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V1: Что такое психология

Итоговый тест ( английский ) –клиническая психология

V1: Медицинское образование

V2: Фонетика


S: Слово, где сочетание сh читается как [K]…

-: chest

-: chalk

-: children

-: chemistry


S: Слово, которое читается не по правилу:

-: look

-: took

-: blood

-: mood


V2: Лексика


S: Слово, которое не является названием факультета…

-: medical

-: morphological

-: pediatric

-: stomatological


S: Слово, которое не является названием мед. учреждения…

-: library

-: hospital

-: clinic

-: maternity home


S: The Novosibirsk medical institute was founded…

-: in 1941

-: in 1935

-: in 1950

-: in 1975


S: There are 9 … in our university.

-: departments

-: blocks

-: faculties

-: deans

S: What is a pre-clinical subject?

-: physiology

-: surgery

-: therapy

-: obstetrics

S: Vitamins are very effective in improving our ...

-: heart

-: blood

-: health

-: disease


S: What is the aim of medicine?

-: prevention

-: healing

-: training

-: diagnosis


S: It is difficult to diagnose a disease but it is … to cure it.

-: the most difficult

-: the more difficult

-: difficult

-: more difficult


S: Слово, которое не является частью тела…

-: chest

-: heart

-+ lients: health

-: skull


S: What operation was the first known surgical treatment?

-: amputation

-: dissection

-: transplantation

-: trepanation


S: Who developed the practice of acupuncture?

-: the Egyptians

-: the Romans

-: the Chinese

-: the Indians

S: We call Hippocrates ...

-: the father of medicine.

-: the father of antibiotics.

-: the father of modern surgery.

-: the father of immunology.

S: Hippocrates was born in …

-: Egypt

-: Rome

-: China

-: Greece

V2: Грамматика


S: Her son ### a student next year.



S: When I studied at school I ### interested in chemistry.



S: Are you a first-year student?

-: Yes, is it.

-: Yes, he is.

-: Yes, you are.

-: Yes, I am.


S: My friend … a dentist.

-: will not be

-: not will be

-: will be not

-: will be no


S: We had two lectures …

-: yesterday

-: today

-: tomorrow

-: in a week


S: У меня завтра не будет свободного времени.

-: Tomorrow I have no free time.

-: I tomorrow will have no free time.

-: I will no have free time tomorrow.

-: I will have no free time tomorrow.


S: He is very good ### biology.



S: The operation was performed ### a new method.



S: В этом институте учатся друзья моей дочери.

-: At this institute study my daughter’s friends.

-: My daughter’s friends study at this institute.

-: At this institute friend of my daughter study.

-: At this institute study friends of my daughter.


S: Мне семнадцать лет.

-: I am seventeen years.

-: Me seventeen years.

-: I am seventeen.

-: I am seventy.


S: Мой любимый предмет – анатомия.

-: My favourite subject anatomy.

-: My the favourite subject is anatomy.

-: Anatomy my favourite subject.

-: Anatomy is my favourite subject.


S: I get up ### 7 0’clock.



S: В нашей группе нет плохих студентов.

-: There are not bad students in our group.

-: No bad students are in our group.

-: Bad students are not in our group.

-: There are no bad students in our group.


S: Существует одна новая теория.

-: It is a new theory.

-: This theory is new.

-: There is a new theory.

-: There is a new theory there.


S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: is preventing

L2: prevented

L3: was prevented

L4: will prevent

R1: Present Continuous Active

R2: Past Simple Active

R3: Past Simple Passive

R4: Future Simple Active

R5: Future Continuous Active


S: Сейчас они оценивают результаты эксперимента.

-: Now they estimate the results of the experiment.

-: Now they have estimated the results of the experiment.

-: Now they are estimated the results of the experiment.

-: They are estimating the results of the experiment.


S: All medical students … know Hippocratic oath.

