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II. Let’s talk about Great Britain

When I think about Great Britain, I immediately think of its geo­graphical position, culture and its people.

As I know from my geography lessons, the country is surrounded by seas. The British Isles consist of more than 5000 small islands. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four formerly independent countries. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain is about 57 mln peo­ple. This country is famous for great geographical discoveries and glori­ous victories of the British fleet.

When I think about the UK I immediately think of the “foggy Al­bion” and the Cliffs of Dover as it’s what you see first coming to the UK by ferry. Of course, I think of its capital London. It’s a kind of dream of everybody interested in English history and culture. This city can’t be confused with any other city in the world. London taxi-cabs, red publish telephones, policemen and the building of Parliament with its famous bell called Big Ben are considered as its visiting cards.

Thinking about the history of the country I immediately think of York, one of the oldest cities in Britain. This city witnessed the Roman invasion in 43 AD, the landing of Viking hordes in 866 and the ravages of the Wars of the Roses. Now it has become the richest city of the coun­try and the northern capital of England. Young’s Hotel stands on the actual sight of Guy Fawkes birthplace.

When I think about British literature I think of William Shakespeare. Among his most famous works are such comedies as Much Ado About Nothing, The Comedy of Errors and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and tragedies Romeo and Juliette, Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. I'd like to visit Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. 1 would try to do my best to get tickets to Swan Theatre and see any of comedies or tragedies by the celebrated playwright.

Scotland is “the birthplace of valour, the country of worth”. Fine arts, forts, castles as well as a heartly welcome in an accent that trips the tongue - this is a taste of this glorious country. Edinburgh, is famous for its military tattoo which takes place every August and September and the famous Edinburgh festival where the best performances from all over the world can be seen.

Wales is the land of mountains, green fields, forests and farms. Its inhabitants take a great interest in folk music and singing, its literature is one of the most ancient in Europe. Snowdon, the second highest moun­tain in Great Britain, is situated there. In summer it looks very peaceful and beautiful and a little train runs to it.

British people say: “Other countries have a climate, in Britain we have only weather” which means that the weather is very changeable there.

As well as I know the UK is a parliamentary monarchy. Elizabeth II is its famous queen. She goes in her golden carriage wearing her royal clothes at such traditional ceremonies as Trooping the Colour and the State Opening of Parliament. The British are proud of their monarch and carefully keep up their traditions.

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