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I. Ask five questions to the text using the question words.

1) How much __________________________?

2) Who _______________________________?

3) How many __________________________?

4) Where ______________________________?

5) What _______________________________?

II. Choose the correct answer.


1) There are ... levels of financing of education in the USA.

a) two b) three c) four


2) Board of Education is elected every ... years.

a) two b) three c) four


3) Every resident pays ... to the school district he/she lives in.

a) salary b) tutition fee c) a school tax


4) School education in the United States is ...

a) not free b) free c) expensive


5) Parents are ... to choose a school for their children.

a) not free b) free c) not able


6) Children start going to school at the age of ...

a) five b) six c) seven


7) A ninth grader is called ...

a) a Freshman b) a Sophomore c) a Junior


8) The completion of high school is called ...

a) starting b) graduation c) finishing


9) ... are points given for every subject that is passed successfully.

a) marks b) points c) credits


10) At least 10% of high school students are allowed to finish school at the age of 16.

a) 10% b) 30% c) 60%


III. Translate such sentences into Ukrainian.


1) There are three levels of financing of education: federal, state and local.

2) Members of school boards perform their responsibilities on a volunteer basis that means they do not get any salaries.

3) There is no home education in the United States.

4) Teenagers study at high school four years and graduate from it at the age of eighteen.

5) In order to graduate, students must accumulate a certain amount of credits during their four years at school.

6) U.S. colleges and universities offer a wide variety of programs ranging from highly academic courses to very practical ones.

IV. Translate such words and word-combinations into English.

Освітня система, федеральний рівень, шкільний округ, жителі, неважливо, не має значення, шкільний податок, переважно, зобов’язаний відвідувати школу, необхідні умови, у віці 18 років, першокурсник, другокурсник, старшокурсник, певна кількість кредитів, на додаток, які вимагаються державою, місцева освітня влада, широка кількість програм, дослідницька робота.


Lesson 3. System of education in Canada, Australia and New Zealand


I.Study the vocabulary.

  1. certainдеякий, певний (якийсь)
  2. local authorities – місцева влада
  3. junior high school – середні класи
  4. vocational school – професійне училище
  5. commercial high school – комерційна школа
  6. public support – суспільна допомога
  7. admission – прийом
  8. tutition – навчання
  9. fee – плата
  10. non-university institutions – установи не університетського типу
  11. applied art – гуманітарні науки
  12. strict – суворий, вимогливий
  13. curricula – програма (шкільна)
  14. free of charge – безкоштовно
  15. irrespective – незалежно
  16. abilities – здібності
  17. voluntary dotation – благодійний внесок
  18. parental contribution – батьківський внесок
  19. available – доступний, наявний
  20. permission – дозвіл
  21. remain – залишатися
  22. gain – здобувати, діставати

II. Read the proper names using their phonetic spelling.

Canada [΄kænәdә]

Newfoundland [΄nju:΄faundlænd]

Ontario [on΄tεərıəυ]

Catholic [΄kæθəlık]

Australia [οs΄treıljә]

New Zealand [΄nju:΄zı:lәnd]

Auckland [΄o:klәnd]


III. Find the sentences in the text where the names listed above occur and read them. Train yourself in pronouncing the proper names.

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