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Questions to the text above

1. Why is it possible to speak of not only a single kind of career in the hotel work?

2. Where do the top people in the hotel industry work?

3. Why must managerial personnel have a broad range of experience in various departments in a hotel?

4. Name some of other members of the executive staff who need special experience, skills or professional training.

5. Why are chefs and cooks an important factor in the success of a hotel?

6. What kind of background do many chefs have?

7. What must a head chef be expert in?

8. What is the normal route for advancement in the kitchen?

9. How can jobs in the hotel world be classified? Give examples.

10. Why is language ability a definite help in hotel work?

11. What are the economic benefits for top people in the hotel work?

12. How can the staff of a hotel do a great deal to assure a high occupancy rate?


Reading comprehension

Say what statements are true and what ones are false. Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones. Prove with the text.

1. It is logical to speak about a single career in the hotel industry.

2. Hotel managers work in individual hotels as well as in executive offices of the hotel chains.

3. It is required for managers to have a broad range of experience in various departments of a hotel.

4. Chefs and cooks need to know how to make beds and clean carpets properly.

5. Many of the best cooks in the world come from Europe, particularly from Poland and Ukraine.

6. Semi-skilled hotel workers include carpenters, upholsterers, plumbers and electricians.


Find English equivalents from the text above to the following:

1. основная обязанность –

2. переводить из отдела в отдел –

3. люди со специальными умениями, опытом и профессиональной подготовкой –

4. требовать специальной подготовки –

5. способность иноязычного общения –


Talking Point

Discuss the kind of hotel career that interests you. Explain the reasons for your interest in that particular kind of work. Think over the following questions:

1. What position or what kind of job do you want?

2. What kind of a career do you want to make?

3. What makes you qualified for this job or position?

4. What can you do for the company you want to work for?

5. What is your previous work experience?

6. What is your present job?

7. What are your responsibilities at work and how do you cope with them?

8. What salary do you expect to receive?

9. What languages do you speak?

10. Are you computer literate?

11. Do you drive a car?

12. Are you willing to work overtime?

13. Are you willing to travel?


Unit 8. Hotel and Motel Chains

Topical Vocabulary

1. chain’s standards – стандарты обслуживания в сети отелей

2. competitive advantage – конкурентное преимущество

3. corporate headquarters staff – управленческий персонал головного офиса

4. fellow worker – коллега

5. hotel chain – сеть отелей

6. inspection system – система проверки

7. logo – логотип

8. manual – руководство, наставление; справочник, учебник

9. member unit – филиал, составная часть

10. overall standards – общие стандарты

11. public relations personnel – персонал по связям с общественностью

12. referral system – сеть отелей, имеющих общую систему бронирования

13. reservations system – система бронирования

14. subsidiary – дочерняя, подконтрольная компания

15. to join together – объединяться

16. to spread the cost – распределять стоимость

17. bulk purchases – объемные закупки

18. expansion – рост, развитие, распространение

19. franchising – привилегия, предоставленная фирмой какому-либо лицу на продажу ее товара со скидкой

20. interior decoration –внутренняя отделка

21. joint venture – совместное предприятие; смешанное предприятие (с участием иностранного и местного капитала)

22. publicity campaign – рекламная кампания

Vocabulary Focus

Match the words or word-combinations with their definitions

1. Chain   2. Subsidiary     3. Referral system 4. Logo   5. Management contract     6. Joint venture   7. Franchise 8. Consultants     9. Bulk purchase a) an advertising symbol designed so that it can be easily recognized by the public; b) purchase of supplies and equipment in large quantities, usually at a considerate saving; c) a contract with the owners of a hotel plant to manage the establishment; d) people or firms hired on a fee basis to give advice or carry out work for a limited period. _____ are often called in by hotels for such purposes as accounting, interior design, advertising and so on; e) a license to operate an enterprise under a corporate name and usually with standards established by the licensing corporation; f) a company that is owned by another company; g) a business that has several outlets; h) a group of hotels or motels that join together in a cooperative reservations system; i) involves joining with local businessmen in investing in a new hotel.


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