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Exercise 2. Answer the following questions


Full time students – студенти денного навчання

Extra-mural department – заочне відділення

Speciality – спеціальність

- Science of Commodities and Commercial Activity (Merchandising) – товарознавство та комерційна діяльність

- Accounting – бухгалтерський облік

- Food Manufacturing (Production of Foodstuffs) – виробництво харчової продукції

- Evaluation Activity – оціночна діяльність

- Restaurant Service – ресторанне обслуговування

- Law Studies – правознавство

Trade - торгівля

Well-equipped – добре оснащений

An assembly hall – актова зала

Credit - залік

Academic potential – науковий потенціал

An accountant – бухгалтер

A goods manager – товарознавець

An evaluator – оцінювач

Shop-assistant - продавець

Public catering - громадське харчування

Equipment - устаткування

Practical training - практика

Workshop - майстерня

Canteen – їдальня

Exercise 1. Brainstorming

a) What do you know about college history?

b) How can you describe our college building?

c) Describe the place where college is situated (imagine you have to tell someone how to get here from railway/bus station)

d) Tell what specialities are studied at college.

e) Characterize the educational process, teachers, subjects studied at college.

Now read the text and find information about college you didn’t know before.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions

· When was College of Technology, Business and Law founded?

· Where is our college situated?

· What different rooms are there at college? Describe them. What is your favourite ones?

· What specialities are taught at college?

· What subjects do the students of our college study?

· How long does the period of studying last?

· What opportunities do our students have at college?

· Do you like studying here? What do you like most of all at college?

· What would you like to change at college?

· What is your favourite subject at college? Who is your favourite teacher?

· Who or what made you enter this college?

· What is your specialization? What would you like to be in the future? Why is this job necessary for modern society?


I am a student of the College of Technology, Business and Law of Lesia Ukrainka East European National University.

Our College was founded in 1965 as Lutsk technical school of soviet trade.

It is situated in the centre of the town, in Voli Avenue near Kyivska square. It is a four-story building. It has many cosy classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, a modern computer classroom, a huge assembly hall, a gym, a library and a resource centre, a medical inspection room, a canteen.

Students of our College can get full-time and extra-mural courses. The total number of students is about 600.

Our College trains students in several specialties:

1) Science of Commodities and Commercial Activity (Merchandising);

2) Accounting;

3) Food Manufacturing (Production of Foodstuffs);

4) Evaluation Activity;

5) Restaurant Service;

6) Law Studies.

The course of training lasts for 3 or 3,5 years. During this period students get the basis of theoretical and practical knowledge on different subjects. They also have some credits and exams twice a year. Each term lasts for nearly sixteen weeks.

Students of our college study many subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, Literature, History and many others. Besides they study special subjects too. They have practical classes in numerous special subjects. Students of our college attend lectures, seminars, practical classes.

Practical training is one of the most important parts of studies. During practical training students get practical skills in their speciality. The students of our college get scholarships for high achievements in studying.

There is also a library and a reading-room in our college. Students get all the necessary textbooks there. Teachers of college give consultations for students if they need them. Many students do sports and attend different sports sections in the college gym.

Every year college holds the International Students’ Scientific Conference “Youth as strategic potential for building up national economy”. Our students have a chance to participate in it and present the results of their research works. With every year the academic potential of college students grows more and more.

On March 2009 our college was joined to Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University and became its structural component.

Our college is one of the most prestige educational institutions of Volyn region. It is training junior specialists for professional activity in the sphere of trade, economy, business, law, etc.

Exercise 3. Fill in the brochure with information about our college. Make advertising for college entrants. Your presentation should be as interesting and bright as possible.

building, classrooms, other opportunities
specialities and subjects studied
other facts

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