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These are some helpful word-combination in addition to the glossary that you will translate, memorize, and use while discussing the texts.

a) To initiate production, to carry out specialization, to apply rules (regulations, methods) to set up a firm, to operate a firm, to take initiative, to assign jobs, to organize and direct operations, to perform functions, to carry out plans, to mobilize resources, to raise (lower) productivity, to meet needs (requirements).

b) Mental (physical) effort, economic freedom, economic society, centralized enterprise, consolidated firm, socialist/ capitalist production, private enterprise, institutional organization, central control, increasing complexity, valuable resource, superior product.


1. Economic theories and models are accurate statements of reality. Is this true?

2. Discuss the main difference between a capitalist and socialist economy.

3. How could you characterize the Russian economic system? Give a definition of this system.

4. How would you explain the decline of communism during recent years?

5. Give your own definitions of the following:

· enterprise

· economic system

· mixed economy

· specialization

· exchange

6. Describe the usual activities of an entrepreneur. Would you like to become an entrepreneur? Why?

7. Assess your potential for entrepreneurship:

· Entrepreneurs have a strong need to achieve.

· They take reasonable risks.

· Press inward in spite of setbacks.

· Set goals and commit to meeting them.

· Communicate with others.

· Tolerate rejection, frustration, and stress.

· Make decisions and carry them out.

· Learn from mistakes.

· Think creatively and analytically.

8. Do you know any enterpriser that meets the needs of the Russian economy? Include in your own report the background of each, how they got started in their business, how the business was financed, what each entrepreneur has to make them successful and what their future plans are.

9. Do you agree with the following statements from the text:

· Not every new idea is a good one.

· Skilful, energetic, and imaginative enterprisers are the most valuable of our productive resources.

· Without entrepreneurs resources and labour represent only unrealized possibilities.


Test yourself. Render into English.

Предпринимательство. Формы предпринимательской деятельности.

Предпринимательство - самостоятельная, инициативная, систематическая деятельность на свой риск по производству продукции, выполнению работ, оказанию услуг и занятие торговлей с целью получения прибыли. Слово «предприниматель» происходит от французского «антрепренер»- человек, бравшийся за организацию празднества, постройку храма. Заключался договор, выполнялось обязательство, оставшиеся деньги составляли доход.

В 18в. предпринимательство стало деятельностью в условиях риска. Доход с капитала отделился от дохода с предпринимательской деятельности. Со временем предпринимательство стало не типом деятельности, а типом поведения. К 19в. предприниматель становится тождественен менеджеру. В 20в. предпринимательство стало деятельностью, в результате которой человек создает что-либо новое в условиях риска.

Предпринимательство- умение таким образом сочетать факторы производства, в результате которого будет получена максимальная прибыль.


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