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Purpose of the study

As mentioned earlier, a large number of studies had taken into account the interaction between language learning strategies and different psychological traits and learner variables. To the researcher’s best knowledge, however, no study has been conducted to date to investigate the role of social and cultural capital in students’ language learning strategies. Thus, in this paper the researcher tried to explore the role of social and cultural capital dimensions in language learning strategies with regards to students majoring in English as a Foreign Language. This research, therefore, was conducted to find out answers to the following questions:

Q1: Do social and cultural capitals play any role in EFL learners’ language learning strategies?

Q2: What are the predictors of social and cultural capital in students’ language learning strategies?


In line with aforementioned studies, this study revealed that social and cultural capitals played a significant role in EFL learners’ language learning strategies and three subscales of social and cultural capital could predict students’ language learning strategies. As it might seem for some people, it is not difficult to strengthen students' social and cultural capital. Since, social and cultural capital plays a crucial role in the improvement of learners’ academic achievement and language proficiency, it should not be taken for granted by the authorities in different areas of language teaching (Pishghadam and Zabihi, 2011a). Therefore,

not paying enough attention to social and cultural capital, in turn, may result in EFL students' inability to obtain excellence in academic achievement. Other researchers are thus recommended to find other ways of understanding why some learners learn and use language better than others. The present study contributed to fill this gap by examining the role of socio-cultural contexts in the development of language learning and use strategies; yet it does not provide us with a comprehensive discussion of how language learning and use strategies can be developed. Other investigations are needed to study other factors that can help parents, teachers, course designers, curriculum developers and material writers review and improve their procedures and endeavors in the process of language learning and use strategies.


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Source: International Journal of Linguistics, ISSN 1948-5425, 2012, Vol. 4, No. 2 387 www.macrothink.org/ijl

Received: March 14, 2012 Accepted: April 5, 2012 Published: June 1, 2012

doi:10.5296/ijl.v4i2.1516 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ijl.v4i2.1516

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