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Задания для самостоятельной работы студента

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        1 с.= 50 мин
Модуль 1 Қоғамдық саяси қарым-қатынас саясы: Қоғам мемлекет және тұлға/ Society, government and an individual/ Общество, государство и личность -Public health career. -Red Cross. -AID- the agency for international development. -IRC- The International Red Cross organization. Questions- answers, Short summary, Discussion Individual work, description, conversation, Dialogues, Situations. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 недели      
Модуль 2 Сыртқы және iшкі Қазақстан саясаты/ Inner and foreign policy of Kazakhstan and ELC/ Внутренняя и внешняя политика СИЯ и Казахстана -First aid -Preventive medicine Work in pairs Essay, conversation, Group project Discussion, Individual work, Question- answers, Description, Vocabulary. 8,9,10 недели      
Модуль 3 Әлеуметтік мәселелер/Social problems/Социальные проблемы -Suicide -Alcohol abuse -Disability Work in pairs, Conversation, Group project Discussion, Report. Question-answers, Presentation. Vocabulary. 11,12 недели  
Модуль 4 Білім және ғылым/ Education and science/ Образование и наука - Drinking water -Food safety standards   Dialogue Group project Discussion Individual work, Question- answers, Conversation, Individual work, Report, Dialogues. 13,14,15 недели    

2. 10. Рекомендуемая литература:


1. Zheksembayeva A. Zh., Orynbayeva M.K. “Public Health in Action”, Shymkent 2011


1.Ottawa. Public Health agency 2008.

Patel, Kant, Rushevsky; The politics of public health.2009

2. USAID “Family Planning”2008.

Muraskin, Williem. The politics of International health. New York.2004

3. Muraskin, Williem . The politics of International health. New York.2005

“Community health” Journal of Urban Health, ISSN: 1468-2669

4. Ottawa. Public health agency 2004.

Patel, Kant, Rushevsky; The politics of public health.2009

5. Death, Disaster and public health. New Yourk.2010

Muraskin, Williem a. The Politics of International Health. New York.2006

6. Alan C Tsay and Shu-Hwang Chi. Public Health. 2007

Death, Disaster and public health. New Yourk.2010

7. “Community Health” Journal of Urban Health, ISSN: 1468-2669

Montgomery D.B. The Prevention of Suicidal Acts. 2010

8.Amber Bastian Public Health Nuitrition/2011

Montgomery D.B. The prevention of suicidal acts. 2005

9.Ссылки в веб-страницы.

a) www.bmj.com/content/ful/.318/71901083

b) www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlender.fc-ci?artid=1115477

9.Kinding D., Stoddart G. “What is the population health”.2005

Миняев В.А. общественное здравоохранение. Москва 2003

10.Food borne disease. Osterholm M.T. English med.J. 2011

11.Food marketing Eng J Med 2008

12. Intercom 2000 by Anna Uhl Chamot, Isobel Rainey de Diaz. 1990 Heine & Heine Publishers

13. Бонк Н.А., Памухина Л.Г., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языкаю В 2-х частях. – М.: «ДЕКОНТ+» - «ГИС», 2004

14.Essential English for foreign students. Revised edition by C.E. Eckersley. Foreign Lang. Press. Sofia. 2006

15. Д.Э. Чабнер Язык медицины. Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских вузов. – Москва «Высшая Школа» 2007

16.Kalybekova, Asma Theoretical and Applied Fundamentals of Kazakh Folk Pedagogy

-Almaty: BAUR Publishing 2006

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