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A to know C to have been knowing

B to have known D to have being known

Test 14

1. You don't expect a man____ more than the first three

lines of the first verse, and___ these until it is time to

begin the chorus.

A to never remember, to keep on repeating B will never remember, keeping to repeat C to never not remember, to keep repeating D will remember, having kept repeating

2. Though she showed no sign_____ , I was sure she re­
sented ___ the centre of attraction.

A to offend, him to be B to be offended, his to be C of offending, his being D of being offended, his being

3. They tried their best___ solutions to the problem,

but finally they suggested___ the building and .offered

___ us.

A to find, restoring, to help B finding, to restore, helping C finding, to restore, to help D to find, restoring, help

4. I don't feel like____ him. He is said____ an attempt to

get in touch with Ann last month.

A to see, to have made B seeing, to have made C to see, to make D seeing, to make

5. ___ the table she pretended not_____ about Martha.

A Having laid, noticing them to gossip B Laying, noticing their gossiping

C Laying, to notice their gossiping D Laid, to notice them to gossip

6. They were considering where____ the money, as they

were afraid of___ .

A to hide, to be robbed B to hide, of being robbed C hiding, to be robbed D hiding, of being robbed

7. She risks___ everything if she follows his advice. It is

not worth___ .

A to lose, taking B losing, to take C losing, taking D to lose, to take

8. I can't help___ at his meanness. He again decided

against___ his old aunt. He says he can't afford_____

so much money on medicine.

A surprising, to help, to spend

B being surprised, helping, to spend

C to be surprised, helping, spending

D to surprise, to help, spending

9. Bill continued___ the old man faithfully,___ in his will.

A serving, hope to remember B to serve, hoping to be remembered C serving, hope to be remembered D to serve, with a hope remembering

10. Rain forests also play a critical role in global climate

regulation ____ carbon dioxide, a gas ___ partially

responsible for global warming.

A absorbing, is believed to be B by absorbing, believed to be

C having absorbed, believed to be '

D absorb, is believing to be

11. Grace sat____ for a few minutes, then got her heavy-
coat and went down____ at the cottage.

A to think, looking

B thinking, to look

C having thought, having seen

D think, look

12. She remembered____ at the remark.

A to be surprised C surprising

B to surprise D being surprised

13.____ of the Cape Colony from the Dutch during the

Napoleonic Wars allowed the British _ a strong

presence in southern Africa.

A Acquiring, establishing B The acquisition, to establish C Having acquired, establishing D Acquired, to establish

14. As a result, the British gave up___ India andfo­
cused ___ efficiently.

A to try anglicizing, to govern B trying anglicizing, on governing C trying to anglicize, on governing D trying anglicizing, to govern

15. Native art seems___ during the period of English dom­
ination in the 19th century.

A to disappear

B being disappeared

C disappearing

D to have disappeared

16. Written American English also has a tendency_______

more rigid in matters of grammar and syntax, but at

the same time appears____ more tolerant of the use of


A being, being C to be, being B to be, to be D being, to be

Modal Verbs Test 15

1. It's because of Tom that we_____ late. We____ on an

earlier train,

A could have been, should agree B would be, can't agree C may be, ought to have agreed D must be, can't have agreed

2. Granny evidently____ us, that's why we ___ knock

loudly before she opened the door.

A did not hear, had to

B must not have heard, must

C may not hear, were to

D might not have heard, should

3. I pity her because she_____ that she has acted wrong.

She___ it to everybody.

A must feel, must not have said B may feel, ought not have said C can't have felt, needn't say D must be feeling, shouldn't have said

4. Where is Kate? She______ . She has told me to come

at 5. — She____ on the balcony, that's why she

your call.

A can't go away, may sunbathe, can't have heard B can't ha\e gone away, must be sunbathing, can't hear C must not go away, need to sunbathe, should not hear D should not go away, could have sunbathed, must not have heard

5. I____ to the beach. The sea was rough and no one

dared___ .

A needn't have gone, to swim B needn't go, swimming C can't have gone, swim D couldn't go, to swim

6. We____ meet Jack tomorrow. — You______ to him of

the matter long ego. Why keep him in the dark?

A should, must have spoken B have to, may speak C are to, should have spoken D might, need to speak

7. He____ golf well, but today he_____ it because he has

a backache.

A is not to play, can do

B can play, is unable to do

C ought not to play, should have done

D might have played, must not have done

8. You____ at the wrong station, that's why it took you

so long to get here. I___ you yesterday to explain

everything to you in more detail.

A may change, ought to phone B must have changed, may phone

C must have changed, may have phoned D may have changed, ought to have phoned

9 I ___ the work so carelessly. ______ I do it again? —

Yes, it____ by noon.

