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1. What level forms the subfoundation of the language?
1 morphemic 2 lexemic 3 phonemic 4 proposemic

2. What part of speech has the following features:

- 1) categorial meaning of substance, 2) the changeable form of number and case, 3) the substantive functions in the sentence?

1 adjective 2 verb 3 adverb 4 noun

3. What is a typical function of the finite verb?
1 number 2 tense 3 case 4 gender

4. Nouns are ...

1. formal words 2.notional parts of speech 3. semi-notional parts of speech 4. functional words

5. All the notional verbs are divided into

1. modal verbs and link-verbs 2. monocomplementive and bicomplementive 3. actional and statal 4. qualitative and relative

6. The category of Gender is based on the opposition of

1. masculine and feminine 2. abstract and concrete 3. singular and plural 4. feminine and neuter

7. Lexical paradigm of nomination is

1. the system of the parts of speech 2. of closed character 3 . the formal grammatical feature 4 the derivational series

8. Transposition of grammatical forms results in

1. their transformation 2. complimentary distribution 3. neutralization of meaning 4. conversion

9. On the basis of quantitative structure all the nouns are divided into

1. human and non-human 2. countable and uncountable 3.concrete and abstract 4.proper and common

10. What part of speech is recognized on the basis of deictic and substitutional semantic functions?

1. a pronoun 2. a conjunction 3. an adverb 4. a stative

11. What is the categorial semantics of the adjective?

1. process 2. property of an action 3. property of a substance 4. substance

12. Verbal lexeme in all its forms is modified by

1. the adjective 2. the adverb 3. the pronoun 4. the numeral

13. The combining power of words is called their

1. morphological function 2. syntactic function 3. aspective character 4. syntactic valency

14. Define the grammatical content of the possessive case:

"It was Tom’s step, then, that Maggie heard on the steps"

1. subjective genitive 2. qualitative genitive 3. local genitive 4. objective genitive

15. Define the grammatical content of the possessive case: "I called at the chemist's for some razor blades"

1. subjective genitive 2. qualitative genitive 3. local genitive 4. objective genitive

16. Define the grammatical content of the possessive case: "… a young man and a girl came out of the solicitor’s office

1. subjective genitive 2. qualitative genitive 3. genitive of possession 4. local genitive

17. Point out the constituents of the microfield of Futurity: "It will be happiness for me to see you

1. morphological device 2. lexical device 3. lexico-syntactic device 4. syntactic device

18. Point out the character of the action: "I kept glancing at the rifles of Kopjes which. seemed to change with every step"

1. frequentative 2. ingressive 3. terminative 4. inceptive

19. What linguistic devices indicate voice distinction (Passive) in “I think she wants cheering up” ?

1. morphological 2. lexico-syntactic 3. syntactic 4. lexical

19. Regular transposition is exemplified by…

1.We shall know soon after he calls 2. Let’s leave soon 3.I would sooner not go to their party..

4.Sooner or later his luck will run out.

.20. Point out the character of the action: "We set to work on the outside of the house"

1. progressive (durative) 2. terminative 3. ingressive 4. frequentative

21. Free word combination blue sky exemplifies…syntagmatic relations

1.anaphoric 2.collocational 3.constructional 4.configurational.

22. Different linguistic elements included into the class of noun-determiners stand in…

1.PR-functional 2.PR-semantic-functional 3.PR-semantic 4.PR-formal

23. What syntagmatic construction consists of a head element and the element dependent upon the head?

1.conjunctive 2.adjunctive 3.adnective 4.functional

24. The verbs are divided into finite and non-finite forms on the basis of the category of

1 person and number 2 tense 3 finitude 4 aspect

25. Account for the indication of voice distinction (passive) “He was out of our reach

1 morphological device 2 syntactic device 3 lexical device 4 lexico-syntactic device


1. The grammatical system is

1. the derivational series 2. the set of regularities 3. the subfoundation of language 4. the set of naming means

2. What verbs constitute grammatical elements of the categorial forms of the verb?

1.modal verbs 2. link verbs 3. verbid introducer verbs 4. auxiliary verbs

3. On the basis of the type of nomination nouns are divided into

1. proper and common 2. simple and compound 3. complementive and uncomplimentive 4. qualitative and relative.

