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III. Read and translate the text.

The system of higher education is presented by universities, polytechnic institutes or specialized institutes. Universities offer1 a five-year course of study and usually have from six to twelve departments. Institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture, economy and science. Most of them have been conferred2 the status of Academy or University recently.

Ukrainian students may enroll3 in day-time departments, or in evening or correspondence departments while working at the same time. Nearly 50% of students combine studies and work. Students are also offered post-graduate education4 and scientific research work. Nowadays due to the state of our national economy not many young people are engaged in the research work. But still in some fields of sciences there are outstanding discoveries and research papers.

Some universities and institutes have refresher courses5. Recently a great number of private educational establishments have appeared. Some institutions have fee-paying groups or departments. The students may get education there at the same high level as in the state institutions.

There are many old and new universities in Ukraine. The most famous among them are Universities in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa and Kharkiv. The Kyiv Shevchenko State University is proud of its long-standing traditions. It was opened in 1834.



I. Finish the sentences from the text.

1) The system of higher education is presented by__________________.

2) Universities usually have from six to twelve ____________________.

3) Institutes train specialists for________________________________.

4) ____ have been conferred the status of Academy or University recently.

5) Ukrainian students may enroll in _____________________________.

6) _________________________ of students combine studies and work.

7) Nowadays _________ not many young people are engaged in the research work.

8) Some universities and institutes have refresher courses.


II. Answer the questions to the text.

1) What is the system of higher education presented by?

2) How many departments usually have universities?

3) How many per cent of students combine studies and work?

4) What establishments have refresher courses?

5) What are the most famous universities in Ukraine?

6) When was the Kyiv Shevchenko State University opened?

III. Match the following words.

1) to be enrolled A) заочний відділ
2) a five-year course of study B) освітній заклад
3) correspondence department C) бути зарахованим
4) post-graduate education D) науково-дослідна праця
5) scientific research work E) п’ятирічний термін навчання
6) educational establishment F) післядипломна освіта
7) high level G) представлений
8) is presented H) високий рівень

Quiz time

This book tells you about the English-speaking countries. Try this quiz to test the knowledge you’ve got.

When did these things happen? Choose the correct date for each one.

1) Eton school was founded a) in 1834
2) The Kyiv Shevchenko State University was opened b) in 1440


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