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Примеры на сослагательное наклонение


1. A boulder on the top of a cliff has potential energy. This implies that the boulder could convert this potential energy into kinetic energy if it were to fall off the cliff.

2. A variety of visual and electronic techniques are used to interpret and sort the huge amounts of data produced by their efforts, and particle-physics laboratories are major users of the most advanced technology, be it superconductive magnets or supercomputers.

3. An industry expert claimed last night that BT could be worth up to £37 billion if it were broken up into six separate divisions.

4. As I write, the river is fuller than it has been for decades and rushes past at what seems like 100 miles an hour, as though it were the St Lawrence River in Canada.

5. As part of the restoration work planned before the fire, it was proposed that the ship be raised three metres, to allow the construction of a state of the art museum space beneath. This would allow visitors to view her from below.

6. As the gas contracted to form the disk, one would then expect the innermost stars and clusters to have higher metallicities since star formation should have continued longer.

7. At last the laborious calculations proved satisfactory, and, confident of the result, Leverrier sent to the Berlin observatory, requesting that search be made for the disturber of Uranus in a particular spot of the heavens.

8. Batteries could be used to supply the power for almost all electronic equipment if it were not for the high cost of the energy they provide compared to commercial power lines.

9. Be it high or low, the temperature above which any substance is always a gas, regardless of pressure, is called the critical temperature, or absolute boiling-point, of that substance.

10. But one is prompted to ask, should advertising from space become acceptable, would not advertisers then want systems in space which could exploit dark time (indeed there has been a suggestion for advertising holograms to be generated in space in dark time)? Were that [advertising holograms to be generated in space in dark time] to become the case, optical astronomy would die.

11. Could we analyze the details of this civilization from its earliest to its latest period we should of course find the same changes which always attend racial progress and decay.

12. Could we eliminate the work of some score or so of classical observers and thinkers, the classical epoch would seem as much a dark age as does the epoch that succeeded it.

13. It is critical that these human influences be rigorously controlled, if there is to be room on Earth to sustain all living species of ungulates.

14. Einstein didn’t live long enough to see through a gravitational lens, but if he had he would definitely have approved.

15. Finally, even if defects were not to be the prime cause of structure formation, they could still play a subsidiary role.

16. For their dead relatives the Neanderthalers devised burial rites which they perhaps fondly hoped would somehow reverse or cancel death. Sometimes graves are situated near to hearths as if in the hope that the fire's heat would restore to the cold corpse the warmth of life.

17. Had the doctrines of Jesus been preached always as pure as they came from his lips, the whole civilized world would be now have been Christian.

18. Had there been an exact equality between the numbers of particles and antiparticles, virtually no matter would have remained to form stars and galaxies.

19. Had this not been the case, perhaps these observations would have been considered as a phenomenon separate from Moreton waves.

20. He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water...

21. He insists any tax cut be matched dollar-for-dollar with cuts in spending.

22. He was put in a cell with no clothes and shoes lest he injure himself.

23. Higher education has a specific role in this process: it would very disappointing if it were not able to provide examples of good practice in the dissemination of outputs.

24. However, a negative feedback system probably maintained the Earth’s surface temperature above freezing: if the temperature were to drop below freezing, silicate weathering would slow down and volcanic CO2 would accumulate in the atmosphere.

25. I have supposed the black man, in his present state, might not be in body and mind equal to the white man; but it would be hazardous to affirm, that, equally cultivated for a few generations, he would not become so" (Jefferson).

26. I should stay in bed if I were you.

27. I still remember that morning as if it were yesterday.

28. I wish I had remembered what Pauli said, because I discovered years later that the theory was not satisfactory when it came to making the quantum theory.

29. If a black hole had a physical entropy, it would also have a physical temperature. If a black hole was in contact with thermal radiation, it would absorb some of the radiation, but it would not give off any radiation, since by definition, a black hole was a region from which nothing could escape. If the thermal radiation was at a lower temperature than the black hole, the loss of entropy down the black hole, would be greater than the increase of horizon area.

30. If anyone should come this way, we would be caught like rats in a trap.

31. If anyone were to complain, I should merely tell them to write to the manager.

32. If astronauts were to breathe the Martian air, they could lose consciousness in as little as fifteen seconds and die shortly thereafter.

33. If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.

34. If intelligent aliens were common, shouldn’t they have visited us already?

35. If it were as cheap and easy to get online here as in America, the British might triple their time at the computer.

36. If one were to replace the sun with the typical red giant, it would occupy most of the inner solar system.

37. If the fire were to have destroyed the building, it would have been a tragic cultural loss.

38. If the flood waters could be controlled, the swamps drained, and the arid banks watered, the place could be made a Garden of Eden.

39. If the wound should become inflamed do not hesitate to call me.

40. If there was a problem, I should know exactly what to do.

41. If we ever established contact with aliens, what could we discuss with them? Present launching techniques are as extravagant as air travel would be if the plane had to be rebuilt after every flight.