4. Grammatical categories identifying the parts of speech are known to be expressed in

1. the system of declension 2. the derivational series 3. the syntactic valency 4. the paradigm

5. Notional part of the lexicon is

1. of a closed character 2. less significant than functional words 3 synsemantic 4. of an open character

6. What verbs express relational meanings of the subject-attitude type?

1. auxiliary verbs 2. modal verbs 3. link-verbs 4. notional verbs

7. What opposition forms the category of aspect?

1. active::passive 2. real::unreal 3. common::continuous 4. terminative::non-terminative

8. Verbids are

1. semi-notional verbs 2. specifying link-verbs 3. non-finite forms of the verb 4. actional verbs

9. What is the categorial semantics of the adverb?

1. process 2. property of an action 3. property of a substance 4. substance

10. What part of speech has the categorial meaning of property?

1. noun 2. verb 3. adverb 4. adjective

11. The category of number is realized in the subclass of

1. proper nouns 2. abstract nouns 3. non-human nouns 4. countable nouns

12. What verbs serve as markers of predication?

1. notional verbs 2. verbids 3. auxiliary verbs 4. link verbs

13. What level forms the subfoundation of the language?

1. morphemic 2. propoposemic 3. phonemic 4. lexemic

14. Define the grammatical content of the Possessive Case " He was politely trying to make the time of Cowperwood's arrival a trivial matter"

1. subjective genitive 2. local genitive 3. genitive of possession 4. qualitative genitive

15. Define the grammatical content of the possessive case: "She has been living at hergrandparentssince she left school"

1.subjective genitive 2.qualitative genitive 3.local genitive 4.objective genitive

16. Define the grammatical content of the Possessive Case: "In the next machine was a major with a little hand like a baby's”

1. genitive of possession 2. qualitative genitive 3. subjective genitive 4.objective genitive

17. Point out the constituents of the microfield of futurity "Your coming here is only going to make trouble"

1. morphological device 2. lexico-grammatical device 3. lexical device 4. syntactic device

18. Point out the character of the action: "Little by 1ittle I came to know why he was so dignified and had no need to complain about anything"

1. frequentative 2. durative 3. terminative 4. ingressive

19. What linguistic devices indicate voice distinction (Passive) in “I noticed that his legs are not well under control

1. syntactic 2. morphological 3. lexical 4. lexico-grammatical

20. ”As if I ever told him about it!” exemplifies…transposition of subordinate clauses.

1.regular 2.stylistic 3.paradigmatic 4.internal

21. Inflectional words like asked and naked illustrate… homonymy.

1.constructional 2.lexico-grammatical 3 stylisti c 4.inflectional

22. Complex linguistic units are derived on the basis of…relations.

1.adnective 2 collocational 3.configurational 4.adjunctive

23. Point out the character of the action "... one of the men gave a choked cry and stumbled back into the wall"

1. ingressive 2. terminative 3. single occurrence 4. frequentative

24. What verbal category shows the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation?

1. aspect 2. voice 3.. mood 4. tense

25. The aspective meaning of the verb reflects realization of the process

1. irrespective of its timing 2. in the future 3. only in the past 4. only in the present.


1. Language in the narrow sense is

1. a product of speech 2. the use of signs 3. the system of signs 4. a particular linguistic discipline

2. On the basis of quantitative structure all the nouns are divided into

1. human and non-human 2. countable and uncountable 3.concrete and abstract 4.proper and common

3. Lexical paradigm of nomination is

1. the system of the parts of speech 2. of closed character 3. the formal grammatical feature 4 the derivational series

4. The verb BE is

1. a verbid introducer 2. a specifying link-verb 3. a pure link-verb 4. a semi-notional verb

5. Transposition of grammatical forms results in

1. their transformation 2. complimentary distribution 3. neutralization of meaning 4.substiyution

6. Degrees of comparison are characteristic of

1. relative adjectives 2. evaluative adjectives 3. adjectives of temporary quality 4. qualitative adjectives

7. What part of speech is recognized on the basis of deictic and substitutional semantic functions?

1. a pronoun 2. a conjunction 3. an adverb 4. a stative

8. What is the distinguishing feature of the English language?

1. analytical forms of the degrees of comparison 2. existence of articles 3. non-finite forms of the verb 4. functional word

9. What is the basic nominative unit of language?

1. a phoneme 2. a morpheme 3. a word 4. a phraseme

10. What noun category is manifested in the form of noun declension?

1. number 2. case 3. gender 4. degrees of comparison

11. What is the categorial semantics of the verb?

1. process 2. property of an action 3. property of a substance 4. substance

12. What opposition is the category of voice expressed by?

1. real::unreal 2. abstract::concrete 3. common::continuous 4. active::passive

13. The theory of four cases is called

1. the postpositional theory 2. the theory of nomination 3. syntactic valency 4. the theory of prepositional cases

14. Define the grammatical content of the Possessive Case. "He looked ever so much smarter in his new officer’s clothes with the little blue chevron,,,"

1. subjective genitive 2. qualitative genitive 3. local genitive 4. genitive of possession

15. Define the grammatical content of the possessive case: "One day, on the way to the grocer’s I saw Irwing sitting on the steps of the house."