-: must to

-: have to

-: should to

-: must


S: Глаголом является слово …

-: educated

-: founder

-: hospitalize

-: important


S: Неправильным глаголом является …

-: to treat

-: to know

-: to cause

-: to prevent


S: Yesterday it … me an hour to get the university.

-: take

-: takes

-: took

-: taked


S: Назовите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

-: He is operating the patient now.

-: He is afraid of operating patients.

-: Operating patients the doctor must be very careful.

-: The operating doctor is my father.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ed является определением.

-: The surgeon described a new a method of treatment.

-: The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

-: The operation performed by the surgeon was successful.

-: A new method of treatment was described in the report

S: Назовите предложение, где –ing форма переводится существительным.

-: He is preparing for the examination.

-: This disease is common in developing countries.

-: Feeling bad he could not go with us.

-: Walking is very useful for our health.

S: Назовите правильный вопрос к предложению My friend studies at the medical faculty.

-: When does your friend studies?

-: Where your friend studies?

-: What does your friend study?

-: Where does your friend study?

S: … the surgeon perform this operation successfully?

-: Do

-: Was

-: Did

-: Is

S: I … the answer to the question.

-: do not know

-: not know

-: does not know

-: is not know

S: Предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

-: The surgeon has performed many operations.

-: The physician has many patients.

-: The surgeon has to perform the operation.

-: The surgeon has little time to perform the operation.

S: I did not know that he … English.

-: spoke

-: speaks

-: speak

-: speaked

S: Его нет ни на работе, ни дома.

-: He is not at work and at home.

-: He is neither at work not at home.

-: He is not neither at work nor at home.

-: He is not both at work and at home

S: Слово с отрицательным значением…

-: common

-: valid

-: possible

-: irregular

S: This disease is not common in развитых странах.

-: developing countries

-: develop countries

-: countries which were developed

-: developed countries

S: Предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге. ..

-: A new method of treatment was developed not long ago.

-: Scientists have developed many new methods.

-: The new method will help doctors to treat patients.

-: Scientists are developing a new method of treatment.

S: The patient … for the heart disease.

-: treated

-: was treating

-: has treated

-: was treated

S: Существительным является слово …

-: development
-: developed

-: develop

-: developing

S: Превосходная степень прилагательного good…

-: the better

-: the goodest

-: the best
-: the most good

S: Anatomy is … than biology.

-: most difficult

-: more difficult

-: as difficult as
-: difficulter


V1: Что такое психология

V2: Фонетика


S: Сочетание ph читается как

-: [p]

-: [h]

-: [f]

-: [pf]


S: Буква p не читается в слове

-: process

-: psychology

-: plenty

-: predictable

V2: Лексика


S: The field of psychology was born when …

-: Charles Darwin wrote a book “The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals”

-: William James’ book “The Principles of Psychology” was published

-: Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological laboratory

-: Phillipe Pinel introduced the first text book on moral therapy


S: The Greek word “psyche” means

-: mind

-: soul

-: thought

-: mood

S: Закончите предложения:

L1: Psychology is the study…

L2: Psychology has two main areas…

L3: Psychologists help people…

L4: Psychologists may…

R1: of the mind and behavior

R2: academic and applied

R3: to overcome mental disorders

R4: work as therapists

R5: philosophy and biology


S: Составьте подходящие по смыслу пары слов:

L1: constant

L2: spinal

L3: delicate

L4: tired

R1: flow

R2: cord

R3: cells

R4: area

R5: brain


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: to predict

L2: to explain

L3: to solve

L4: to overcome

R1: предсказывать

R2: объяснять

R3: решать

R4: преодолевать

R5: происходить


V2: Грамматика


S: Назовите сказуемое в пассивном залоге:

-: has discussed

-: was discussing

-: will discuss

-: was discussed


S: Psychology … with many sciences.

-: connected

-: is connected

-: is connecting

-: has connected


S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: to operate

L2: to have operated

L3: to be operated

L4: to be operating

R1: Simple Active

R2: Perfect Active

R3: Simple Passive

R4: Continuous Active

R5: Perfect Passive


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