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Контрольная работа № 1

вариант 2

1 Choose the correct words in italics.


1.What makes people / the people violent? What causes aggression / the aggression?

2.All books / All the books on the top shelf belong to me.

3.Don’t stay in that hotel. It’s very noisy and beds / the beds are very uncomfortable.

4.A pacifist is somebody who is against, war / the war.

5.First World War / the First World War lasted from 1914 until 1918.

6.One of our biggest social problems is unemployment / the unemployment.

7.Jack and Sylvia got married but marriage / the marriage didn’t last very long.

8.Most people / The most people believe that marriage/ the marriage and family life / the family life are the basis of society / the society.

9.I’d like to live near sea/the sea.

10. It’s time to go to bed / the bed now



2 Put the words given in brackets in the Possessive Case.

Pattern: (girl) The ... car is blue. – The girl’s car is blue.


(Phyllis) ... last name is Young.

(boss) That’s my ... office.

(bosses) Those are my ... offices.

(woman) This is a ... purse.

(women) That store sells ... clothes.

(sister) Do you know my ... husband.?

(sisters) Do you know my ... husbands?

(baby) The ... toys are in her crib.

(babies) The .... toys are in their cribs.

(month) It would cost me a ... salary to buy that TV set.

3 Translate the sentences into English using the Possessive Case.


1. Я вчера видела маму Энн.

2. Это задание находится на самом верху страницы.

3. Дочь Чарльза учится в университете.

4. Я прочитал вчерашнюю газету.

5. День рождения моего отца будет через два дня.

6. Игрушки наших детей очень красивые.

7. Экономическая политика правительства очень разумна.

8. Машина родителей Майка очень старая.

9. Муж миссис Смит часто дарит ей цветы.

10. Починить машину будет стоить мне месячной зарплаты.


4 Choose the answers.


1. Tomorrow (be) Friday.

A will be

В is

C was

2. Sam’s plane (arrive) at midnight.

A will arrive

В is going to arrive

С arrives

3. - Do you know Kate’s phone number?

- I’ve bad memory for phone numbers, but I (look) for it in my note-book.

A will look

В am going to look

С look

4. .. it (stop) raining yet?

A Did it stop

В Is it stopped

С Has it stopped

5. Don’t worry about your letter. 1 (send) it the day before yesterday.

A sended

В have sent

С sent

5 Insert the necessary preposition.


1. The teacher isn’t satisfied... your answer.

2. Fresh fruit is good... your health.

3. I am not interested ...football at all, but I’m keen... tennis.

4. Our daughter has entered Moscow University. We are proud ... her.

5. John hates cities, but he is content... suburban life.

6. Aline is fond... ballet.

7. We were surprised... the high cost of public transport in London.

8. British pubs are famous... their traditional kind of beer called ‘real ale’.

9. Young people all over the world like to listen ... music everywhere they go.

10. You shouldn’t depend... Tom, he’s always late.

11. It took Tom five minutes to climb... the tree.

12. Look... this photo! Isn’t it nice?


6 Choose the right option.

1. After her sister prepares / will prepare a new dish, she invites / will invite

her neighbours to taste it.

2. My father buys / will buy a new car after he saves / will save enough money.

3. They go / will go to the beach as soon as the weather is / will be warm.

4. All the players in our team go / will go on holiday as soon as the

Championship is / will be over.

5. I wait / will wait until she explains / will explain me her behavior.


7 Define which form it is necessary to use in each sentence.

1. A buzzing sound announced that Della Street _____________________ the instrument plugged in on the outer line through the switchboard in the other office.

A has left

B had left

2. As he was polishing the doorknob, his eye _____________________ some object lying on the floor near the corner of the room.

A notices

B noticed

3. He took his handkerchief and carefully wiped off the doorknob where his fingers _____________________ it.

A had touched

B have touched

4. He told me that you had instructed him to give all of the information he _____________________ to you and that you would be responsible to me.

A uncovers

B uncovered

5. After we've interviewed him, we tell Bradbury what we _____________________ ; we don't tell him what we are going to do, at any stage of the game.

A have done

B had done


8 Match answers (texts A–G) to the questions 1–6. Write a letter (A–G) in the table. One answer is not necessary.



Which holiday

1. is purely a religious holiday?

2. honors a great traveller and explorer?

3. honors those who gave their lives defending their country?

4. has changed greatly from what it used to celebrate?

5. commemorates the survival of new settlers in America?

6. is viewed as a holiday devoted to two people at once?


A. International Labor Day is May first. But the United States chose another day for Labor Day. A New York labor leader is said to have suggested the first Monday in September be a holiday to honor labor. He proposed public parades to show the strength of labor organizations. Now, Labor Day weekend for Americans is a time to celebrate the last warm days of summer. People enjoy outdoor activities and picnics. And for most American children, Labor Day means it is time for school to begin again.

B. November 11th is Veterans Day. It was first declared Armistice Day by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. It was a day to honor the men and women who had served in the American Armed Forces during World War One. Armistice Day in 1945 honored veterans of both World War One and World War Two. In nineteen-fifty-four, Congress decided to change the name of Armistice Day to Veterans Day. On November 11th of each year, America’s military veterans are remembered with ceremonies and parades across the nation.

C. Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) honors the dead of the American Civil War. It was apparently first celebrated in Georgia in 1866 as Confederate Decoration Day when the graves of confederate soldiers were covered with flowers. In 1868, General Logan ordered the 30th May set aside as Memorial Day and the first observance was held at Arlington National Cemetery that year. Over time, it has become a memorial for all those who have died in battle for the USA.

D. The original Thanksgiving of the Pilgrim fathers would have had all the traditional things of an English village fair, with races and competitions, music and, of course, a big meal. Prayers of thanks would have been offered just as they are today. Perhaps the most significant factor; was the co-operation between the pilgrims and the local Native American Indians, without which the pilgrims would very probably have starved to death, since they had little knowledge of the ways of their adopted country.

E. Columbus Day, traditionally the 12th of October, celebrates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492. Christopher Columbus made three expeditions on behalf of the Spanish monarchs. The first, with three ships, was a voyage to discover a new route to China or the East Indies. The second voyage was in 1493, with 17 ships. And in 1498, he finally reached the mainland in Venezuela. Columbus was admiral and governor general of the new colonies until 1500 when he was returned to Spain in disgrace.

F. President George Washington was born on February 22nd, 1732 (February 11th old style), and was president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. The celebration Of this holiday on February 22nd was a firmly rooted tra-: dition. It was changed to the 3rd Monday in February by federal legislation in 1968. Though the holiday is officially known as Washington’s Birthday, it is commonly called Presidents’ Day and is considered by many Americans to celebrate the birthdays of both Presidents Washington and Lincoln.

G. Jewish Americans celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah. The Festival of Lights is set by the Hebrew calendar, so it is different each year. The story of Hanukkah goes back more than two thousand years, to the land that is now Israel. The ruling Greek-Syrian king attempted to suppress the Jewish religion. He placed statues of Greekgods in the Jewish temple and tried to force the people to accept them.


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