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Teма: Дитячі хвороби.

Студенти повинні знати: лексичний запас слів до теми, порядок перекладу спеціальних термінів, порядок написання службових та особистих листів.

Студенти повинні вміти: читати англійські слова за допомогою транскрипції в наголошених і ненаголошених складах;правильно вимовляти приголосні та буквосполучення; уміти узагальнювати, систематизувати та порівнювати отриману інформацію та викласти її в листі.

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Symptoms Red, quite itchy, spots or blisters are typically scattered over the entire body, spreading to the arms, legs and face. The condition, caused by the varicella zoster virus, most commonly occurs during the first decade of life.

The child has a moderate fever and mild flu-like symptoms prior to the rash becoming apparent.It's possible for some children to have these early symptoms and to develop little or no rash, yet still to acquire long-term immunity from the condition. As a rule, the older the infected child is, the more severe the disease.

Treatment Symptomatic treatment with calamine lotion and/or antihistamines, eg Piriton to reduce itching. To reduce fever give paracetamol, eg Calpol and/or ibuprofen, eg Junifen. Should the spots become secondarily infected with bacteria, an antibiotic may be necessary. Antiviral medicine is sometimes prescribed in severe cases.

Incubation period Between 10 to 20 days from being exposed to the infection and showing symptoms.

Infectious period

Chickenpox is highly contagious from a few days before the disease breaks out until the last blister has crusted over, which usually occurs within a week of the first spots appearing.The child should be excluded from school during this time and avoid contact especially with pregnant women who have not previously had the condition and anyone who is known to have a compromised immune system, eg receiving chemotherapy. The condition is transmitted through droplet infection from coughing or sneezing and from the fluid within the blistering rash. 12

Whooping cough

Symptoms Whooping cough is a bacterial infection affecting the respiratory system, caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. The condition is characterised by fever, nasal discharge and long fits of coughing followed by wheezy breathing and possibly vomiting. Symptoms are typically worse at night.


Antibiotic treatment is usually successful leading to a full recovery. Fresh air is important. Because of the risk of vomiting, the child should be given small meals more often, instead of a few large ones.

Incubation period. This begins from seven days after exposure to the condition.

Infectious period The disease is especially contagious during the first week, while the child still has a trace of a cold. Although the irritating cough has been known to go on for up to 3 months, the infectiousness wears off within five to seven weeks. It is important to keep the child away from other children under the age of one year. Children should be excluded from school until they have completed five days of antibiotic treatment.


In the UK, children are vaccinated against the condition with a series of three injections, one month apart starting at 2 months; and again with a 'pre-school booster' injection aged between 3 and 4 years.



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    Прочитати, перекласти текст ”Дитячі хвороби ”     Скласти діалог за темою. 1)Виписати слова у словник: а) усі слова і словосполучення, б)виписати стійкі вирази з даної теми, в)медичні терміни.   2)Написати запитання та відповіді на них. а) Виписати та вивчити слова повсякденного вжитку б) вжити лексику з тексту у діалозі.  


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