42. If we only knew the distance to the Coma cluster, the value of H0 would be accurately determined.

43. If we were to film the process of an egg being dropped and hitting the ground, and then show the film, you could definitely determine in which direction the process continued.

44. If you wanted to take antimatter to the offices of your national funding agency, you might consider taking some antiprotons, since most of the mass-energy of an antihydrogen atom is in the nucleus.

45. If you went to the West End at that time, there would be thousands of people milling around as if it were the middle of the afternoon.

46. It follows that if the longer distance scale were wrong, then two independent ways to calibrate type Ia supernovae would have to be wrong yet fortuitously agree.

47. It goes almost without saying that this enormous project would not have been possible without support from the entire CMS Collaboration, CERN and many national funding agencies to whom we are extremely grateful.

48. It is a fact of modern life that some trade, economic, social technological projects would not be possible without international cooperation.

49. It is critical that these human influences [that endanger wildlife] be rigorously controlled, if there is to be room on Earth to sustain all living species of ungulates.

50. It is important that direct in situ measurements be made in the region close to the Sun.

51. It is important that parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated.

52. It is important that the nature of a Herd should be understood.

53. It is necessary that the infusion be started in the early stages of the disease.

54. It is not acceptable that the governors of this institution should be largely unaccountable.

55. It is symptomatic of the tenacity of tradition that the practice of sprinkling the dead with ochre persisted for 20,000 years, long after experience should have convinced everyone of its futility!

56. It looks as if some sort of intercourse were being maintained among the widely scattered groups.

57. It looks as if the symbol were confused with the result.

58. It was his doctor who suggested that he change his job.

59. It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible...

60. It was natural enough that she should be annoyed.

61. It would be tedious, were it possible, to enumerate the timid steps forward made by savage societies from the end of the Ice Age till the present day.

62. It would be useful if you would look through the list again now.

63. It would in some ways be disappointing if searches for alien intelligence were doomed to fail.

64. It's important that you should have some sort of a goal to aim for.

65. It's odd that he should react in this way.

66. Margaret looked at me as if I were crazy.

67. Metallurgy, the wheel, the ox-cart, the pack-ass, and the sailing ship provided the foundations for a new economic organization. Without it the new materials would remain luxuries, the new crafts would not function, the new devices would be just conveniences.

68. Of course, if a black hole as close as Pluto were to reach the end of its life and blow up, it would be easy to detect the final burst of emission.

69. Present theory suggests that if particles outnumbered antiparticles in the Big Bang by as little as one part in 100 million, then the present universe could be explained by those extra particles that were not annihilated by an antiparticle counterpart.

70. She remembered it all as if it were yesterday.

71. Should global warming continue unchecked, scientists warn, it could have a drastic effect on polar ice. Sea levels are expected to continue their current rate of rise or to accelerate.

72. Should the collapse involve a star of less mass, the remainder may be something called a neutron star, similar to that formed by the collapse of a white dwarf.

73. Should the data prove to be serially dependent, time series analyses would be performed.

74. Should the data prove to be inaccurate or incomplete, our findings and conclusions may need to be revised.

75. Should the minuscule traces of Lorentz violations be found, it would be a paradigm-changing event, leading to profound alterations to our current theories describing the forces of nature.

76. Should the need arise for extra staff, we will contact you.

77. Should the replacement involve a red supergiant, even the planet Mars would find itself within the supergiant’s atmosphere and Jupiter itself would be heated to the point where much of its substance would evaporate away.

78. Should they increase dramatically, expensive engineered structures and replenished beaches will be no match for the sea.

79. Should this denudation continue long enough, thinks Huiton, the entire surface of the continents must be worn away.

80. Since stars are gaseous, they would shrink dramatically if it were not for the thermonuclear fusion reactions occurring in their cores.

81. So I thought about the conference, how crazy it was, and it wasn't so bad. But if someone were to ask me to participate in something like that again, I'd shy away from it like mad--I mean zero! No!

82. Societies behave as if these words stood for real things. Societies, that is, behave as if they were reacting to a spiritual environment as well as to a material environment.

83. Some astronomers point out that, if life were common, its emergence should have had a 'head start' on planets around these ancient stars.

84. Someone suggested that they break into small groups.

85. Sourcerer's Apprentice lets you group related source code files and treat the group as if it were a single file.

86. Suppose that we were to extract all the iron in the [asteroid] belt and bring it back to Earth.

87. The above scenario in fact demandsthat all of the companions be white dwarfs, i.e., the remnants of the former AGB star.

88. The Berlin Wall was in effect breached in the summer of 1989 when a reformist Hungarian government began allowing East Germans to escape to the West through Hungary's newly opened border with Austria. By the fall, thousands of East Germans had followed this route, while thousands of others sought asylum in the West German embassies in Prague and Warsaw, demanding that they be allowed to emigrate to the Federal Republic.

89. The earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the radiant heat of the sun.

90. The exchange of goods and services had been increased so greatly by the new economy as to demand a common standard in terms of which the several kinds of goods could be measured and valued. Persons who apply for Membership late in the year should cross out "the current year" and substitute "next" if it be not their intention to renew the subscription in the following January.