1.subjective genitive 2.qualitative genitive 3.local genitive 4.objective genitive

16. Point out the character of the action: "We set to work on the outside of the house"

1. progressive (durative) 2. terminative 3. ingressive 4. frequentative

17. Point out the character of the action: "I never talk while I’m working"

1. ingressive 2. progressive (durative) 3. terminative 4. frequentative

18. Account for the indication of voice distinction (passive).

“...but we have pretty good times. Not as good, though, since Jim Kendall got killed"

1.morphological 2.lexico-grammatical 3.lexical 4.syntactical

19. Point out “passive” adjective.

1.interesting 2.eatable 3.talkative 4.important

20. In “I say” said Hurstwood, as they came up the theatre lobby “we are exceedingly charming this morning.” Carry fluttered under his approving glance”(Dreiser), the personal pronoun we illustrates…

1.regular transposition 2.external transposition 3.stylistic transposition 4. transformation

21. Morphological synonyms used to render the idea of futurity stand in…relations.

1.PR-formal 2.PR-functional 3.PR-semantic-functional 4.PR-semantic

22. The adnective syntagmatic relations are established between the elements which are…

1.loosely connected 2.cognate 3.contrasted in nature 4.antonymous

23. Account for the indication of voice distinction (passive).

“The condition of the world was such that Michael cobnstantly wondered if his own affairs were worth paying attention to.”

1.morphological 2.lexico-grammatical 3.lexical 4.syntactical

24. What verbs express relational meanings of the subject attitude type?

1. auxiliary verbs 2. link-verbs 3. modal verbs 4. notional verbs

25. What forms of the verb express the processual meaning in a substantive or adjectival-adverbial interpretation?

1. finite 2. non-finite 3. analytical 4 synthetical


1. All the notional verbs are divided into

1. modal verbs and link-verbs 2. monocomplementive and bicomplementive 3. actional and statal 4. qualitative and relative

2. The combining power of words is called their

1. morphological function 2. syntactic function 3. aspective character 4. syntactic valency

3. What is the categorial semantics of the verb?

1. process 2. property of an action 3. property of a substance 4. substance

4. What opposition is the category of voice expressed by?

1. real::unreal 2. abstract::concrete 3. common::continuous 4. active::passive

5. What function does the finite verb perform in the sentence?

1. attribute 2. object 3. predicate 4. apposition

6. What verbs express relational meanings of the subject attitude type?

1. auxiliary verbs 2. link-verbs 3. modal verbs 4. notional verbs

7. Coexistence of lingual elements is

1. diachrony 2. paradigm 3. grammar 4. synchrony

8. Speech in the narrow sense is

1. the system of signs 2. a particular linguistic discipline 3. the use of signs 4. a set of naming means

9. The potential meaning of the sign is actualised in

1. language 2. speech 3. the grammatical system 4. lexicon

10. Verbal lexeme in all its forms is modified by

1. the adjective 2. the adverb 3. the pronoun 4. the numeral

11.. The verb BE is

1. a verbid introducer 2. a specifying link-verb 3. a pure link-verb 4. a semi-notional verb

12. The theory of four cases is called

1. the postpositional theory 2. the theory of declension 3. syntactic valency 4. the theory of prepositional cases

13. What is the most characteristic function of the noun in the sentence?

1. attribute 2. adverbial modifier 3. subject 4. predicate

14. What part of speech has the categorial meaning of property?

1. noun 2. verb 3. adverb 4. adjective

15. What opposition forms the category of aspect?

1. active::passive 2. real::unreal 3. common::continuous 4. terminative::non-terminative

16. Verbids are

1. semi-notional verbs 2. specifying link-verbs 3. non-finite forms of the verb 4. actional verbs

17. Define the grammatical content of the possessive case: "I called at the chemist's for some razor blades"

1. subjective genitive 2. qualitative genitive 3. local genitive 4. objective genitive

18. Charles C.Fries set up the four major classes of words by the process of

1. distribution 2. substitution 3. transformation 4. derivation

19. The finite verb expresses essential predicative meanings by the categories of

1. person and number 2. gender and case 3. tense and mood 4. aspect and voice

20. The three criteria on the basis of which parts of speech are discriminated were worked out by

1. O. Jespersen 2. H. Sweet 3. L.Bloomfield 4. J. Lyons

21. Define the grammatical content of the Possessive Case " He was politely trying to make the time of Cowperwood's arrival a trivial matter"

1. subjective genitive 2. local genitive 3. genitive of possession 4. qualitative genitive

22.. Point out the constituents of the microfield of Futurity: "It will be happiness for me to see you"
1. morphological device 2. lexical device 3. lexico-syntactic device 4. syntactic device

23. Point out “passive” adjective.

1.courageous 2.eatable 3.talkative 4.important

24. ”As if I ever told him about it!” exemplifies…transposition of subordinate clauses.

1.regular 2.stylistic 3.paradigmatic 4.internal

25. What linguistic devices indicate voice distinction (Passive)? “I think she wants cheering up”.

1. morphological 2. lexico-syntactic 3. syntactic 4. lexical



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