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Page №1. «The geographical position of the USA».


You know that the USA is the richest and one of the most developed countries of the world.


The territory of the USA consists of three separate parts. The USA proper and Alaska are situated in North America. The Hawaii are situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean.


The USA borders on two countries — Cana­da in the North and Mexico in the South.


This country has a lot of mountains, rivers and lakes. The largest rivers of the USA are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Columbia, The Colorado and the Yukon. The Great Lakes are sit­uated in the north-east of the country.


The USA has rich deposits of coal, oil, iron, copper, silver, phosphate rock, natural gas, ura­nium and non-ferrous metals.


The USA is a country of highly developed industry and agriculture. The main industrial centers are Chicago and Detroit, with their greatest automobile company "General mo­tors".


In the country there are many farms with various agricultural products. Grain, fruit and vegetables are grown on numerous fields espe­cially in the South.


New-York is the largest city of the USA, but the capital of the country is Washington DC. The other large cities are San Francisco, Los-Angeles, Detroit, Chicago and Dallas. The main cities are located on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.


I know that it is a very green and peaceful city without much industry. Most of the people in Washington work for the government and there are a lot of government offices there.


It's interesting that in Washington, the streets which go from east to west are named af­ter the letters of the alphabet. And the streets that go from north and south are numbered. The longest and the biggest streets are named after Americans states.


One of the most beautiful places in Wash­ington is the White House, where the President lives and works. There are 132 rooms there. Vis­itors can see the library, the Red Room, The Blue Room and The Green Room there. The old furniture there is fantastic!


There are a lot of other beautiful places where you can relax and enjoy yourself, or learn about history.


There are some questions for you.


They can help us to check your knowledge about the USA.


The student who will be the first to give the correct answer to the question will get present.


1. What sight can be seen both, in Canada and the USA? (Niagara Fall)

2. Who and when discovered America? (Columbus in 1492)

3. Who is the President of the USA now? (Barak Obama)

4. How do they call an American flag? (Stars and Stripes)

5. How many stripes are there on the US flag? (13)

6. What ocean doesn’t wash the USA? (The Indian Ocean)

7. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? ( New York)

8. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in America? (4th Thursday in November)

9. Which state joined the USA last? ( Hawaii)

10. Which of the Kennedy brothers, John or Robert, became the US president? (John Kennedy)

11. Name the famous American writer, author of Tom Sawyer Adventures. (Mark Twain)

12. When did the United States declare its independence? (July, 4, 1776)

13. What is the tallest building in Washington? (The Capitol)

14. What state was named after American president? ( Washington)

15. What is the biggest state among 50 states in the USA? ( Alaska)

16. What mountains are not situated on the territory of the USA: the Cordilleras, the Rocky Mountains, the Cumbrian Mountains? (the Cumbrian Mountains)

17. What was the name of the famous ship which took first colonists from England to America in 1620? (“Mayflower”)

18. What is the Statue of Liberty by nationality? ( the French)

19. What is the population of the USA: about 300 mln, 250 mln, 52mln? (300mln)

20. What city is the biggest by population: Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington or Detroit? ( Los Angeles )


The round is over. Thank you very much dear participants.

Video about USA.


There are a lot of holidays in the USA. Many of them are associated with the history of the nation. There are also some holidays that have come from the old colonial days. The main holidays of the USA are New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. Listening some of them.


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