91. The global models would be much better if computers were much faster.

92. The importance of monsoons is demonstrated by the experience of the Sahel, a band of land on the southern fringe of the Sahara Desert. This area would also be arid if it were not for the seasonal monsoon, whose rains normally transform it to a grassland suitable for grazing livestock.

93. The light which is directly reflected back does not contribute to the warming of our planet. If, therefore, the albedo were to increase, the temperature at the Earth’s surface would drop. If the albedo were to decrease, temperature would rise.

94. The registration period for a New Route PhD is from 4 years and it is expected that students be on site for a normal working day equivalent to 35 hours per week. Students are expected to meet weekly with their supervisors for one hour.

95. The Swedish scientist J.J. Berzelius proposed in 1813 that chemical symbols be based on the Latin names of the elements, a proposal generally adopted by the mid-19th century.

96. The system did what it was designed to do: protect itself. If not for its protection schemes, critical equipment would have been damaged and the restoration of power could have taken weeks or months instead of hours or days.

97. The User may also request that information be removed or changed, should the data prove to be incorrect or incomplete.

98. Theoretical models of the Sun's development suggest that 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago, during the Archean period, the Sun was only about 75% as bright as it is today. Such a weak star would not have been able to sustain liquid water on the Earth's surface, and thus life should not have been able to develop.

99. This is but running over the list of great men whose discoveries have claimed our attention. Were we to extend the list to include a host of workers of the second rank, we should but emphasize the same fact.

100. This is not to be excluded: for example, if SN1937C, instead of being typical, were as intrinsically luminous as the brightest of the dozen or so well studied distant type Ia supernovae, we would get H0=69±8 km s-1 Mpc-1.

101. This would be a violation of the generalized Second Law, that Bekenstein proposed. With hind sight, this should have suggested that black holes radiate. But no one, including Bekenstein and myself, thought anything could get out of a non rotating black hole. On the other hand, Penrose had shown that energy could be extracted from a rotating black hole, by a classical process. This indicated that there should be a spontaneous emission in the super radiant modes, that would be the quantum counter part of the Penrose process. In trying to understand this emission in the super radiant modes, in terms of quantum field theory in curved spacetime, I stumbled across the fact that even non rotating black holes, would radiate. Moreover, the radiation would be exactly what was required, to prevent a violation of the generalized second law. Bekenstein was right after all, but in a way he hadn't anticipated.

102. Thomas Jefferson, for one, believed a free press was an essential guardian of liberty. "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter," he wrote.

103. Too many persons, inside and outside the profession, act as if a teacher’s time or thought were a free commodity.

104. Vladimir Putin reiterated his demand that Ukraine deliver Russian gas to Europe.

105. We might have been denied the beauty of Kensington Gardens if it was not for Prime Minister Walpole resisting Queen Caroline‘s request to attach the grounds to the palace nearby.

106. Were G (and hence αG) slightly larger, all stars would be blue giants; were it slightly smaller, all stars would be red dwarfs.

107. Were I to assign to this term a precise and definite idea, I would say, purely and simply, it means a government by its citizens in mass, acting directly and personally, according to the rules established by the majority.

108. Were it not for one scientific maxim, we might exalt the old Greek [Anaxagoras] above the greatest of modern natural philosophers; but that maxim bids us pause. It is phrased thus, "He discovers who proves."

109. Were it not for the high heat capacity of water, our bodies (which also contain a large amount of water) would be subject to a great deal of temperature variation.

110. Were it not for the slight excess of baryons over antibaryons (whose origin is still a mystery, but see next section), nucleons (neutrons and protons) would have annihilated and disappeared too.

111. Were our understanding and running of this ‘stellar clock’ incorrect, our description of the universe, as derived from the stars, would be in error.

112. Were the earth's pull on the moon to cease, the moon's inertia would cause it to take the tangential course, AB.

113. Were the resistance of the air and the pull of gravitation removed, the stone as projected from the hand would fly on in a straight line, at an unchanged velocity, forever.

114. Were they to land even 100 kilometres away without some way to navigate the rugged terrain, they would die a slow, agonising death.

115. Were these blood groups the only ones that could be identified from blood evidence, the tests would not be very useful except for proving the innocence of a suspect whose blood type does not match the blood found at a crime scene.

116. Were this layer to be of salty water (like Earth’s oceans) then it must have a thickness exceeding about ten kilometers, strong evidence for at least a thin water ocean in these bodies.

117. Were this technology to be proved, the astronomical nightmare is, that despite being only operational in twilight, such reflectors might be used for commercial or other advertising.

118. "Were Wallace's paper an abstract of my unpublished manuscript of 1844," said Darwin, "it could not better express my ideas."

119. Were we to follow down the pages of Greek history, we should but repeat the same story over and over.

120. What happens at such events can neither affect nor be affected by what happens at P. For example, if the sun were to cease to shine at this very moment, it would not affect things on earth at the present time because they would be in the elsewhere of the event when the sun went.

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