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As business travel worldwide continues to enjoy solid growth, traveling executives are enjoying even greater comfort, security and flexibility. Airlines, airport operators, hotels and other travel suppliers are investing heavily to enhance their products and services in order to help ease the strain of frequent travel.

Services that were once perceived as an added benefit, often used by travel suppliers to differentiate themselves from their rivals, are now provided as standard across the industry. Electronic-tickets, self-service check-in kiosks, online bookings, flat beds in business class, in-room Wi-Fi, spas, and club floors in hotels – these are now products and services that executives are coming to expect as part of their business travel experience.

Many of these developments are in response to demands from corporate travelers to make business travel more productive and cost effective, but they also reflect an increasing awareness that executives need to retain a sense of wellbeing and comfort while on the road. OAG managing director Duncan Alexander said although these figures do not distinguish leisure from business traffic, they give a good indication of growth in business travel to this region. “When you look at figures for China in particular, the prime mover is business,” he said.

OAG also revealed that nine of the top 30 airports with the highest additional seat capacity growth are located in China. “Dubai also showed significant growth with increases of 79,500 additional seats,” added Alexander. “This reflects higher demand from both business and leisure travelers in the United Arab Emirates, and aggressive international expansion by its major airlines.”

Task 2. Write suitable heading to each passage. (Time for preparation – 4 min. Time for answer – 2 min.)

WRITING (10min)

Task 1 Read an email below and write reply to the letter using appropriate style (100 words). (Time for preparation – 8 min. Time for answer – 2 min.)

Dear Ms Reckett,

I am writing regard to a computer problem. You may remember we met at the office Christmas party, and I believe you mentioned having a similar problem with your laptop. Unfortunately I have dropped mine and the screen is cracked. I was wondering if you could give me any advice on getting it repaired? I would very much appreciate any help you might be able to give me.

Yours sincerely,

James Blair

Card #9

LISTENING (10 min.)

Task 1. Listen and give T(true) and F (False) answers. (Time for listening 3 min., time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 1 min).

The CEO organize his party in the hall of his house.    
A large tennis court was there at the back of the house.    
The most important quality for an executive according to the CEO is to write a speech.    
The CEO ask his executives to eat all the barbecue.    
The CEO was surprised with the courage of CFO.    

Task 2. Retell the main idea of the text. (Time for preparation – 2 min. Time for answer -2 min.)

SPEAKING (10 min.)

Task 1 You are at an office party and meet some colleagues. In group prepare to discuss your holiday plans. (Time for preparation – 3 min. Time for answer – 1 min.) Decide:

1. Where you are going on holiday/ who with?

2. How are you going to travel / Where are you going to stay ?

3. How long are you going to stay?

4. Think about cultural differences you will.

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