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General principles of first aid aboard ship

Lexical Minimum I

Regions of the Body – Части тела

Front - Спереди

  1. Frontal region of the head – Лобная часть головы
  2. Side of head – Височная часть головы
  3. Top of head - Макушка
  4. Face – Лицо
  5. Cheek - Щека
  6. Jaw - Челюсть
  7. Neck (front) – Шея (спереди)
  8. Shoulder - Плечо
  9. Clavicle - Ключица
  10. Chest – Грудная клетка
  11. Mid-chest – Середина грудной клетки
  12. Heart - Сердце
  13. Armpit – подмышечная впадина
  14. Upper arm – Верхняя часть руки
  15. Forearm - Предплечье
  16. Wrist - Запястье
  17. Palm of hand - Ладонь
  18. Fingers – Пальцы руки
  19. Thumb – Большой палец руки
  20. Central upper abdomen – Живот (центральная верхняя часть)
  21. Central lower abdomen - Живот (центральная нижняя часть)
  22. Upper abdomen – Верхняя пупочная часть живота
  23. Lower abdomen – Нижняя пупочная часть живота
  24. Lateral abdomen – Боковая часть живота
  25. Groin - Пах
  26. Scrotum - Мошонка
  27. Testicles - Яички
  28. Penis - Член
  29. Upper thigh – Бедро (верхняя часть)
  30. Middle thigh - Бедро (средняя часть)
  31. Lower thigh - Бедро (нижняя часть)
  32. Knee - Колено
  33. Patella – Коленная чашечка
  34. Front of leg – Нога (от колена до ступни)
  35. Ankle - Лодыжка
  36. Foot - Ступня
  37. Toes – Пальцы ноги

Back - Сзади

  1. Back of head - затылок
  2. Back of neck – Шея (сзади)
  3. Back of shoulder - Плечо
  4. Scapula region - Лопатка
  5. Elbow - локоть
  6. Back upper arm – Верхняя часть руки (сзади)
  7. Back lower arm - Нижняя часть руки (сзади)
  8. Back of hand – Тыльная сторона кисти
  9. Lower chest region – Нижняя часть спины (под лопатками)
  10. Spinal column, upper – Верхний отдел позвоночника
  11. Spinal column, middle - Средний отдел позвоночника
  12. Spinal column, lower - Нижний отдел позвоночника
  13. Lumbar (kidney) region – Поясничный отдел позвоночника
  14. Sacral region – Область крестца
  15. Buttock - Ягодица
  16. Anus – Задний проход
  17. Back of thigh – Бедро (сзади)
  18. Back of knee – Подколенная впадина
  19. Calf – Икра ноги
  20. Heel - Пятка

Other organs Другие органы

  1. Artery- артерия
  2. Urinary bladder - мочевой пузырь
  3. Brain, cerebrum - мозг
  4. Mammae, breasts - грудные железы
  5. Ear(s) - ухо (уши)
  6. Eye(s) – глаз (а)
  7. Eyelid - веко
  8. Gall-bladder желчный пузырь
  9. Esophagus - пищевод
  10. Gums - десны
  11. Intestine - кишечник
  12. Kidney - gочка
  13. Lower lip - нижняя губа
  14. Upper lip - верхняя губа
  15. Liver - печень
  16. Lung - легкое
  17. Mouth - рот
  18. Nose - нос
  19. Pancreas - поджелудочная железа
  20. Prostate gland, prostate - предстательная железа
  21. Rib(s)- ребро (а)
  22. Spleen - селезенка
  23. Stomach - желудок
  24. Pharynx - зев
  25. Tongue - язык
  26. Tonsils - миндалины
  27. Tooth (teeth) – зуб (-ы)
  28. Uterus - матка
  29. Ureter - мочеточник
  30. Vein – вена
  31. Larynx - гортань


Unit 2

1. Read and translate the text


First Aid


First aid is the emergency treatment given to the ill or injured before professional medical services can be obtained. It is given to prevent death or further injury, to counteract shock, and to relieve pain. Certain conditions, such as severe bleeding, or asphyxiation, require immediate treatment if the patient is to survive. In such cases, even a few seconds’ delay might mean the difference between life and death. However, the treatment of most injuries or other medical emergencies may be safely postponed for a few minutes required to locate a crewmember skilled in first aid, or to locate suitable medical supplies and equipment.

All crewmembers should be prepared to administer first aid. They should have sufficient knowledge of first aid to be able to apply true emergency measures and decide when treatment can be safely delayed until more skilled personnel arrive. Those not properly trained must recognize their limitations. Procedures and techniques beyond the rescuer’s ability should not be attempted. More harm than good might result.



On finding a casualty:

· Look to your own safety: do not become the next casualty;

· If necessary, remove the casualty from danger or remove danger from the casualty. If there is only one unconscious or bleeding casualty (irrespective of the total number of casualties), give immediate treatment to that casualty only, and then send for help.

If there more than one unconscious or bleeding casualty:

· Send for help;

· Then start giving appropriate treatment to the worst casualty in the following order of priority: severe bleeding; stopped breathing/heart; unconsciousness.


General principles of first aid aboard ship

First aid must be administered immediately to: restore breathing and heart-beat, control bleeding, remove poisons, prevent further injury to the patient (for instance, his removal from a room containing carbon monoxide or smoke).

A rapid, emergency evaluation of the patient should be made immediately at the scene of the injury to determine the type and extent of the trauma. Because every second may count, only the essential pieces of the patient's clothing should be removed.

In the case of an injured limb, get the sound limb out of the clothing first, and then peel the clothes off the injured limb. If necessary, cut clothes to expose the injured part.

Keep workers from crowding round.

The patient's pulse should be taken. If it cannot be felt at the wrist, it should be felt at the carotid artery at the side of the neck. If there is no pulse, heart compression and artificial respiration must be started. The patient should be treated for shock if the pulse is weak and rapid, or the skin pale, cold, and possibly moist, with an increased rate of shallow, irregular breathing. Remember that shock can be a great danger to life, and its prevention is one of the main objectives of first aid.

The patient should be kept in the position that best provides relief from his injuries. Usually this is a lying-down position, which increases circulation of the blood to the head.

The patient should be observed for type of breathing and possible bleeding. If he is not breathing, mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose artificial respiration must be given.

Severe bleeding must be controlled.

During this time, the patient, if conscious, should be reassured and told that all possible help is being given. The rescuer should ask about the location of any painful areas.

The patient should be kept in a lying-down position and moved only when absolutely necessary. The general appearance of the patient should be observed, including any signs and symptoms that may indicate a specific injury or illness.

The patient should not be moved if injuries of the neck or spine are suspected. Fractures should be splinted before moving a patient. No attempt should be made to set a fracture.

Wounds and most burns should be covered to prevent infection.

Once life-saving measures have been started or deemed not necessary, the patient should be examined more thoroughly for other injuries. The patient should be covered to prevent loss of body heat. If necessary, protect him also from heat, remembering that in the tropics, the open steel deck on which he may be lying will usually be very hot. The patient should not be given alcohol in any form. Never underestimate and do not treat as minor injuries: unconsciousness; suspected internal bleeding; stab or puncture wounds; wounds near joints; possible fractures; eye injuries.

Note. Never consider anyone to be dead, until you and others agree that: no pulse can be felt, and no sounds are heard when the examiner's ear is put to the chest; breathing has stopped; the eyes are glazed and sunken; there is progressive cooling of the body (this may not apply if the surrounding air temperature is close to normal body temperature).


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