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What river does London stand on?


Test 1

What’s tartan?

a) a dish c) a bird

b)a pattern of the kilt d) a dance


What’s the name of the London underground?

a) Metro c) Subway

b) Tube d) Underground


3.Выберите правильный перевод слова “blackmail”

a) грабеж c) шантаж

b) поджог d) вандализм


4.Выберите правильный вариант транскрипции: Listen

a) [‘listen] c) [‘li:sən]

b) [‘li:cэn] d) [‘lisэn]


5.Выберите множественное число существительного “leaf”

a) leafs c) leaves

b) leafes d) leafvs


What is the symbol of the Speaker’s authority?

a) the mace b)the woolsack c) the ribbon d) the bell


What’s the name of the British flag?

a) Star-Spangled Banner b) Stripes and Stars

c) Union Jack d) John Bull


Where is Ben Nevis situated?

a) in Scotland c) in England

b) in Wales d) in Northern Ireland


Who is the head of the state in Britain?

a) Mayor c) Queen

b) Prime Minister d) Speaker


What is soccer?

a) American football c) squash

b) hockey d) boat- racing


Where is the official residence of the Queen?

a) Chatham House c) Westminster Palace

b) Regent Palace d)Buckingham Palace


What is the emblem of Wales?

a) Rose c) Thistle

b) Leek d) Shamrock


13.Закончите предложение: How much does this ice-cream…?

a) price c) sell

b) bring d) cost


14.Выберите правильный вариант вопроса.

a) How many are in this town cinemas?

b) How many in this town are there of cinemas?

c) How many cinemas is it in this town?

d) How many cinemas are there in this town?


15.В слове “scholchildren” пущена буква:

a) L c) O

b) U d) K


What’s the name of the Queen’s eldest son?

a) Charles c) Andrew

b) Philip d) Edward


17. For Christmas dinner the English usually have…

a) chicken c) fish

b) roast beef d) turkey


Who wrote “Winnie-the-Pooh”?

a) L. Carroll c) J. R. Tolkien

b) O. Wilde d) A.Milne


What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?

a) the Lower West Gate c) Hadrian’s Wall

b) Stonehenge d) the Tower Gate


20. Guy Fawkes is …

a) a national hero of Britain c) a famous historian

b) a poet d) the man that wanted to set fire

to the House of Parliament


21. The midday meal in Britain is called …

a) breakfast c) dinner

b) lunch d) snack


22. The official language of Canada is …

a) English c) English and French

b) French d) English and Spanish


23. The capital of the US is …

a) New York c) Boston

b) Washington d) Philadelphia


24. The capital of Canada is …

a) Ottawa c) Toronto

b) Quebec d) Melbourne


25. The British money is …

a) franks c) crones

b) dollars d) pounds


26. In the United States “down town” means…

a) away from the center c) in a suburb

b) in the centre d) a small town


27. Secondary education in Britain is …

a) compulsive c) optional

b) compulsory d) voluntary


28. Cockney is…

a) a bird c) an accent

b) a dish d) a town


29. The US consists of … states

a) 38 c) 50

b)49 d) 51


30. “ Alice in Wonderland” was written by …

a) Jane Austen c) Lewis Carroll

b) Muriel Spark d) Iris Murdock


31. Porridge is made of …

a) wheat c) rye

b) barley d) oats


32. The Tower of London now is …

a) a prison c) a museum

b) a royal residence d) a burial place


What river does London stand on?

a) the Thames c) the Avon

b) the Severn d) the Clyde


34. Robert Burns is a … poet .

a) American c) Scottish

b) English d) Welsh


35. The language spoken in Scotland is …

a) Scot c) Scotch

b) Scottish d) Scotland’s


36.Образуйте сравнительную степень от прилагательного “big”

a) biger c) More big

b) biggest d) bigger


37.В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием “ow”, отличается от остальных:

a) Thrown c) Snow

b) Fellow d) Down


38.Замените выделенный модальный глагол его эквивалентом.

Fred has to stay here.

a) must c) shouldn’t

b) is able to d) may


39.Выберите правильный вариает английского эквивалента.

Он в пятом классе.

a) He is in the fiveth form. c) He is in the fifeth form.

b) He is in the fifth form. d) He is in the fifthe form.


40.Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол в предложении:

….the pupils playing when you came?

a) Are c) Were

b) Did d) Was


41.Выберите вариант предложения с правильным порядком слов:

gave (1) / smoking (2) / up (3) / my (4) / three (5) / ago (6) / father (7)/ years (8)/

a) 5/6/8/3/1/2/7/4 c) 4/7/1/3/2/5/8/6

b) 7/4/3/1/5/2/6/8 d) 3/5/4/1/6/8/2/7


42.Определите название формы по приведенному примеру:

To have helped.

a) Perfect Infinitive Active c) Participle 2

b) Indefinite Infinitive Active d) Gerund


43.Выберите правильный вариант предлога. Who is she looking…?

a) to c) on

b) at d) into


44.Выберите правильный перевод слова “civil law ”

a) грабеж c) гражданское право

b) право d) вандализм

45. A double-decker is…

a) a train c) a hotel room for two people

b) a small plain d) a bus


46. St. Patrick is the patron of …

a) Wales c) Ireland

b) England d) Scotland


47. St. Valentine’s Day is observed in …

a) February c) November

b) May d) December


48.Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова “pleasant”:

a) Inpleasant c) Ilpleasant

b) Impleasant d) Unpleasant


49.Дополните предложение. There is a … in the picture.

a) apple c) eye

b) orange d) toy


50.Выберите подходящий вопрос к выделенным словам. We sent him a parcel two days ago.

a) Where? c) Why?

b) Whose? d) When?

Стоимость для 5 – 7 классов – 25 £

для 8 – 11 классов – 15 £


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