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Task 2. Retell the main idea of the listened text. Which aspects of climate change each speaker mentions? (Time for preparation-2 min., time for answering - 2 min.).

SPEAKING (10 min.)

Task 1. Discuss the following questions. (Time for preparation – 3 min. Time for answer – 1 min.)

6. What can you tell about favorite holiday in Kazakhstan?

7. Do you find some Kazakh customs and holidays special? Why (not)?

8. What questions can you ask a Kazakh teenager about good manners of their country?

9. What national souvenirs will you recommend a tourist to buy in Kazakhstan?

10. Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries. What do you think about it?

Task 2. (Time for preparation – 4 min. Time for answer – 2 min.):Speak on a given topic.

Do you think "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is always good advice? Why or why not? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to "do as the Romans do"?

READING (10 min.)

Task 1. Read the text and translate the 2d paragraph of the text. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 2 min.).


Governments are becoming increasingly concerned now about the impact of air travel on the environment, and politicians are under pressure from environmental groups to stop the growth in low-cost flights. Air travel is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gases, and flights are on course to double by 2020 and triple by 2030. Emissions from aircraft, principally carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and water vapour, contribute in part to the effect of global warming. If aviation continues expanding at the same rate as it has done in the previous years, it will become the main source of CO2 emissions by the middle of the century.

Plans to halt the increase in air travel include introducing a tax of jet fuel, selling permits to airlines to cover their output of carbon dioxide, and stopping the expansion of existing airports.. It looks like the days of a cheap weekend break in Venice could be over. In response to these proposals, airlines insist that the impact of aviation on the environment is not sufficiently understood to justify introducing such drastic measures.

The European parliament is at present debating the environmental impact of air travel, and politicians are drawing up plans for a scheme to cover all flights arriving at or departing from all airports in the European Union. However the scheme is likely to be limited in the early years to flights within Europe in order to avoid legal challenges from the USA and other countries. As the years go by it is becoming clear that it is only governments who will be paying the price of reducing global warming. In the future individuals will be encouraged to either stay at home or contribute to the bill.

Task 2. Give the right heading to each paragraph. (Time for preparation- 2 min., time for answering- 1 min.).


WRITING (10 min.)

Task 1 Write an essay. (100 words). (Time for preparation – 7 min. time for answer – 2 min.)The symbolism of the cradle in Kazakh tradition


Card # 22

LISTENING (10 min.)

Task 1. You are going to listen to a text that refers to one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Suggest what you think might be on the list and why they would deserve to be there and give T(true) and F (False) answers. (Time for listening -2 min., time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 1 min).

Cairns is on the Great Barrier Reef.    
It takes 45 minutes to fly to Green Island from Cairns.    
Great Adventures is the name of a travel company.    
The pontoon is a kind of underwater capsule.    
Green Island is 100 years old.    

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