A can't do, Will, must be doing

B can't have done, Shall, must be done

C must not have done, May, may have done

D must not do, Will, must have been done

10. We___ at seven, but I____ come here in time. I think

he___ till I came.

A had to meet, couldn't have, may wait B were to meet, was not able, should have waited C were to have met, couldn't, might have waited D had to have met, might not have, should wait

11. Why are you so upset? She____ the dates. — She____

about our meeting. She fixed the day and time herself.

A could have mixed up, might not have forgotten

B may have mixed up, couldn't have forgotten

C is able to mix up, can't forget

D must mix up, was not able to forget

12. You___ in their conversation. You_____ silent when

they were talking.

A don't need to interfere, should keep B can't have interfered, may keep C needn't have interfered, should have kept D don't have to interfere, could have kept

13.____ he have got into an accident? He is such a careful

driver. — But other drivers are not. Somebody______

into his car.

A Can, may have crashed B May, should have crashed

C Must, must have crashed D Should, might have crashed

14. When I came up to the post office, it was closed.

I___ a bit earlier.

A can't have come C has to come

B must have come D ought to have come

15. Your face seems familiar to me. We_____ somewhere.

A should have met C must meet

B must have met D should meet

16. Washing dirty dishes and bathing in a stream, riv­
er, or Jake ___ pollute water systems and____ be


A can, should C must, must

B may, ought D should meet

Test 16 |

L She guessed she____ an allergic reaction, buf she had

no idea what she was reacting to — she'd never had allergies before, either.

A ought to have B must be having C may have been having D should have had

2. Some of my father's friends in Springfield had given him a bottle of good old brandy, which he agreed to drink at a certain hour of this day looking to the east,

while his friends in Illinois____ a toast to his success

from a companion bottle with their faces turned west,
the difference in time being carefully estimated.
A must drink C were to drink

B had to drink D must have drunk

3 You____ have a right to such very strong local attach­
ment. You____ at Longbourn.

A cannot, cannot have always lived B must not, must not have always lived C should not, should not always lived D may not, ought not always live

4. They ___ an hour ago. That they ____ without ill

consequence is least probable.

A had to come, should meet B must have come, ought meet C had come, must have met D were to come, might have met

5. We never____ to allow our instincts of justice to de­
generate into mere revenge.

A should C have

B are D ought

6. It is one of Harris's fixed ideas that he______ a comic

song; the fixed idea, on the contrary, among those of
Harris's friends who have heard him try, is that he
___ , and never___ , and that he___ to try.

A must have sung, must not, will have to, should not

allow B can sing, can't, will be able to, ought not to be

allowed C will be able to sing, should not, must not, should

not be allowed D should, shouldn't, shouldn't, must not be allowed

7. If we had not known it was a funny song, we_____ .

A might have wept B could not have wept C should weep D must weep

8.__________________________________________ I had no accurate idea of the time, for I my

watch, but I thought we____ about four hours ago.

A was unable to see, had to start

B could not see, must have started C did not see, would have started D was not able to see, would start

9. You for anyone more regular than Peters.

Amust not have asked

B should not C couldn't have asked D must not

10._______ He my mother, and all his brothers quarrelled

with him because he did.

A must not marry B must not have married C should not marry D did not have to marry

11. It was impossible to get there. The police______ drivers

of thick mist and blowing snow.

A can have warned C ought have warned B might have warned D must have warned

12. I____ hard from morning till night. I______ our debts.

A must work, may pay

B should have worked, might have paid C am to have worked, could have paid D have to work, ought to pay

13. Why are you crying? I____ you about that

A need not have told

B must not have told C cannot have told D might not have told

14. Vou ___ to prepare the room for our guests. They

___ arrive tomorrow or the day after.

A must, must C can, can

B may, may D need, may

15. You___ to see your sister when she was in trouble.

Brother and sister____ care of each other.

A might have gone, should take B must go, ought to take C must have gone, should take D could go, ought take

16. They___ us for all we have done forthem!

A might have thanked B must have thanked C may thank D can have thanked

Subjunctives & Conditionals Test 17

1. I felt sorry for Jane. If anybody_____ such a thing to

me, I ___ hurt.

A would say, felt

B said, would feel

C had said, would feel

D will say, will feel

2. The orders are that three of you__here, the rest

___ to the city centre.

A will stay, will go B should stay, should go C would stay, would go D stay, to go

. He___ differently, if he____ an answer two days ago

A will act, was given

B would act, were given

C would have acted, would have been given

D would have acted, had been given

4. Who was the first to suggest____ the research, I can­
not well remember.

A him to do C that he will do

B that he do D that he would do

5. "I wish I___ your health and vitality. I______ a new

life for myself," she said with a smile.

