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Do a crossword. What is hidden on the vertical highlighted line?

1. To change after coming into contact with another substance.
2. A device that can react to light, heat, pressure, etc.
3. Not interesting at all, dull.
4. The usual order of things; when you do something regularly.
5. The ability to recognize the flavour of food or drink.
6. A tool or piece of equipment.
7. The ability to feel things by putting your hands or fingers on them.
8. You leave it for a person if he is not at home and you have some information for him.


Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with one suitable word from the box below.

  instructions information react routine dangerous sensors save devices messages handle  
1. Terminator – is a kind of ………… machines.
2. Different mechanical ……… are widely used in industry.
3. Sensors usually give ……… to the computer.
4. Computers understand information from ……… .
5. Information is delivered to the computer with the help of coded ……… .
6. Computer systems give ……… to robots.
7. The aim of different devices is to ……… people.
8. The process of doing one and the same thing is called ‘………’ .
9. Robots ……… radioactive materials instead of people.
10. Robots can ……… to the environment.


Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. Give the idea but not a word for word translation.


1. I’ve got a cold and I’ve lost my sense of smell.
2. Dogs have an acute sense of hearing.
3. Robots may have the same senses as people.
4. Nowadays robots help people to manufacture goods.
5. Robot is a very useful device.
6. A device like a robotic arm helps people to save their time and body.
7. Nowadays different electrical and mechanical devices are very important in our life.
8. What kind of device would you like to invent?
9. The sensor of sight is not working in this robot.
10. This robot should be repaired because its sensors are out of order.
11. This piece of equipment has sensor buttons.
12. This mobile has got a sensor type of screen.
13. If the Top Engineer is out, I’ll leave a message for him.
14. The computer system understood the message and gave instructions to the robot immediately.
15. People and robots have a lot in common.
16. Robots can’t feel and think like people.
17. Sensors should react quickly to the environment and send messages to a computer system.
18. A new generation of robots has just been designed by Japanese engineers.
19. Robotics is the usage of robots in manufacturing process.
20. Robots can handle radioactive materials.


Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this module with the help of



Part II


Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

factory machine idea types robot industrial introduce repetitive letter introduced

There is no one definition of robot which satisfies everyone. So, many people have their own definitions. For example, Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer in (1) __________ robotics, once remarked: "I can't define a robot, but I know one when I see one." According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a robot is "any automatically operated (2) __________ that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner". Merriam-Webster describes a (3) __________ as a "machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being", or a "device that automatically performs complicated and often (4) _________ tasks", or a "mechanism guided by automatic controls".

The word robot was introduced to the public by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), published in 1920. The play begins in a (5) __________ that makes artificial people called robots. They can plainly think for themselves, though they seem happy to serve. The main (6) __________ of the play is whether the robots are being exploited and the consequences of their treatment.

However, Karel Čapek himself did not (7) __________ the word. He wrote a short (8) __________ in reference to an etymology in the Oxford English Dictionary in which he named his brother, the painter and writer Josef Čapek, as its actual originator. In an article in the Czech journal Lidové noviny in 1933, he explained that he had originally wanted to call the creatures laboři ("workers", from Latin labor). However, he did not like the word, and sought advice from his brother Josef, who suggested "roboti". The word robota means literally "work", "labor" or "serf labor", and figuratively "drudgery" or "hard work" in Czech and many Slavic languages. Traditionally the robota was the work period a serf (corvee) had to give for his lord, typically 6 months of the year. Serfdom was outlawed in 1848 in Bohemia, so at the time Čapek wrote R.U.R., usage of the term robota had broadened to include various (9) __________ of work.

The word robotics, used to describe the study of robots, was (10) __________ by the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.


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