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Exercise 5. Перекладіть наступні речення українською

Automatic Assembly.

Автоматичний монтаж.

Exercise 1. Прочитайте і запам’ятайте подані слова:

jigs- затискне пристосування; кондуктор; складальне пристосування; шаблон; калібр

Застосовувати затискне пристосування

lathe - токарний верстат, обробляти на токарному верстаті; точити, виточувати

milling machine - фрезерний верстат

prerequisite – передумова

file - напилок, слюсарна пилка

cut-and-try - метод проб, помилок

Exercise 2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст

Automatic Assembly.

Automatic Assembly is a computerized production control technique used in the production of manufactured goods to balance output of production with demand. All factors affecting production performance are input when setting the operating parameters of an automatic assembly system, including sales information and production capacity.

The assembly line concept wasn't "invented" at one time by one person. It has been independently redeveloped throughout history based on logic. Its exponentially larger development at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th occurred among various people over decades, as other aspects of technology allowed.

The development of toolpath control via jigs, fixtures, and machine tools (such as the screw-cutting lathe and milling machine) during the 19th century provided the prerequisites for the modern assembly line by making interchangeable parts a practical reality. Before the 20th century, most manufactured products were made individually by hand. A single craftsman or team of craftsmen would create each part of a product.

They would use their skills and tools such as files and knives to create the individual parts. They would then assemble them into the final product, making cut-and-try changes in the parts until they fit and could work together (craft production). The transition to other methods began as creativity and logic took advantage of the opportunities that the aforementioned machining developments presented.

Thus, before the modern assembly line took shape, there were prototypical forms in various industries, as outlined below.

Exercise 3. Доповніть речення звертаючи увагу на текст:

1. Automatic Assembly is a computerized production control technique used in the production of… .

2. The assembly line concept wasn't "invented" at one time by… .

3. Its exponentially larger development at the end of the 19th century and beginning of… .

4. A single craftsman or team of… .

5. They would then assemble them into the final product, making cut-and-try changes in… .

Exercise 4. Поставте 10 питань до тексту

Exercise 5. Перекладіть наступні речення українською

1. Automatic Assembly is a computerized production control technique used in the production of manufactured goods to balance output of production with demand.

2. The assembly line has been independently redeveloped throughout history based on logic.

3. Before the 20th century, most manufactured products were made individually by hand.

4. They would use their skills and tools such as files and knives to create the individual parts.

5. The transition to other methods began as creativity and logic took advantage of the opportunities that the aforementioned machining developments presented.

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