A had, would make

B would have, made

C have, will have made

D was having, would have made

6. Don't help my son, please. I ____ rather he ____

supper himself. He is an excellent cook.

A would, will cook C would, cooked
B had, cooks D had, had cooked

7. He wished he ___ her the money. She never re­
turned it.

A had lent C did not lend

B hadn't lent D lent

8. If I___ you, I_____ him. It's high time you___ his


A were, would contact, would take

B had been, would have contacted, would have taken

C am, will contact, will take

D were, would contact, took

9. He behaves as if nothing____ . But he forgets it is very

important that he____ a chance of going there.

A has happened, will take B had happened, take C was happened, should take D happened, takes

10. If she ___ half an hour earlier, she ___ to see him

before the departure. He was eager to say good-bye to her.

A came, would be able

B would come, was able

C would have come, would have been able

D had come, would have been able

11. It is desirable that she___ at the conference. Our

director demands that everybody____ at 3 o'clock.

A is present, comes

B will be present, will come

C be present, come

D would be present, would come

12. You were not attentive. If you_ so nervous, you

___ much better and_____ so many mistakes

A had not been, would have spoken, wouldn't have


B were not, would speak, wouldn't make C wouldn't have been, had spoken, hadn't made D wouldn't be, spoke, didn't make

13.____ his letter, his life_____ . I wish he___ anything.

A Would the newspaper not print, wouldn't have ru­ined, had written

B Had the newspaper not printed, wouldn't have ru­ined, hadn't written

C Had the newspaper not have printed, wouldn't ruin,

wrote D If the newspaper should not have printed, hadn't

ruin, hadn't written

14. He speaks to me as though he_____ something on his

mind. It's time he__ and____ everything to us.

A had had, had come, had explained

B had, came, explained

C has, will come, will explain

D had, should come, should explain

15. to the hustle and bustle of the city life, my annoy­
ance ___ .

A If I would return, would be over B Should I return, would be over C Would I return, would have been over D If I had returned, had been over

16. Some simple vending machines require that the exact
amount of money for a particular item______ .

A will insert C be inserted

B should insert D will be inserted

17.____ themselves at Victoria or Vancouver they___

themselves a large amount of money.

A Had the miners outfitted, would have saved B Should the miners have outfitted, would have saved C If the miners outfitted, would have saved D If the miners had outfitted, should save

18. Inspector Strickland, like myself, was suffering from
a severe attack of bronchitis, which threatened to be­
come chronic if it____ immediately relieved,

A were not C had been

B would not be D would not have been

19. Parliament ordered that the customs office the

taxes more efficiently.

A would collect C collect

B collects D collected

20. National parks request that visitors____ wild animals.

A not feed C would not feed

B did not feed D do not feed

Test 18

1.Since they were new to town and didn't yet have a

doctor, Matthew insisted that she_____ a taxi to the

nearest hospital outpatient clinic.

A would take C took

B take D takes

2. I pretended not to be interested in what they said, and
treated them as if I____ their speaking.

A would not have understood B had not understood C did not understand D do not understand

3. He wished they___ his embarrassment at the moment

she was introducing him.

A hadn't noticed B would have noticed C would not have noticed D didn't notice

4. At first, when we began to laugh, the expression of his

face was one of intense surprise; as if laughter____ the

very last thing he had expected to be greeted with.

A was C had been

B were D would be

5. If only enough money____ to tide over the present evil

day, all ___ well.

A must be earned, might be B was earned, must have been C were earned, should be D might be earned, might be

6. Even if I____ down there in the middle of the night,

I___ my way all over that little town.

A would be put, would be able to find

B was put, could have found

C were put, could find

D had been put, would be able to find

7. But for his provisions they____ of hunger.

A have died C would have died

B had died D would die

8. They considered it necessary that she___ out-of-doors

after 10 o'clock.

A would not be C were not

B be not D is not

9. But, lest you____ , if I___ home by ten, don't expect


Aare alarmed, don't B would be alarmed, wouldn't come C were alarmed, hadn't come D should be alarmed, don't come

10. We___ the train if we_____ faster.

A would catch, had walked B had caught, would have walked C would have caught, had walked D would have caught, walked

11. The sellers demanded that payment_____ within five


A were made B would be made C should be made D is made

12. Put down the address lest you____ it,

A would forget B should forget C should not forget D would not forget

13. If I were you, I__ it____ yesterday.

A would wish, had been done B would have wished, had been done C wished, would have been done D had wished, would be done

14. The teacher required that everyone_____ the meeting.

A attend C would attend

B attends D to attend

15.____ , they would lose everything.

