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1. http://gooddy.net/articles/2.php

2. http://otherreferats.allbest.ru/geography/00128726_0.html

3. http://ru-world.net/velikobritaniya-gosudarstvennoe-ustrojstvo-i-politicheskaya-sistema/

4. http://www.ukr-tur.narod.ru/turizm/spysok/anglia/gospvelykobr/gospvelykobrty.htm

5. http://mirsovetov.ru/a/travels/travel-excursion/london.html

6. http://svit.ukrinform.ua/Britain/britain.php?menu=default

7. http://study-work.com.ua/articles/4/

8. http://znaimo.com.ua

9. http://knowledge.allbest.ru/pedagogics/2c0b65635a3bc68a5c43a89421316d37_0.html

10. http://www.centre-yes.com.ua/index.php/best-study

11. http://www.wbw.com.ua/ua/country/england/england_about.html

12. http://knowledge.allbest.ru/journalism/3c0a65625b3bd78b5d43b89521306c27_0.html

13. http://www.bibliotekar.ru/Iskuss1/47.htm

14. http://www.coolreferat.com



Додаток №8.


Студенти заздалегідь отримали завдання і демонструють комп’ютерні презентації про звичаї та свята Великобританії.

Group 1


Halloween comes on October, 31. It is not a national holiday. Halloween is the evening before All Saint’s Day. American children dress up in Halloween costumes and go out on the streets to beg. They often wear masks. They go from house to house and say: “Trick or treat!”. People give them candy, cookies, apples. The most common trick is soaping the window. The children scrape out a pumpkin and cut the outlines of eyes, nose, and mouth. They light a candle inside to scare their friends.


Group 2


Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. People of different countries celebrate Christmas in various ways. Christmas is a time for eating. The traditional food is turkey, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding made of fruit. Candles at Christmas also go back to those times. People believed then that their light helped them to forget the darkness of winter. The children are decorating the Christmas tree with baubles, and colored lights. The house is decorate with holly and mistletoe under which the boys kiss the girls.


Group 3

New Year

In Britain the New Year is not as widely celebrated as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at usual time. Others, however, do celebrate it in one way or another. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party.

There is a funny tradition connected with the New Year: The First Foot. This is the first visitor to enter a house on morning. He is a person of great importance. The First Foot must be a man because it is believed that if a woman first sets foot in the house, bad luck will follow throughout the year.



Group 4

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