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Aristocratic Titles

Part III

Oral Practice






Chapter I

This is Britain


The Land and the People


Accent and Dialect

A. Read the text “Accent and Dialect” quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is already known to you.

B. Suggested Activities.

I. Check the comprehension of the text "Accent and Dialect" by choosing the answer that you think is correct.


1. Is there any difference in linguistics between the meanings of the terms ”accent” and “dialect”?

a) There is not a clear distinction between “accent” and “dialect”.

b) The terms “ accent and dialect” are absolutely the same and interchangeable.

c) The meaning of “accent” differs from the one of “dialect”.


2. What type of people are speakers of Received Pronunciation?

a) Received Pronunciation is the language of teenagers and most uneducated adults.

b) Educated speakers, television and radio commentators, announcers and stars use Received Pronunciation.

c) No British speaks Received Pronunciation nowadays.


3. What types of dialects may there be distinguished in linguistics?

a) There may be a lot of dialects.

b) There are two types of dialects: regionally based and socially based.

c) There are no dialects at all.


4. What is the Cockney dialect famous for?

a) It is famous for its urban variation.

b) It is famous as a type of colourful slang of London.

c) It is famous for its standard pronunciation and grammar.


5. The Scots, Welsh and Irish have distinctive dialects, don’t they?

a) Absolutely not. All of them speak Standard English.

b) It’s true. Scottish, Welsh and Irish dialects are different in words, phrases and special intonation and may be almost unintelligible for foreigners.

c) There is no distinction among Scottish, Welsh and Irish dialects.

II. Think and answer:


1. What is accent?

2. What is dialect?

3. What type of language is Received Pronunciation?

4. What kind of urban dialects are recognized in Britain?

5. Where is the Scouse dialect spoken? What are its peculiarities?

6. What are the examples of the West Country rural dialect?


III. Pick out an idea or a phrase, which you think is most informative or most interesting from each part of the text.


IV. Give annotation of the text in Russian or in English.



National Symbols


A. Read the text "National Symbols" quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information you already know.

B. Suggested Activity.

I. Check the comprehension of the text “National Symbols” by choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.


1. What are the national symbols of Britain?

a) There are a lot of different symbols of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

b) The Union Jack is the only symbol of Britain.

c) Britain is symbolized with different items such as: the national flag, popular personifications, special animals, traditional plants and flowers, famous and historical buildings and even typical English dwellers.


2. What components does the Union Jack contain?

a) It contains stars and stripes.

b) There are intersecting crosses in the flag symbolizing England, Scotland and Wales.

c) Three intersecting crosses, which are symbols of England, Scotland and Ireland, are presented in the Union Jack.


3. What does Britannia -a female personification of Britain symbolize?

a) Britannia is a symbol of a typical kind and wise Englishwoman.

b) This personification depicted on coins represents numerous victories of British fleet.

c) Britannia depicted on coins represents the symbol of the industrial power of Britain.

4. What animal is an emblem of power and royalty who represents pride, bravery and valour?

a) It’s a bulldog.

b) It’s a lion

c) It’s a unicorn.


II. Find in the text the extract about symbolical plants and flowers of Britain. Match each national symbol to an appropriate country.


a) The Rose is a symbol of … .

b) The leek and daffodil symbolize … .

c) The thistle represents … .

d) The shamrock is used for … .

e) The oak is the traditional tree of … .


III. Answer the questions:


1. What do the Union Jack’s crosses signify?

2. In what way is St George usually depicted?

3. What is the difference between the personifications of Britain?

4. What attributes of a typical Englishman can you imagine?


IV. Continue the list of well-known historical places in Britain: The Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge… .


V. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words or phrases:


a) символы могут означать

b) святой (покровитель)

c) изображали верхом на коне

d) быть изображенным на монетах

e) олицетворением Великобритании является

f) можно рассматривать как с положительной, так и с отрицательной стороны

g) нация, победившая в морских сражениях

h) быть олицетворением гордости, храбрости, доблести

i) типичный житель


VI. Make a synopsis of the text in English.



Aristocratic Titles

A. Read the text "Aristocratic Titles" quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information you already know.


B. Suggested Activities.

I. Check the comprehension of the text by choosing the answer that you think is correct.

1. Is it difficult for ordinary people to classify the British aristocracy?

a) It is quite easy to understand the hierarchy of the British titled persons.

b) The hierarchy of the British noble classes is complex for common people.

c) It is a puzzle for titled members of the British aristocracy to remember all titles and ranks.


2. How many grades of nobility are there in Britain?

a) There are a lot of peers’ ranks.

b) There are only two grades: hereditary peers and life ones.

c) There are five grades of peerage: dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts and barons.


3. What type of people are peers?

a) They are educated ordinary people in Britain.

b) Peers are people without any privileges.

c) They are members of any of five noble ranks with the right to sit in the Parliament and are called “Lord”.


4. What is the difference between life peers and hereditary peers?

a) There is no difference at all.

b) Life peers are more educated, aristocratic and much wealthier.

c) Life peers are appointed by the Queen, but hereditary peers inherited their titles.


5. Which of these people are entitled to have seats in the House of Lords?

a) Dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, barons and baronets have seats in the House of Lords.

b) Hereditary and life peers, two Archbishops of Canterbury and York and some bishops are entitled to seat in the House of Lords.

c) The sons and daughters of peers have the right to seat in the House of Lords.


III. Answer the questions:


1. What is the hierarchy of the British aristocracy?

2. What are the highest and the lowest ranks of nobility of the British aristocracy?

3. Is there any difference between archbishops and bishops?

4. What does “the royal duke” mean?

5. Who are the royal dukes nowadays?

6. What type of people are called “Lord”, “Sir” and “Lady”?

7. Are there any women among entitled peers?

8. What does the title of “knight” mean?


IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the Russian phrases:


a) простые люди

b) сложная иерархия высших слоев Британского общества

c) сословие пэров

d) пять ступеней титулованного дворянства

e) пожизненные пэры

f) список награжденных ко дню рождения королевы

g) не имеют юридической силы

h) член палаты общин


V. Draw a chart of the British aristocratic titles, analyze it and give the Russian equivalents to each title.


VI. Make a synopsis of the text both in English and in Russian.



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