A Would the contract be terminated B Should the contract be terminated C Had the contract been terminated D Could the contract be terminated

16. If mother___ him to the skating rink in his child­
hood, he____ two times Olympic champion.

A didn't take, would never have become B hadn't taken, would never have become C wouldn't take, had never become D wouldn't have taken, had never become

17. But for your help we_____ in time.

A hadn't finished C should not have finished

B would not finish D didn't finish

18. I____ anything for this not to have happened.

A would have given C will give

B have given D give

19. Missouri now requires that all children ages 7 to 16
___ in school.

A shall enroll C will enroll

B should enroll D enrolled

20. A young woman___ odd if she____ the clothing that

her grandmother had worn when young.

A would look, wore B would look, had worn C would have looked, wore D looked, would wear

The Preposition Test 19

1. He was very fond____ his sister and meant always to

take care___ her. She was glad____ his company too.

A of, of, with C of, of, of

B for, for, of D with, for, for

2. He was very kind____ me, and took a great deal of

notice___ me, and paid a good deal of attention_____

me and at last he proposed____ me.

A to, of, to, to C towards, to, to, __

B of, for, for, at D of, with, towards, for

3 A little house stood____ the corner of the street._____

a distance it seemed white and pink because_____ the

bushes of roses surrounding it.

A at, In, ___ C at, At, of

B on, On, from D in, From, ___

4. A mountain river rushed____ the bottom of the valley

and the whistling of a train was heard__ the far


A at, in C in, from

B on, at D under, for

5. Four cottages with cheerful green and white windows
stood___ an open place_____ the big trees.

A at, between C at, beneath

B in, among D on, under

6. I am glad I've explained____ you reasons____ chang­
ing and hope you are not angry_____ me any longer.

A ___ , of, with C for, for, to

B to, for, with D ___ , of, ___

7. They decided to go____ their car, and I was looking

___ our trip ____ all my heart.

A by, upon, by B in, forward, with C into, to, at D in, forward to, with

8. She smiled____ me and said, "I don't mind_ or­
ganizing the party if he has no objections______ giving


A at, to, ___ C for, from, upon

B to, ___ , to D at, ,__ , for

9. Mary shook hands____ a tall stout man sitting____ the

chair___ the piano and introduced him______ me.

A with, on, beside, to B to, in, at, for

C for, into, near, ___

D with, in, at, for

10.____ my opinion, he was always a little ahead___

me. But he was a snob: he was always interested____ ,

and envious____ those who had some sort of social


A From, of, ___ , for

B In, of, in, of

C On, from, in, ___

D For, for, of, to

11. They met the British Museum and soon were en­
gaged __ examining its intensive collections; they had

often visited the Museum, but that did not prevent
them___ being surprised___ the richness of the Egyp­
tian collection.

A in, ___ , ___ , by C near, by, from, with

B at, in, from, at D close to, on, ___ , in

12.____ the whole, he never said much to me, but he

was never harsh____ me. I don't remember his ever

shouting___ me.

A For, at, to C On, with, at
B In, to, at D On, by, ___

13. He glanced ____ Mrs. Fang again. At that moment

the lady old picked____ her spoon again and helped

herself___ the cherry jam.

A on, ___ , with C at, ___ , ___

B to, up, by D at, up, to

14 He explained____ me that a great deal might depend

my being able to answer____ a few questions that

I maybe was not used____ answering.

A to, upon, to, __

B ___ , on, ____ , for

C to, on, ___ , to

D for, of, for, to

15. The Minister in charge_____ medical research, in re­
ply ___ questions, said, "We do not know the cause

___ this new illness. We must find a way_____ curing

it, and there is a need____ research. We must not act

___ a hurry. This is an international problem, and

we cannot act____ ourselves."

A for, to, of, for, for, in, by B of, to, of, of, for, in, by C over, of, of, to, for, in, by D of, to, of, for, in, at, with

16 He possessed a profound understanding of human na­
ture that was matched____ a brilliant technique—not

only___ painting but also____ drawing.

A with, with, with C with, in, in
B by, by, by D by, with, in

17. His work made an enormous impact____ his contem­
poraries and influenced ____ the style of many later


A on, on C on, ___

B by, ___ D with, on

18. Ireland is famous____ its contributions____ world lit­

A for, in C for, to

B of, of D as, for

19. A prime minister is appointed by the president_

nomination by the lower house. The government is
responsible___ the lower house of the national legis­

A after, to C on, for

B with, for D before, before

Test 20

1. He knew Don Rodrigo only____ sight and____ reputa­
tion, and had never had anything to do _ him,

beyond bowing his head____ the few occasions when

he had met him.

A on, by, with, in
B by, on, about, on
C by, by, with, on
D in, on, ___ , with

2. It is so overwhelming that it can leave virtually every

body system___ a state of collapse, and so ferocious

that a patient can be dead__ minutes despite_____

the best medical treatment.

A in, in, of C with, through, of
B in, in, ____________ D by, via, ___

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