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Сокращение Значение
АА Always Afloat
АААА Always Accessible Always Afloat
АВТ About
А/С Account
ADCOM Address Comision
ADDTL Additional
ADV Advise
А/Е Accept/Except
A.F. Advanced freight
А/Н Antwerp - Hamburg Range
А/М Above Mentioned
AN Amonium Nitrat
ANCH Anchorage
А/О And/or
APPR Approval
APS Arrival Pilot Station
A.R.A. Antwerp - Rotterdam - Amsterdam Range
ARAG Amsterdam - Rotterdam - Antwerp - Gent Range
ARND Around
ARRL Arrival
A/S After Sight
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ATUTC Actual Time Used To Count
A/V According to Value (Ad Valorem)
AVG Average
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor. A fuel surcharge expressed as a percentage added or substractcil from the freight ammount, reflecting the movement in the market place price for bunkers
ВВ Ballast Bonus
ВВВ Before Breaking Bulk
В/С Bulk Cargo
BDS, BDAYS Banking Days
BDEAUX Bordeaux
BDI Both Dates Inclusive
BE, BENDS Both Ends (Loads & Discharge Ports)
BGD Bagged
BI Both Inclusive
BIMCO The Baltic and International Council
BL Bale
BLT Built
BM Beam
B.O. Buyer's Option
BOB Bunker On Board
BOFFER Best Offer
BROB Bunkers Remaining On Board
BSHAPED Boxshaped
BSS Basis
BSS 1/1 Basis 1 Port to 1 Port
BT Berth Terms
BUNDLING This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable unit. This is relenant to items such as Structural Steel, Handrails, Stairways etc. Whilst this is a very flexible description, a rule of thrumb is to present cargo at a size easily handled by a large (20 tonne) fork lift truck.
BXS Boxes
BWAD Brackish Water Arrival Draft
C.A.D. Cash Against Documents
CANC Cancelling
CBM Cubic Meter
CBFT (or CFT) Cubic Feet
CC Cargo Capacity
CFR(C&F) Cost and Freight
CGO Cargo
CHABE Charter's Agents Both Ends
СHOPT Charter's Option
CHRTS Charterers
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seler pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge
CKD Completely Knocked Down
CLSSD Chiss (-ified)
CNFM Confirm
СОА Contract Of Affreightment
СОАСР Contract Of Affreightment Charter Party
СОВ Closing Of Business
COD Cash On Delivery
COGSA Carriage Of Goods by Sea Act
CONS Consumption
CONSG Consignment
СОР Custom Of the Port
СР (or C/P) Charter Party
CPD Charter Pays Dues
CY Container Yard
CPT Carriage Paid To
CQD Customary Quick Despatch
CR Current Rate
CROB Cargo Remaining On Board
CRN Crane
CST Centistoke
CTR Container Fitted
CVRD Covered
DAPS Days All Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging)
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DEM Demurrage
DESCR Description
DESP Despatch
DET Detention
DETS Details
DHDATSBE Despatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBE Despatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends
DIA Diameter
DIMS Dimensions
DIR Direction
DISH Discharge
DISPORT Discharging Port
DK Deck
DO Diesel Oil
DOP Dropping Outward Pilot
DOT Department Of Transport
DNRCAOSLONL Discountless and Non - Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost Or Not Lost
DUNNAGE Materials of various types, often timber or matting, placed among the cargo for separation, and hence protecton from damage, for ventilation and, in the case of certain cargoes, to provide space in which the tynes of a fork lift truck may be inserted
DWAT (or DWT) Deadweight
DYS Days
EC East Cost
ECUK East Cost of UK
EIU Even If Used
ELVENT Electric Ventilation
EST Estimated
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETC Estimated Time of Complition
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETR Expected Time of Readiness
ETS Estimated Time of Sailing
EXCL Exclusive
EXINS Extra Insurance
EXW Ex Works
FAS Free Alongside Ship. Seller deliveres goods to appropriate dock or terminal at port of embarkation and buyer coveres costs and risks of loading
FCA Free to Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in intermodal transport where goods are transfered at a nominated forwarder premises, depot or terminal but not actually put on board vessel
FCC First Class Charterers
FC, F+C Full and Complete
FDESP, FD Free Despatch
FDIS Free Discharge
FEAST Far East
FERTS Fertilisers
FEU Standard 40' Container
FHEX Fridays/Holidays Excluded
FHINC Fridays/Holidays Included
FILO Free In/Liner Out. Sea freight with which the shipper pays load costs and the Carrier pays for discharge costs
FIO Free In/Out. Freight booked FIO includes the seafreight, but no loading/discharging costs, i.e. the Charters pays for cost of loading/ discharging cargo
FIOS Free In/Out Stowed. As per FIO, but includes stowage costs
FIOST Free In/Out and Trimmed. Charters pays for cost of loading/discharging cargo, including stowage
FIOT Free In/Out and Trimmed. As per FIOS but includes trimming, e.g. levelling of bulk cargoes. FIOS inludes seafreights, but excludes loading/ discharging and stowage costs
FIT Free In Trimmed
FIW Free In Wagon
FIXING Chartering a vessel
FLATPACKING Cargo to be presented stacked and secured as an integral unit
FMC Federal Maritime Commision
FMS Fathomes
FO (IFO) Fuel Oil/Intermidiate FO
FOB Free On Board. Seller sees the goods «over the ship's rail» on to the ship which is arranged and paid for by the Buyer
FOFFER Firm Offer
FOG For Our Guidance
FOLL Following
FOQ Free On Quay
FOR Free On Rail
FORCE MAJEUR Clause limiting responsibilities of the Charters, Shippers and Receivers of cargo
FOT Free On Truck
FOW First Open Water
FOW Free On Wharf
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Acnually Used To Count
IWL Institute Warranty Limits
KOS Kilogrammes
L/A Letter of Authority
LANE METER A method of measuring the space capacity ofRo/Ro ships whereby each unit of space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck 1.0 meter in length x 2.0 meters in width
LASH To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc.
