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Переведитс на английский язык, применяя притяжательный падеж.

Variant 2

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Moscow was fоunded in 1147. At first it was a small village but soon in 1156 it was walled and became a town with a strong fortress on the bank of the Moskva river.

The town developed quickly due to its favorable geographical position. In the 13tn century Moscow was ruined by the Tatar invaders and for many years paid tribute to the Tatar khans, but at the end of the 14tn century the Russian people rose against the invaders and defeated them.

In the 16tn century Moscow was an administrative and trade centre of the country and it became the capital of Russia.

At the beginning of the 18tn century the capital was moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, but Moscow continued to grow as a trading centre. With the invansion of Napoleon in 1812 Moscow was destroyed by fire, but soon it was rebuilt. In 1918 Moscow became the capital of the country again. Now it is a great political economic and cultural centre of Russia. The heart of the city is the Kremlin and Red Square. Moscow is a great industrial centre. More than 1,500 factories and plants are situated in the city.

Today the population of the city is over 8 min people. It is one of the largest cities in Europe. Every day Moscow is visited bу more than one million people.

Moscow is a great cultural centre. There are more than 80 institutes and colleges, 4,000 libraries, about 315 clubs, more than 6 0 theatres and over one hundred museums in Moscow. Moscow is famous for its historical monuments, beautiful parks and also for its metro. Moscow metro was built in 1935. It has over one hundred stations. The metro lines are 200km long. Every day more than 5 million passengers are carried by underground trains.

There are a lot sports facilities in Moscow.

Thousands of blocks-of-flats are built in the city every year. According to the General Plan of Reconstructions a lot of metro lines, new buildings and modern sports facilities will be built in Moscow in the near future.

2. Найдите в тексте предложения, описывающие:

возникновение Москвы Moscow was fоunded in 1147. At first it was a small village but soon in 1156 it was walled and became a town with a strong fortress on the bank of the Moskva river, разрушение Москвы татарами In the 13tn century Moscow was ruined by the Tatar invaders and for many years paid tribute to the Tatar khans, but at the end of the 14tn century the Russian people rose against the invaders and defeated them., перевод столицы в Петербург At the beginning of the 18tn century the capital was moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, but Moscow continued to grow as a trading centre, нападение Наполеона и пожар Москвы With the invansion of Napoleon in 1812 Moscow was destroyed by fire, but soon it was rebuilt.

3. Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

быть основанным was fоunded, сильная крепость a strong fortress, на берегу реки on the bank of the river, быстро развиваться to develop quickly, благоприятное географическое положение favorable geographical position, восстать против захватчиков to rise against the invaders, развиваться как торговый город to grow as a trading centre, политический, экономический и торговый центр political economic and commercial centre of Russia, быть расположенным are situated, спортивные сооружения sports facilities, в ближайшем будущем in the near future.

Переведитс на английский язык, применяя притяжательный падеж.

1. Дочь моего брата - студентка. My brother’s daughter is a student.

2.Квартира наших родителей большая. Our parent’s flat is big.

З. Дядя Анны и Игоря - шахтер. Anna and Igor’s uncle is miner.

4.Ее муж-шофер? Is her husband a driver?

5.Семьи этих женщин - большие. These women’s families are big

6.Семья Боба маленькая? Is Bob’s family small?

7.Ребенок Анны не маленький. Anna’s child isn’t small.

8.Отец этой девушки пилот? - Нет. Is this girl’s father pilot? – No, he isn’t

9. Рисунки ваших детей очень хорошие. Your children’s drawing are very nice

10. День рождения моего друга в октябре . My friend’s Happy Birthday is in October/

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