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Task 1. Discuss the following proverb and give your situation to it (Time for preparation -3min.

Time for answer -1min.)

If you will learn news, you must go to the oven or the mill.

Task 2. Speak on the given topic (Time for preparation -4 min. Time for answer -2min.)

Dead news, like dead love, has no phoenix in its ashes.

READING (10 min.)

Task 1. Read the first passage of the text. Translate orally the second passage. (Time for preparation – 5 min. Time for answer – 2 min.)

Brain injuries

Concussions are brain injuries that occur when a person receives a blow to the head, face, or neck. Although most people who suffer a concussion experience initial bouts of dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness, these symptoms often disappear after a few days. The long-term effects of concussions, however, are less understood and far more severe. Recent studies suggest that people who suffer multiple concussions are at significant risk for developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disorder that causes a variety of dangerous mental and emotional problems to arise weeks, months, or even years after the initial injury. These psychological problems can include depression, anxiety, memory loss, inability to concentrate, and aggression. In extreme cases, people suffering from CTE have even committed suicide or homicide. The majority of people who develop these issues are athletes who participate in popular high-impact sports, especially football. Although new sports regulations and improvements in helmet technology can help protect players, amateur leagues, the sports media, and fans all bear some of the responsibility for reducing the incidence of these devastating injuries.

Improvements in diagnostic technology have provided substantial evidence to link severe—and often fatal—psychological disorders to the head injuries that players receive while on the field. Recent autopsies performed on the brains of football players who have committed suicide have shown advanced cases of CTE in every single victim.

Task 2

Write suitable heading to each passage. (Time for preparation – 4 min. Time for answer – 2 min.)

WRITING (10 min.)

Task 1. Write a short opinion essay on the topic (100 words). (Time for preparation -8 min. Time for answer -2min.):

The most useful program of Kazakhstani television.


Card # 21

LISTENING (10 min.)

Task 1.

Exercise 3. You will hear two friends, Tim and Wendy, giving their views on climate change..] 2 min. and give T(true) and F (False) answers. (Time for listening – 2 min., time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 1 min).

6. Tim says if the world’s warming up, we’ll have better holidays    
7. There’s evidence that global warming is a fact    
8. We’re not reducing our greenhouse gas emissions    
9. Tim thinks that storms are a natural phenomenon    
10. Wendy thinks that people might be able to slow global warming down    

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