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VI. Read the following conversation and give the reported version of it.

After the First Lesson


Mary: Congratulations! Your first lesson is really a success.

Ann: Thanks. I still don’t believe I’ve done it.

Mary: You have, and very well at that!

Ann: You won’t believe, but I was looking forward to this lesson from my first year in the Institute. It seemed so exciting to appear in the classroom as a teacher! But when the time came I felt I could have died of fright!

Mary: But you didn’t look frightened at all! There was not a shade of hesitation in your voice. To the pupils you seemed perfectly calm and well-composed.

Ann: You don’t say so! I was all nerves and could hardly speak.

Mary: That means you can hold yourself in hand – the first quality a teacher should possess.

Ann: Well, you are joking!

Mary: It’s not an occasion for jokes. I’m sure you’ll make a good teacher – and that’s exactly what our instructor in teaching methods says about you.

And as for me, I feel I’m fit for nothing… My first lesson was a complete failure…

Ann: There, there, don’t exaggerate! It was not as bad as you say. You should pay more attention to all kinds of drills at the lesson, and all that…

VII. Translate into Russian.

1. The teacher’s problem is to stimulate in the children the effort which makes learning successful and to use it fruitfully.

2. Much use will, doubtless, be made of those activities which make it possible for each child to engage himself in the particular operation which appeals to him most.

3. When planning the curriculum the teachers are to think of activity and experience rather than of knowledge the children are to get and the facts they are to gather.

4. In reference to the child, do you really want to help him? Are you using every means you can to find out what is troubling him, and trying to make his difficulty light? The best way to get acquainted with pupils is to ask them to help you in various classroom tasks.

5. Some teachers call on quick pupils more frequently.

6. That every pupil should be called on at the lesson is a principle that teachers know but often fail to apply.

7. The teacher’s sense of humour often helps to cope with troublesome situations in the classroom.

8. When the teacher does all the talking himself at the lesson pupils do not listen to him at all but are daydreaming.

9. Emotional balance is a quality that a teacher needs most to have satisfactory relationship with pupils.


Give your commentary on the ideas above.


VIII. Speak about your teaching practice according to the following plan.

1. The school where I taught.

2. The subject I taught.

3. My preparation for the lessons.

4. My first lesson.

5. The teaching aids I used.

6. The discipline at my lessons.

7. My relationship with the pupils.

8. The extra-curricular work I’ve done.

9. The teachers and the instructors in teaching methods who helped me.

10. My idea of a teacher.

11. The results of the teaching practice (What the teaching practice meant for me).



I. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words given on the right.

1. You need to get good _______ in order to be a doctor. 2. Most people continue working until 60 or 65, but recently people have been taking early ________. 3. Job ______ is very important if you are going to do the same thing for most of your adult life. 4. All ______must be received before August 10. 5. The cost of _______ to the show is reasonable. 6. This musician is playing _______. 7. This article covers the Indian _______ movement. 8. My boss accepted my _______. 9. Then I began to work in my brother’s firm, though my ______ were extremely low. 10. Without a good knowledge of computers you can’t expect to find ______ these days. QUALIFY   RETIRE SATISFY   APPLY ADMIT PROFESSION DEPEND RESIGN   EARN   EMPLOY

II. Translate into English using the vocabulary of Unit 1.

1. Если нам небезразлично наше будущее, обдумывая свою карьеру, мы должны обратить внимание на многие вещи.

2. Я делаю всё от меня зависящее, чтобы овладеть языком, так как я решила поступать в лингвистический университет и стать учителем или переводчиком.

3. Я ещё не решила, чем хочу заниматься в будущем. У меня нет определенного призвания и таланта.

4. Он хотел пойти работать в банк своего отца, но прежде надо было получить квалификацию для этой работы.

5. Я прочёл рекламу в газете о работе в торговой компании. Я хочу подать документы для получения этой работы.

6. Почему он уволился? - Трудно сказать. Он опытный работник, но он не получил повышения, когда освободилась должность начальника отдела.

7. Что для тебя важнее – сделать карьеру или посвятить себя семье?

8. Эта должность не даёт перспектив. Я подаю заявление об отставке.

9. Профессия учителя требует призвания. Иначе ты будешь всю жизнь чувствовать неудовлетворение от своей работы.

10. Учитель, обучая других, и сам учится всю жизнь.

11. Личность учителя играет большую роль в этой профессии.

12. Если у тебя нет призвания к профессии учителя, лучше не выбирай эту карьеру. Она предъявляет слишком высокие требования: огромное терпение, искреннюю любовь к детям, профессионализм и колоссальный энтузиазм.

13. Моя работа хорошо оплачивается, но я не имею возможности использовать иностранные языки и начинаю их забывать.

14. У меня есть все намерения поменять работу на более ответственную и предъявляющую высокие требования.

15. Я пока ещё смутно представляю свою будущую карьеру, но уверен, что мне надо стремиться к учёбе и успеху в профессиональной деятельности.


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