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The Church of England


A. Read the text "The Church of England" quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information you already know.

B. Suggested Activity.

I. Check the comprehension of the text "Church of England" by choosing the answer that you think is correct.


1. What is the origin of the Church of England?

a) Its origin descends to the 6th century when it was the Moslem church.

b) The native Celtic church was converted to Christianity by Normans.

c) The Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity by Rome.


2. What is the process of appointing archbishops, bishops and clergy?

a) The sovereign appoints them.

b) They are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the prime minister.

c) They are elected by the Government.


3. Who is the spiritual head of the Church of England?

a) The Sovereign is the spiritual head of the Church.

b) The Archbishop of Canterbury whose title is “Primate of All England” is the spiritual head of the Church.

c) The Archbishop of York entitled as “Primate of England” is.


4. How often do British people attend church?

a) They are regular churchgoers.

b) A lot of British people attend church on special ceremonies.

c) British people go to church every Sunday.


5. What is the difference in the worship and doctrine between two parties of the Church of England?

a) The worship of High Church is similar to that of Roman Catholics but Low Church ideals are closer to Protestantism.

b) Both High Church and Low Church doctrines are based on Catholic ideas.

c) The ornament, decoration and architecture of Low Church cathedrals are more complicated.


6. Is the Church of England financed

a) by the State?

b) by voluntary contributions and its investment in land and property?

c) by General Synod?


II. Answer the questions.


1. What was the role of Henry VIII in the establishment of the Church of England?

2. Are there any clergymen in the British Parliament?

3. In what way is the Church of England arranged?

4. What is The General Synod?

5. What type of the establishment is the Anglican Communion?

6. What ranks of clergymen are there in a parish?

7. What is the role of the Church nowadays?


III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:


a) папское могущество

b) назначать архиепископов, епископов и духовенство

c) в порядке старшинства

d) человек, регулярно посещающий церковь

e) вероучения и церемониал

f) миссионерская деятельность

g) получать доход из добровольных пожертвований

h) играть важную роль в деятельности прихода

i) проводить церковную службу

j) непорочное зачатие и воскресение Христа


IV. Draw a chart of the Church of England structure.


V. Make a synopsis of the text in English or in Russian.




A. Read the text "Class" quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information you already know.

B. Suggested Activity.

I. Answer the questions.


1. What types of social groups were there in British society until the Second World War?

2. What aspects of life were different for different classes?

3. Are the divisions in spheres of life between modern social classes so distinct and obvious as they were in pre-war Britain?

4. How many social groups according to occupation are there in modern Britain?

5. What is a modern social classification?

6. In what way are upper-class people typically portrayed?

7. What are the stereotypes of upper-class clothing and manner of speech?

8. Is there a caricature image of a working-class man and woman?

9. What kinds of sports and pastimes are especially popular among working-class people?


II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:


a) высшее общество, средний класс и рабочий класс

b) жить в роскоши, полученной по наследству

c) включать квалифицированных мастеров, неквалифицированных промышленных рабочих и земледельцев

d) театралы

i) стирание классовых различий в обществе

f) жить на минимальное государственное пособие

g) отражать семейное происхождение

h) особенно ярко изображено в шаржах на представителей высшего или низшего сословия

i) частое использование прозвищ и элементов слэнга

j) носить предметы домашнего туалета


III. Pick out an idea or a phrase, which you think is most informative or most interesting from each part of the text.


IV. Give annotation of it in English.





A. Read the text "Employment" quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information you already know.


B. Suggested Activity.

I. Check the comprehension of the text by choosing the answer that you think is correct.


1. In Britain people of working age are subdivided into several groups such as:

a) employed and self-employed;

b) full-time, part-time and between jobs;

c) employed, out of work and self-employed


2. The 1980’s in Britain were famous because:

a) there was a lack of workforce;

b) there were masses of people out of work;

c) there was a rapid development of industries.


3. People who are out of work can search possible employment

a) only in local newspapers;

b) both in local newspapers and government jobcenters;

c) only in TV and radio advertisements.


4. After completing the YTS courses many school-leavers detect their new job

a) to be boring and useless;

b) to be very interesting and useful;

c) to be of great importance for their future career.


5. Restart counselor is

a) a person who will recommend possible ways of obtaining

a job;

b) a person who is to pay benefits to unemployed people;

c) a department providing practical skills for unemployed people.

II. Think and answer:


1. What types of industries are called service industries?

2. What government schemes and programs were introduced to help unemployed people find work?

3. Which branches of industries were especially growing in 1980’s?

4. What are the possibilities to find a job if a person is unemployed for six months or more?

5. When did the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) come into force in Britain?

6. What was the aim of the JTPA?


III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:


a) люди, работающие не по найму

b) безработные

c) работающие по найму

d) работодатель

e) трудовые ресурсы

f) вступить в силу

g) искать работу по объявлениям

h) самостоятельная организация

i) начать свое собственное дело

j) посещать пятидневные курсы переподготовки

k) найти постоянную работу

l) обслуживать людей, потерявших работу


IV. Give annotation of the text in Russian or English.





A. Read the text “Women” quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is already known to you.

B. Check the comprehension of the text answering questions.

I. Answer the questions:


1. Have British women achieved equal rights with men in social, political and economical spheres?

2. Why has the number of women in paid employment increased at present?

3. Is there any difference between women’s and men’s wages?

4. What professions are more acceptable for women nowadays?

5. What legal papers were introduced to stop the discrimination in matters of employment, training and earnings on the ground of sex?

6. Were any women admitted as priests in the Church of England?

7. What spheres does real discrimination on the ground of sex remain in?

8. Which subjects are intended for boys and what are only for girls?

9. Are there many women in the Parliament of Great Britain?


II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the Russian words and phrases:


a) резко изменилась

b) добиться равноправия

c) оплачиваемая работа

d) воспитание ребенка

e) различия в заработной плате мужчин и женщин

f) средняя оплата женского труда за час

g) работа с частичной занятостью

h) женщина, занятая физическим трудом

i) на основании разницы пола

j) домоводство

k) занять ключевые посты

l) равные избирательные права

III. Pick out ideas or phrases, which you think are the most interesting from each part of the text.


IV. Make a synopsis of the text both in English and Russian.





A. Read the text “Countryside” quickly and try to understand what it is about and what information is already known to you.

B. Suggested Activities.

I. Answer the questions:


1. Why is the British countryside so varied?

2. What regions of the countryside are especially beautiful?

3. What features of environment make the British countryside landscape so picturesque?

4. What country areas may be freely enjoyed by tourists?

5. What places in the countryside are traditional settings for country fairs and picnic sites?

6. How do the government and local authorities provide conservation of environment?

7. What government bodies are dealing with countryside problems?

8. What duties does the National Trust perform?

9. What is the aim of the Country Code?


II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:


a) обширные территории возвышенностей и склонов

b) доступ во многие районы сельской местности свободный

c) поля и сельскохозяйственные земли, находящиеся в частном владении

d) защищать сельхозугодья и естественную окружающую среду

e) национальные парки животных

f) отдаленные тропинки

g) территория, доступная для широкой публики

h) традиционное место проведения сельских ярмарок

i) создавать природные заповедники

j) охрана окружающей среды


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