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For students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher

Theme: Work of an In-patient Department

Lexics:Words and word combinations of the theme

Grammar:Present Participle


Didactic aims:to form the following competence in students:


· communicative component:

to form and to develop the students’ skills on discussing the content of the theme and dialogical speech

Urgency of the theme:

Medical students must know the importance of theme “Work of an In-patient Department” studying, because in their future professional activity as physician they will observe and treat the sick persons.


1. “Essential English for medical students”, A.M. Maslova, Z.I. Winestein,

L.S. Plebeyskaya, M.-2003.

2. “Grammar in use” for intermediate students R. Murfhy, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

3. “Vocabulary in use”, Intermediate, Stuart Redman with Ellen Shaw, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

4. “Test your Professional English”, Alison Pohl, Series editor:Nick Brieder, 2003.


a) to enlarge students’ knowledge in the given theme for developing practical skills in commenting and giving their opinion

b) to develop students’ skills on monological and dialogical speech on the given theme by using new lexics and grammar

Consolidation of the text – 20 min.


Speaking and reading

Read and translate the word combinations are given below.


Look at the pictures and write down the corresponding phrases.

1_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 2_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 3_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
4_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 5_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 6_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
7_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 8_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 9_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
10_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 11_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ 12_____________________ ______________________ ______________________

Make a mini monologue using these words (your monologue should be about the work with the patient)


Listening 5 min.

Listen to the text paying attention to pronunciation of words (audio-cassette)

Writing 15 min.

Vocabulary and grammar tasks

Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke ..... through the roof of one of the houses.

a) coming

b) come

c) having come

Bitterly ..... , the explorers set out on the return journey.

a) disappointed

b) being disappointed

c) having been disappointed

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