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From equations to hardware.

Advances in VLSI technology make it possible to realize systems of very high complexity in a small volume of hardware using integration. In many application fields, it is necessary to implement certain algorithms, or even complete information processing systems, directly in silicon. Application domains which are likely to benefit are in the fields of signal processing and scientific computing, with applications to telecommunications, medical imaging, speech processing, image analysis and compression, radar and sonar, etc.

The design of an application specific architecture is a long and difficult task, which spans many different steps, ranging from functional specification, simulation, to chip partitioning design and assembly, making use of different techniques and tools.

The main goal of the design process can be started simply: to try to obtain a VLSI system which meets the performance and specification requirements of the project, at as low a cost as possible. To reach this, several major goals must be reached:

  • The system must be safe and reliable. This means that the functional behavior of the system should be correct, and if possible, proved to be correct.
  • The design time should be as short as possible. Indeed, the cost of the total system depends heavily on this parameter, not only because manpower is costly, but also since short time-to-market is a crucial factor of success especially when the technology is changing so fast.
  • The system must be efficient, i.e. optimal in hardware cost and speed. In fact, the goal is most often to reach a system which just meets some given speed requirement, while minimizing real-estate in term of silicon.

Вариант 7.

Задание 1. Измените число существительных с единственного на множественное и внесите соответствующие изменения в остальные члены предложений.

1. The delivery will be delayed for approximately 5 days.

2. The firm did not pay duty in time.

3. This is a star.

4. That is plate.

5. This room is very large.

6. My pen is in my pocket.

Задание 2. Измените форму прилагательных, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. This piece of homework is (bad) than your last one.

2. This piece of homework is (bad) you have ever done.

3. Richard is not as (tall) as Tom.

4. Tom is (tall) than Richard.

5. Tom is the (tall) boy in the class:

6. Athens is (far) from London than Rome is.

Задание 3.Вставьте модальные глаголы may, can, must, need.

1. You ... take my pen.

2. You ... not do such things.

3. ... you speak French?

4. He ... be late.

5. You ... read English books.

6. The brothers ... play chess well.

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. Shone (to play) in the school team this season.

2. How long has your aunt (to be ill)?

3. A young man (to run) out info the street. He (to carry) a strange placard.

4. I (finish) my work this morning.

5. I (write) my exercise before Tom (call) for me.

6. I not (see) him since Wednesday.

Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Вы не забыли отправить открытку?

2. Мы все верим, что это была ошибка.

3. Все любят слушать, как он поет.

4. Я помню, что отправил все ваши письма.

5. Я думаю, вам следовало тогда извиниться перед ними.

6. Я предпочитаю езду на велосипеде путешествию пешком.

Задание 6. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы предложений.

1. We are enjoying ourselves.

2. Each day we go to the museums.

3. Next week we're going to visit some friends.

4. I'm improving my pronunciation.

5. Yesterday we went to the Eiffel Tower.

Задание 7. Задайте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.

1. Fred lived in the suburbs of a small town.

2. They had moved to a big house his father had built.

3. I like to watch the ducks and swans.

4. The magnolia trees were in bloom.

5. The girl was sitting on a bench.

Задание 8. Задайте общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к каждому предложению.

1. There was a wonderful smell in the air.

2. She was looking into the water.

3. I'll show you the slides of Paris.

4. She just got her driver's license.

5. Alison is saving money for college.

Задание 9. Переведите текст на русский язык.

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