, re-

lay-race, cross-country race, line-up, marathon race, high/long jump, pole vault, discus/hammer throwing, javelin throwing, shot-put, trial run, running on the curve, jogging, final/speed race; 18. double game/ singles game, to deliver the ball, the right to serve, the toss/to toss, the racket; 19. left back/right back, right half-back/left half-back, out­side right/outside left, right centre forward/left centre forward, left-cen­tre back/right-centre back, goalie, to kick/hit the ball, to cheer for some team; 20. throw from running (the ball) at full speed, unhindered shooting, bouncing shot, two-hand overhead throw, a shot in the long/ farther corner of the goal, a shooting for goals; 21. breast stroke/ butterfly stroke, back stroke, front crawl stroke, to float/to float on back, competitive swimming, indoor/outdoor pool, inhalation/exhala­tion; 22. horizontal bar, sports gymnastics, callisthenics, tumbling, hoop, club, ribbon, skipping-rope; 23. to dodge the opponent, to keep the puck on the ice, to drop the puck, to work the puck, to pull out the goalie, face-off, to pull the opponent; 24. figure skating, speed skat­ing, long-distance race, sprint, single skating, straight run, run in the curve, free skating, ice-dances; 25. giant slalom, downhill run, ski-jumping, relay race, ski-lift.

Exercise IX.Suggest possible ways of translation into En­glish for each international word and proper name in the pas­sage below.


1. Змивними туалетами користувалися ще за 2 тисячі років до нашої ери жителі острова Кріт. Каструлю-скороварку для швидкого приготування їжі під тиском винайшов француз Дені Папен (1679). Пневматичні шини, на яких їздять усі машини світу, були вперше застосовані для кінних екіпажів ще 1845 року в Англії Робертом Томпсоном. Для велосипеда такі шини вперше використав 1888 року ірландець Джон Данлоп. 2. Ручний фотоапарат веде свою історію від 1888 року, коли його винайшов у США Джордж Істмен (це прізвище залишилось у назві відомої фірми «Істмен-Кодак»). 3. Заслуга винаходу швейної машинки належить американцеві Еліасу Гоу (1846 рік), а не Ісааку Зінґеру, який лише вдосконалив її і пустив у масове виробництво (1851 року). 4. З початком ери електрики на межі нашого й минулого століть з'явилися і вентилятор (винайшов Ш.Вілер, США, 1882), пилосос - Гюберт Буг (Англія, 1891), пральна машина - Елва Фішер (США, 1906), електричний холодильник вперше виготовили в Чикаго на фірмі «Домеле» (1913). Замок-блискавку вигадав 1891


року Вільям Джадсон, того ж року Кінґ Джіплет (США) запатентував безпечну бритву. Автором рецепту кока-коли є Джон Пелбертон (США, 1896), а мікрохвильової пічки - Персі Спенсер (1947). Понад 1000 винаходів належить Томасу Алва Едісонові: фонограф (1877), лампа розжарювання, удосконалений телеграф і телефон (1879), перша електростанція (1882) тощо. 5. Німець Ґабріель Фаренгайт вигадав 1714 року ртутний градусник. Норвежець Ерік Ротгайм -автор аерозольного балончика (1926). Відомий французький мандрівник і дослідник Жак-Ів Кусто разом з Емілем Каньяном мають патент на акваланг1 (1943). А таблеткою аспірину ми зобов'язані німецькому вченому Феліксові Гофманові. 6. Українці мають також світові винаходи. Прокопович П.І. придумав рамковий вулик (1828); Засядько О.Д. запровадив бойову порохову ракету (1817), а Кондратюк (Шангей) Ю.В. запропонував багатоступеневу космічну ракету (1929), В.Смакула (1936) - прилад нічного бачення.

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