LAT Lattitude
L/C Laydays/Cancelling date
L/C Letter of Credit
LILO Liner In Liner Out
LIFO Liner In Free Out
LPORT Load Port
LOA Length Overall of the vessel
LOW Last Open Water
LP Length Packages
LS (or LUMPS) Lumpsum
LSD Lashed Secured (Stowed) Dunnaged
LT Liner Terms
LW Low Water
LWR (BALTIC) Lower Baltic
LYCN Laycan (Layday cancelling date)
MAC Moscow Arbitration Commision
MB Merchant Broker
MDO (DO) Marine Diesel Oil
MIN/MAX Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity)
MINS Minerals
MOLCHOPT More Or Less Charterers Option
MOLOO More Or Less Owners Option
MOS Months
MT Metric Tonne (i.e. 1000 kilos)
M/V Motor Vessel
NAABSA Not Always Afloat But Safety Aground
NCB National Cargo Bureau
NEGOS Negotiations
NESTING Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similary shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates. This is particulary relevant in the presentation of tankage strakes for transport
NON-REVERSIBLE (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed
NOR Notice Of Readiness
NRT Net Registered Tonnage
NT YT, TT Not Yet, That
NYPE New York Produce Exchange
OABE Owners Agents Both Ends
OO Owners Option
OSH Open Shelter Deck
OWS Owners
PC Period of Charter
PC, PCGO Part Cargo
PCT Percent
PDPR Per Day Pro Rata
PHPD Per Hatch Per Day
P/L Package List
PREF Preferable
PWH Per Workable Hatch
P&I Protection and Indemnity club
RCVR Recievers
REBLT Rebuilt
REDEL Redelivery
RENEWED Реновирован
REVERSIBLE (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can be added to discharge operations
ROB Remaining On Board
ROT Rotation
RQRD Required
RT Revenue Tonne (i.e. 1.0 metric tonne or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever greater). The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on the total Kl amount, multiplied by the freight rate
SATNOON Saturday Noon
SATPM Saturday P.M.
SB Safe Berth
SD (or SID) Single Decker
SEAFREIGHT Costs recharged for transporting goods over the sea. This does not cover any haulage or loading/ discharging costs but the sea transport only
SELFD Self Discharging
SEMI — TRAILERS Are actually 12.0 meter flatbed road trailers
SF Stowage Factor. Cubic space (measurement tonne} occupied by one tonne (2.249 lbs/1.000 kgs) of cargo
SHING Sundays and Holidays Included
SHEX Sundays/Holidays Excluded
SKIDS Are bearers (timber or steel) posotioned under cargo to enable fork lift handling at port, and for ease of rigging and lashing on board ship
SOC Shipper Owned Container
SOF Statement Of Facts
SP Safe Port
SPIDERING Is the internal strengthening of circular tanks for transport, this prevents the tanks becoming warped. The tanks are strengthened with sleel or wood crossbeams giving a «spider» appearence
S/R Signing/Releasing
SRBL Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading
SSHEX (or SATSHEX) Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SSHINC (or SATSHINCJ Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
SSW Salt Summer Water
STABILITY It is paramount that a vessel is stable in all respects at all times. When crago is loaded/discharged, the stability is monitored by a computer, which takes into account the weight and position of cargo within the vessel
STARBOARD Right side of a ship when facing the front or forward end
STEM Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo)
STERN The aftmost part of a ship
SUB Subject (to)
SUPERCARGO Person employed by a ship owner, shipping company, charter of a ship or shipper of goods to supervise cargo handling operations. Often called a port captain
SWAD Salt Water Arrival Draft, Salt Water Air Draft
SWDD Salt Water Departure Draft
TBA To Be Advised
TBN To Be Nominated
TC Time Charter — Owners agree to hire a particular ship for a set length of time and provide technical management, crevving etc.
Г F.U Standard 20' Container
TLXDD Telex Dated
IS Time Sheet
TTL Total
TW Twen Decker
1)10 DECK Under/On Deck
use: Unless Sooner Commenced
uu Unless Used
UUIWCTAUTC Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count
VPD Vessel Pays Dues
WCCON Whether Cuctoms Cleared Or Not
WIBON Whether In Berth Or Not
WIFPON Whether In Free Practique Or Not
WIPON Whether In Port Or Not
WLTOHC (distance) Water Line - To - Hatch Coaming
W/M Weight of Measurement
WOG Without Guarantee
WP Weather Permitting
WPD Weather Permitting Day
WTS Working Time Saved
WWD Weather Working Day
WRIC Wire Rods In Coils
WWR When, Where Ready
WWWW Wibon, Wiccon, Wifpon, Wipon
YAR York Antwerp Rules


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