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Exercise 7. Read the statements. Which of them are mentioned in the text?

1. Scientific research about diet and health usually gives us helpful information.

2. Reading food labels has made us better informed, healthier consumers.

3. We don't need experts to tell us what to eat.

4. A lot of food found in a supermarket is not "real food."

5. The purpose of eating is mainly for health and nutrition.

6. An urban garden is an old tradition that works well in modern cities


Exercise 8. According to the reading, which question is difficult for many people to answer today?

a. Why do some people have a healthier diet than others?

b. How does our diet affect our health and behavior?

c. Which are the healthiest foods to eat?

Exercise 9. As you know health depends on good and bad habits. People should avoid bad habits to be healthy. Write a short essay «Bad eating Habits».


Exercise 10. Write what you usually eat every day in the “food eaten” column. Talk about whether you will change to this healthier replacement.


Mid-morning snack      
Afternoon snack      
Evening snack      

$ Give the right variant:

1.Find the word which is closer in meaning to “adolescence”

a) fellow

b) teenager

c) adult

d) monk

2. This ten-year period is a time when “girls put … a lot of weight”.

a) up

b) on

c) in

d) with

3. Cereals contain ….. levels of calcium and fiber and ….. levels of fat and cholesterol.

a) high/low

b) low/high

c) high/high

d) low/low

4.The conclusion of the findings was that teenage girls …. ate cereal for breakfast three times a week.

a) which

b) who

c) whom

d) that


fiber [faibə] состав құрам
nutrient [nju:triənt] питательное вещество нәрлі заттар
fatty acids[‘fæti] [‘ æsids] жирные кислоты майлы ащылықтар
pills [pilz] таблетки таблеткалар
adolescenсe [ædo' lesəns] юность жас
slim [slim] стройный, худой пішінді
nutritional [nju: 'triʃənəl] питательный нәрлі
intake ['inteik] поглощение қылғуғу
weight [weit] вес салмақ
Office hours

- Read the poem with proper intonation and stress “Galway Kinnell. Blackberry Eating” [Part III, p.204.], learn it by heart.


- Read and translate the text for specific purpose “The profit and loss account”, “The Cadaster and Land Tenure”[Part III, p. 224].



1. Sean Benvill. “1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers”. New York, 2005;

2. Clive Oxeden, Christiana Latham-Koeing. New English File. Advanced. Oxford University Press, 2010;

3. Felicity O’Dell, Annie Broadhead. Objective Student’s book. Cambridge University Press, 2008;


4. Wikipedia;

5. www.thewildwest.org/native-american

6. www.uraedu.ru

7 .http://pages.shanti.virginia.edu/bibsoc


HAND-OUT № 150 Discipline: English as a foreign languageCredits: 2 Advanced LevelPractical lesson Lexical theme: Sport in America Grammatical theme: Agents and objects with the passivesAssistant professor Akbalaeva Zh. K.
Warm up Explain the following proverbs:He that laughs when he is alone will make sport in company.The strong man's sport is the sickly man's death.What is sport to the cat is death to the mouse. GRAMMAR COMMENT: Agents and objects with the passives
In most passive sentences we are not interested in who or what performs the action. In fact, only 20% of passive sentences mention the agent: That window has been broken again. Verbs with two objects have two passives: They gave the award to an unknown actress (active).The award was given…(passive) and An unknown actress was given…(passive) Suggest/explain can’t change indirect object to subject(He was explained…-wrong.;)… was explained to him-correct We use preposition to before the personal object. Sometimes for.We can use some verbs (allow, ask, cause, forgive, deny), without a preposition.

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