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The Concept of Management and the Mission of a Manager

1. Management is a very exciting and rewarding career. A career in man­agement offers status, interesting work, and the satisfaction of working closely with other people. Entrepreneurs who start and run businesses by themselves do not have to manage other people. They have to manage themselves. However, if the firm has employees, then some type of man­agement plan is necessary.

2. Management includes the processes or functions of planning, organiz­ing, leading, and controlling. For example, suppose you have created your own comic book and want to start a comic book company. Do you want to produce comic books and market them as well? Do you also want to produce cartoons, video games, and action figures based on your comic books? Because of the complexity of your business, you will need employ­ees to help. Managers can help by supervising and directing employees.

3. Management helps businesses focus on setting and meeting goals effi­ciently and effectively so that a profit can be made. The word management also refers to the people who are in charge of running a business. Manag­ers need a thorough understanding of business operations, which involve all the activities of a company. They develop the objectives for a firm or a department and then figure out how to meet those objectives through peo­ple, work processes, and equipment.

Today people are considered the most important resource in compa­nies. If they perform effectively, companies will succeed. When companies are successful, there is better utilization of resources, less stress among employees, less chaos in society, and a better quality of life for all. So, management can be defined as working with and through other people to accomplish the objectives of both the organization and its members. As we can see, the definition of management places greater emphasis on the human being in the company rather than the company itself; focuses attention on the objectives and results of the activities, rather than just the activities; points out that the accomplishment of the members' per­sonal objectives should be integrated with the accomplishment of the or­ganizational objectives. We can make a conclusion that management is both a science and an art, and a good manager is not just a technician, following a vocational field, but a person who is able (no matter at what level in a company) to plan, organize, staff, coordinate, motivate, lead, and control.


Образуйте производные слова от приведенных ниже слов и переведите их на русский язык.

Example: to organize (организовывать, планировать) → orga­nizer (организатор) organization (организация) → organizing (организация, планирование) → organizational (организационный)

1)to manage ______________________________

2)to produce_______________________________

3)to plan_________________________________

4)to lead__________________________________

5)to control_______________________________

6)to accomplish ____________________________

7)to succeed_______________________________

8)to supervise _____________________________

9)to direct ________________________________

10)to employ______________________________


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