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Location, location, location

Foreign Artistic Terms

Class 4 Design Education and Job


Translate into English:

1. На зимней сессии мы сдавали три экзамена. Я сдал 2 из них, но завалил третий.

2. Зав.кафедрой сказала, что в течение следующего учебного года мы будем изучать специализированные дисциплины, такие как пластическая анатомия , основы теории ДПИ с практикумом, цветоведение, ландшафтный дизайн.

3. В течение учебного года мы посещаем лекции, семинары, практические занятия, а также участвуем в конференциях и выставках.

4. Нагрузка у студентов-очников намного больше, чем у заочников.

5. Я поступил в университет, чтобы получить высшее образование, и я окончу университет с дипломом специалиста.

6. В числе преподавательского состава нашего факультета есть кандидаты и доктора наук, они занимают должности доцентов и профессоров.

7. За курс обучения мы выполняем несколько курсовых работ, а на пятом курсе – дипломную работу.

8. В здании академии много классов, лабораторий и мастерских.

9. Наш учебный план включает в себя как общеобразовательные дисциплины, так и специализированные.

10. Я не плачу за обучение, я даже получаю стипендию.



Graphic Design Courses


Your studies in graphic design school will likely be comprised of traditional art classes, specialized graphic design courses and a variety of technical training. Each school's program is different, so if you are especially interested in one area of graphic design, you may want to check course lists or speak to school advisors before enrolling to make sure you will have the opportunity to explore your interests.


The following is a list of topics you may study:

2-D and 3-D design

Art direction

Branding and identity

Building a portfolio

Color theory

Critical thinking

Design theory

Digital photography


History of graphic design



Life drawing


Print and editorial design

Publishing processes


Web applications


Top Five Things to Look for in a Design School

Factors you should consider (взвешивать) when choosing a design school.


Choosing a Design School

You're a creative thinker with a passion (страсть) for the visual arts. You have the vision, drive and self-confidence necessary to become a professional designer. You can't wait to start taking classes in your chosen field, but there's just one thing holding you back (сдерживать )—you're not sure how to go about choosing a design school. If this sounds familiar (знакомо), read on to discover (выяснить) how to find the right design school for you.


Comparing Design Schools

Here are a few key (ключевые) factors you should take into consideration (принять во внимание) when you're comparing design schools:


Location, location, location

As a young designer, one of the most important keys to launching (начинать) a successful career will be the internships you'll complete—either while in design school or immediately following graduation. So location can be a major factor in your decision. If you're considering a career in fashion design, for instance, choosing a school in a major design hub (центр) like New York or Los Angeles may be especially attractive. Whatever your area of interest, you should make sure that the location of your school is also home to several employers (работодатели) you'd love to work for.


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